I just had an absolutely beautiful Turf Wars game on Port Mackerel. I've taken to playing the Krak-On Roller recently just because it's just so fun. At the beginning of the game I did my usual, rolling down one of the side paths(the higher ones that lead to mid), placing a beakon, then rolling on towards the middle. Well, this game, for some reason, one of the paths into their base was completely free - I'm not sure if the enemy team just went around, or if they inked down that path and then left the path, or if they charged into middle and my team slaughtered them - either way, the road to their spawn was free. So I rolled on down it, then rolled down THEIR side path. Then I hid in my ink and waited.
I splatted so many enemies there.
First it was just one at a time - I'm not sure if it was the same one. He'd be shooting on down and I'd pop up and splat him when he came around the corner. Then I'd roll out the area he'd inked and return to my previous hiding spot. Repeat. Once, I killed him while he was taking out my beakon. A sub for a splat? I'll take it! Later, two rushed me, then three. I splatted them all. Then another group of the three of them went after me and I finally fell. I wasn't angry or anything - sort of proud, actually. They had finally learned to defeat the Roller!
Then I checked my map while respawning, and I saw that they had inked the entire side corridor - EXCEPT for a tiny little splotch of orange that held my Beakon.
I superjumped over and rolled down that corridor again, the last time.
The game ended with our win, and me 11 kills with just the one death.