Splatoon 2 Tenta Brella Discussion+ability recommendations: Get your camp on!

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
@chubbypickle Triggered

I actually kinda agree with ya, this weapon is hard to get a handle on, and it's pretty new to everyone.
When I see an opponent tenta bella, my first thought is
"Mmmmm, fresh meat!" see also* when I realize the opponent charger is a newbie charger
If your aim is off (losing your 1hko threat), if you don't position yourself smartly enough for your brella to absorb the opponent's attention,
if you push at the wrong time (aka: when yoou are alone, most of the time), AND your teammates don't know how to capitalize on distracted enemies(and notice when you are distracting them) you have a
vera hard time

TLDR: high skill floor and a weapon none of us have ever seen/played until two weeks ago =

Also, I earned a shine with tenta brella and then lost it after a few matches so ;P

I finally decided to update some gear recommendations into the OP
added main saver, special power up, and object shredder. Need to start expanding my ability horizons and test out run speed(dat patch tho 0.o) and all the other stuff except ninja squid, I refuse to use ninja squid on a heavy weapon. (someone else test it if you like)

ALSO also, if anyone one has any additions to add to ability recommendations, ping me!
(Please include your splat net stats with tenta brella if possible, mainly I just want some proof you've played enough tenta brella to have a substantial basis for a thought out opinion)

As much as I like to think I am the ultimate tenta brella sage
I am not, slap me with some new perspective. '3'
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Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Even after the patch I feel as though the weapon is too slow. Getting better though, I have to admit. But I still don't think I can take the Tenta Brella as a credible threat just yet. As much as I love this weapon class, I think this one will have to keep collecting dust next to my Aerosprays.


Jul 28, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Even after the patch I feel as though the weapon is too slow. Getting better though, I have to admit. But I still don't think I can take the Tenta Brella as a credible threat just yet. As much as I love this weapon class, I think this one will have to keep collecting dust next to my Aerosprays.
I have to agree with you there. I’ve been using it a bit since the patch, and while it definitely feels better to use now, I still don’t know if the value it brings is that useful in the current meta. Everything is just so fast, and weapons that are more flexible in their options I find tend to do better. The tenta is simply to slow for how we play rn imo.

On the other hand the regular Brella has been producing outstanding results for me since 1.4. I loved using it before the patch and could do well with it often, but the inconsistency in hit registration and shield opening time was making me perform worse. Now with the buffs I can defend myself with ease and it no longer feels like my shots “tickle” foes, it just hits now.
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Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
I've been all over the place with my play since 1.4 dropped so I haven't had a chance to take the Splat Brella into a match. Though if what I have been seeing and what you are saying is correct, then the Splat Brella actually has a bit of a place in the meta now! These are exciting times! I can't wait to see how things change in the future!


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
apparently this is a thing.

Bug? -or- Naw?

Naw, it's definitely a bug imo
It's more of an exploit than a bug/glitch. The game sends/receives data too slowly to register everything that's happening in the sequence of Shooting/Shielding/Endlags between Shooting and Shielding
Same goes for the flick at the end, it's the same kind of deal for those deaths where the sniper's laser wasn't on you.
Splatoon 2's extremely slow tick rate is mostly responsible for that. Lag/Latency will only make this ''tech'' easier

EDIT: It was actually a bug an it got fixed with 1.4.1 that happened tonight
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Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
So disappointing they patched it so fast!

I was having so much fun the past few days abusively exploiting that bug with both brellas. If anyone needs me, I'll be off moping in the corner like some angsty teen... (///_-)

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
Cheer up, Ansible. There will always be new things to exploit to make the other squids cry like someone who cries a lot! No, I refuse to give you a Mighty Number 9 reference!


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
Haha, I did something like that with the tenta brella by accident. I figured it must have been a glitch because of how slow the weapon is otherwise.

But dang, I was sure I would lose an exchange, because my teammate abandoned me as i was shielding against a rapidfire opponent. But then I just. Fired as soon as I put the brella down.

I was in awe for the rest of the match.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
I would love to have tried that out for myself, but I have been working extra lately and when I have been playing I've been using the Forge. I can see why they patched that out though. Kinda makes it a one sided match if your enemy can't damage you but you can damage them.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016

It's been awhile, my jack of all trades-ness has taken me here and there, heavy decos and goo tubers and what have you
Namely, a lot of NOT tenta brella weapons.

BUT I've still been playing Tenta brella(and splat brella) the most out of any weapons I've been playing recently,
and I'm feeling good about adding some new stuff myself(still on the lookout for other tenta brella players out there who want to contribute >,>) I've been playing tenta brella to a similar fashion as my splat 1 dynamo play: aggresive turf claimer. Namely raining down ink, shoving out the opponents with the blankets of goo that the tent shoots out, and splatting those who dare get within it's 1hko range...
Anyways, without further rambling

:ability_inksavermain: Already on the OP, I know. But I want to update and say that going below 18-20 points (6 subs to 2 mains) really detracts with the somewhat successful playstyle I've adopted with ol' Tenty: INK SUPPORT! with a dash of shield support via your brella and bubbles.
I've yet to test going any higher than 2 mains, however. The thought of diminishing returns is discouraging.

Sub Power up
just update to say I have no update, still hard to fit it into my builds, and not all maps favor Beakons so...

:ability_runspeed: feels GREAT now with patch 1.4
The added slide-ability when strafe firing is a Judd-send for such a slow weapon.
I have not yet tested beyond 19 points (1 main + 3 subs) of run speed, but this alone makes movement between shots moveable enough to make you a harder target to aim at for the few moments your opponents have to retaliate when you emerge from the ink to send them back, defeated, goopy and salty, to their respawn. Not a must use, but definitely a must try in my book.

Update on Special power up
After a bit of trying this one out with only 3 subs(instead of my previous 1 main 3 subs), my bubble blower still feels just as powerful, if not more-so. Of course, I've now had more practice with it and not just throwing it willy nilly all the time, so I'll give this ability a rating of "should try". Not a must try, but the added shielding radius and explosion radius is still quite good on the more open maps like Starfish Mainstage and The Reef,
and it is a boat of a good time spawning gigantic bubbles!

Next on my list to try out is bomb defense up. I've already been caught in a few situations where I commited to a position, but got punished by a bomb rush's splash damage, and I might have been able to pull of a super tank play if I'd have lived through those bomb rushes.
We'll see =P

PS: Tenta still needs a bit of a shield deploy buff imo(maybe a damage buff again too, but my aim sucks sometimes so '3' ).
I have decent success in RM and SZ (GREAT success if my aim is actually on point)
But I still refuse to even touch TC again with tent, as riding the tower is... kinda lackluster, to put it mildly.
If you're commited to the brella class weapons, just use splat brella for TC, trust me. You'll have a much better time.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
It's nice to see that there are some dedicated Tenta Brella players out there still refining the use of this weapon and making it work for them. It's players like this that bring out the best in the community! I may not necessarily agree with the notion of the Tenta Brella being all that viable, but far be it from me to say that no one should use it. And if you can pick it up and do well with it, outside of Salmon Run, then my hats off to you!


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Okay, I had a lot of time to practice with the weapon during Splatfest, so here are my thoughts:


Add a main of Ink Saver Main at all times. Period.
Have Swim Speed Up. The Tenta Brella is a heavy weapon, so it gets a speed debuff. You'd really want your speed back to strafe around opponents.
Basically everything that @Green Waffles said.

Buffs & Nerfs

Make the Brella Opening quicker by 1/6 of a second. To many times I opened the brella, but the hitbox wasn't open and I died.
Remove the start lag when firing the Brella.

That's about it. I would've made the end lag of the Brella Opening faster, but I didn't want to make Tenta Brella OP. It is a very moderate weapon, but it gets out classed by the faster shooter weapons like Splattershot and Sploosh-O-Matic.


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
What do y’all think about the buffs for the Tent?


Look Behind You
Oct 3, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I was kinda skeptical at first that the Tent launches almost immediately, but I think it’s good, since it lets you use the shotgun with the wall in the middle of a situation.

The ink consumption is improved, which is always nice. Less running out of ink is always better.

The lifespan of the brella is shorter, but still decent, so you can’t hide behind your wall forever, but still long enough for most situations. Plus, you can spam the brella much more often now, since it respawns quicker.

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
The buffs to the ol' tent give it a much needed boost where it matters. Shield deployment. This makes the weapon a good deal stronger in sticky situations. It also gives the weapon an identity of it's own. Before it was just the Splat Brella's really slow cousin from Delaware. Putting a greater emphasis on that ginormous shield that it has gives it much more unique strategy and usage. I might even be willing to try it again!


Mar 10, 2009
Hello! I've been maining Tenta Brella since it was released and just found Squidboards, so I have a couple of comments.

1. The biggest buff I want to the Tenta Brella is for them to make any bombs thrown onto the shield ONLY damage the shield. I've had this happen numerous times and it's irritating every time:

I really don't feel that the shield should be a liability, and I shouldn't get punished with instant death for using a core element of my weapon, particularly one that's supposed to protect me.
Aside from that, I don't think it really needs anything else.

2. Ninja Squid could use a mention in the abilities section. It makes you move at like 5 MPH (with a Run Speed Up pure, I feel like I run at ALMOST the same speed that I swim), but it's much easier to get in range and calmly hit the 1-shot when they can't see you moving.

3. The change in the canopy launch speed was actually incredible, but people kept telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm really glad to see that y'all think it was great too! ;_;


Inkling Cadet
Aug 31, 2016
Hello! I've been maining Tenta Brella since it was released and just found Squidboards, so I have a couple of comments.

1. The biggest buff I want to the Tenta Brella is for them to make any bombs thrown onto the shield ONLY damage the shield. I've had this happen numerous times and it's irritating every time:

I really don't feel that the shield should be a liability, and I shouldn't get punished with instant death for using a core element of my weapon, particularly one that's supposed to protect me.
Aside from that, I don't think it really needs anything else.

2. Ninja Squid could use a mention in the abilities section. It makes you move at like 5 MPH (with a Run Speed Up pure, I feel like I run at ALMOST the same speed that I swim), but it's much easier to get in range and calmly hit the 1-shot when they can't see you moving.

3. The change in the canopy launch speed was actually incredible, but people kept telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm really glad to see that y'all think it was great too! ;_;
Wow... I never noticed the bomb issue and I've mained the weapon since it launched, that should definitely get fixed.

And I don't know about Ninja Squid. Sure you get a better chance to 1 shot people but that's a -18% swim speed reduction and you can still see the indentations of a person swimming with NS still + Point Sensors completely expose you, so i'd put that as a maybe.

Despite getting numerous buffs (especially really good ones like changing the canopy launch speed) I think all that Tenta really needs now is less frames required to pop up the shield and increase the minimum damage dealt because there's no reason why it has to deal less minimum damage than the Splat Brella when it's supposed to be a stronger alternative and it's harder to get a direct hit with Tenta.


Inkling Commander
Aug 31, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Hello! I've been maining Tenta Brella since it was released and just found Squidboards, so I have a couple of comments.

1. The biggest buff I want to the Tenta Brella is for them to make any bombs thrown onto the shield ONLY damage the shield. I've had this happen numerous times and it's irritating every time:

I really don't feel that the shield should be a liability, and I shouldn't get punished with instant death for using a core element of my weapon, particularly one that's supposed to protect me.
Aside from that, I don't think it really needs anything else.

2. Ninja Squid could use a mention in the abilities section. It makes you move at like 5 MPH (with a Run Speed Up pure, I feel like I run at ALMOST the same speed that I swim), but it's much easier to get in range and calmly hit the 1-shot when they can't see you moving.

3. The change in the canopy launch speed was actually incredible, but people kept telling me that I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm really glad to see that y'all think it was great too! ;_;
The first two did not make any sense. Literally how does the ink bend over backwards onto the inkling? Why Nintendo?

The third one the bomb hit the back of the shield, but I think they should keep that. It's another way to splat brella users quickly when they have their shield out.

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