Ah, I was wondering where this thread was.
I was going out on turf war Blackbelly skatepark yesterday, and did my usual rollout that puts me facing where their halfpipes from their base end (or begin from my perspective), which is usually where I like to set up shop early on so people don't go around us there and so I can also keep an eye to the right of myself and the big cylinder thing, while looking for openings and etcetra. So anyway, I just do my usual shtick there and rack up a few kills and keep us from getting flanked, and then the enemy team starts sending their ENTIRE lineup through there for some reason. So for about the second half of the match, my teammates are off doing something and I'm over here 1 v 4ing the entire enemy team on the choke. And they keep getting rekt over and over and over again until the end of the match, where I have some ridiculous kill score and 0 deaths. Their entire team just kept dying to me over and over. It was a squidicide. And then I went to play squid race to cool down from that epicness.