The Bragging Thread


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
It only took me three days of playing ranked to get to S.

Am I the greatest?
You're good, but the guy who got to S+ in 24 hours is better! (I just wanted an excuse to reference Star Wolf)

Do I just not play much? I think that I play a lot but I only have one weapon with 200,000+ and two others with 100,000+ and only four others with 50,000+. Do other people have max points on their weapons? Literally the most points I have is 253,386 on the .96 deco, and I don't use it much any more!
The rest of us are obsessed. You are fine. I am obsessed and insane as I have max turf inked with the H-3 Nozzlenose.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 10, 2016
Speaking of players being credit to team... when I'm the lowest-scoring player on the team, and yet I've inked at least 1000p worth of turf... I can only imagine how well my teammates did. Kinda makes me wish that they showed each player's turf score in Splatfests as well as their K/D ratio.
I think that it is based off of splatfest power, not K/D or turf, because I was last when I scored 700+, but my team was 1800 points when I was 1700. I was also first when my team was 1600 but I was 1700. Just to clarify.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Whoof. Okay! Prior to the Splatfest, my latest experiences in Ranked were either very neutral or awful (read: I took the Sloshing Machine for a spin* and it took four decisive losses for me to call it quits). So after a day of playing TW with just the SM (as I like to use Splatfests as an excuse to work on that weapon), I didn't return to Ranked with the highest prospects. But... my concerns were evidently misplaced! Thus far, my post-Splatfest record in Ranked is 6-0, across all game modes, and I genuinely contributed to most of those wins! The break from Ranked and a few hours with the SM appear to have done me good, and I'm beginning really to feel the prospects of the elusive high (~80) S Rank.

*initially unintentional


Inkster Jr.
Jan 24, 2016
So the weirdest thing just happened in a ranked battle, it's piranha pit splatzones, and neither team has been able to capture the zone. The match ends 100 - 100 and yet my team somehow wins by default. How does this even work?


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
So the weirdest thing just happened in a ranked battle, it's piranha pit splatzones, and neither team has been able to capture the zone. The match ends 100 - 100 and yet my team somehow wins by default.
This happened to me once. On Piranha Pit, too! (I think this is the only map where this phenomenon is even conceivable).

I was baffled, but I have to think that our opposing teams also got a victory screen. Basically they threw the match and everyone wins. Even if it says that the opponents lost on OUR screens. Thats the only thing that makes sense.

Still, goddamn Piranha Zones hahahaha


Inkster Jr.
Jan 24, 2016
Wow I never thought that was possible. I mean, I'll still take it, extra points to my S rank.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 11, 2015
QC. Canada
So... I tried messing around with Opening Gambit on Rainmaker, because I saw some other people's videos and I thought that was hilarious, so I went ahead and tried it myself.

I start the match on Camp, we all go to mid, our team pops the Rainmaker, I get a triple out of that! So I go ahead and pick up the Rainmaker
(Oooh I still move super fast with it!) I bring it to their high bridge, I charge a shot and shoot once. Triple again (Wait WHAT!?)
I go ahead and dunk it. All that in less than 30 seconds.
Easily one of the quickest matches I've ever won.
I would have loved to see the other team's faces when I did that.
Oh, and I also reached S+!
It seems like I Custom Hydra'd my way to S+.
I feel really good about that.


Pro Squid
Jan 2, 2013
So... I tried messing around with Opening Gambit on Rainmaker, because I saw some other people's videos and I thought that was hilarious, so I went ahead and tried it myself.

I start the match on Camp, we all go to mid, our team pops the Rainmaker, I get a triple out of that! So I go ahead and pick up the Rainmaker
(Oooh I still move super fast with it!) I bring it to their high bridge, I charge a shot and shoot once. Triple again (Wait WHAT!?)
I go ahead and dunk it. All that in less than 30 seconds.
Easily one of the quickest matches I've ever won.
I would have loved to see the other team's faces when I did that.
Oh, and I also reached S+!
It seems like I Custom Hydra'd my way to S+.
I feel really good about that.
This post is to congratulate you on Opening Gambit Rainmaker and S+. I thought it was possible but never dared try the Rainmaker thing.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 12, 2014
New York City
So I'm playing a Walleye Warehouse match and the scores 55-54. Our team is losing and every attempt to get past the 54th mark failed throughout the match. Towards the end, one of the other members thought it would be cute to camp on their side of the base. My team had various methods of attempts to take that guy out, as one used an Inkzooka, but couldn't kill him. I took the guy out via Bomb Rush, but died some how. So my teammate grabbed the Rainmmaker and moved enough distance to get us in a reasonable mark to end the match, then went back to the spot where the camper died and squidbagged. At this, I spammed Booyah's.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 24, 2016
Anyone have those moments in Rainmaker where the Rainmaker is about to explode, so you just run into the enemy base to see how far you can get before exploding?


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Anyone have those moments in Rainmaker where the Rainmaker is about to explode, so you just run into the enemy base to see how far you can get before exploding?
Nah, I'm more of a Disrupting jerk to those holding it. I'd love to see them quiver and run as the timer encroaches to their impending doom enveloping their team in a pool of our ink. :D

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
The other team didn't have much ink by their base, so I actually managed to take the Rainmaker through a bomb rush and get it to 5. I'm still very proud/shocked by this.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
It's been a rough week (starting with me plummeting from around S 60 to S 20), but today completely made up for it. Starting the previous RM rotation (Mackerel, Flounder) about 35 minutes before it finished, I joked to myself "shame there's only time for six victories". I promptly proceeded to win all six games with the Tri Nouveau (full of obnoxious Seeker spam on Mackerel).

TC (Moray, Ancho-V) started. First game was Ancho-V, me playing Soda; it began pathetically, with our team hardly making a dent in the opposition while they repeatedly swept us and cruised as far as the 10-point mark, before we finally got rid of the last one and they were done Super Jumping. It didn't get better for a long time, either, although we prevented them coming any real distance back after that.

Eventually, we got one run that got out of mid. It was very much in desperation; the timer was under a minute and the opponents included two rollers, particularly dangerous for Tower riders in that enclosed space. I was standing at the edge of their raised area and just about got my 'zooka charged, but I was right in the midst of enemies so was surely going to be squished... except their attention was on the Tower (which had travelled several metres into the raised area by now, as the opponents had either been stuck in mid or splatted) and I somehow survived as they ran/swam past me. I got a triple, we got a KO with everyone but me having a negative K/D. (The fourth opponent was a Tentatek whom I saw just climbing out of mid after it was too late. They just shot at a corner and felt sorry for themselves.)

Floating Eyeball

Inkling Cadet
Feb 15, 2016
I think I just had the best series of events I will ever have in Splatoon, I feel truly blessed.
Moray TC: Three of us are inking up/splatting while our teammate rides. I get splatted and see he's losing the tower, so I superjump to try to help out. A kraken's fought him off the tower, but I actually manage to keep them away (I've only been able to do this with Carbon Rollers, weirdly) and splat them when it wears off.

Then I fall off.

But I actually manage to get on the bottom of it and climb back up, pushing it along as my teammate gets in a fight nearby. I jump off to help out and we take them on and someone superjumping in, and it looks like smooth sailing.

And then: Communication error.

"Oh, I was so glad I got this match, please-"

It goes away.

The tower jumps to the 30s, I'm still in, and I don't have a single problem the rest of the match. We finished with a KO, and I had 6/2 in a match where everyone else had 1 or 2 splats.

That was just insanely great luck, there were so many moments I was sure I was done for, and my teammates were just fantastic.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Went 21:1 with Custom Jet Squelcher on Museum Towers. My one death was me jumping towards tower in Kraken form after I saw my teammate die on it. The tower moved backwards and I dove headfirst into the water.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 24, 2016
I remember my friends calling the carbon roller deco bad, then in a squad battle I went 14 - 2 with it. The 2 deaths were from me thinking I was playing a krackon splat roller, and over estimating my range.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
If your opponent if of choleric temper, seek to irritate him. At some point I realized that my playstyle is really, really annoying, and I've just run with it :D Sooo I had a match with a friend that had us both howling with laughter, and it's a perfect example of what I speak.

Saltspray rig, turf war. I was camping on the perch overlooking the south end like the annoying jerk that I am, and BOY did I piss off the other team :P The final tally was something like 77-13 because one, then two, then three team members started focusing entirely on murdering me, throwing all three kinds of bombs my way! NO ONE WAS INKING! And then my friend comes in during the last 30 seconds and gets a triple kill on the enraged lot. They must've been super salty, and it was GREAT :D

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