Pull off my shades, give them a Sting Ray glare, and say "Who are you looking at like that?"Point out and yell "I FOUND THE PRINCESS!", proceed to run as this toad is trying to look under his big shades.
Throw an EMP grenadeGet an even brighter, more intense eye lights with the picture being tinted slightly red.
And then mutter the following words...
Deus vult.
Smacks them in the head, tell them that they're sunglasses, and they're supposed to do that.Let them know their goggles are broken because only one lens lights up
Butcher them to death with my Ink SwordSteal her sunglasses and run off with them to the nearest lens repair shop because clearly they're still broken
Compliment their taste in glowing eye colors.Ask them if they know where Hervis Daubeny is.