The Escape from Octo Valley (Character Sheets)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Name(s): Xio

Species: Inkling

Gender(s): Male

Ink Color(s): Green

Eye color(s): Bright Green

Age(s): 18


Xio's face hasn't changed since he was 14, he looks surprising young even for an Inkling. He's got bright green eyes along with matching green hair. (Hair matches Splatoon 2's Ponytail Style) The ponytail comes out the back of his green and white Takoroka Mesh Cap perfectly along with a large bang coming through the side at the front. He's usually seen in a white positive longcuff sweater and equally coloured norimaki 750s. To finish off he'll also wear dark grey cargo shorts. Given the choice he'll always be kitted out in green and white. His height is average for a 14 year old Inkling, but again he's actually 18 so he's somewhat smaller than those his age.


With caring and attentive parents, Xio was able to be quite the stable kid even all the way through his teenage years which he's still currently living through. His father being the person he talks to about literally everything, able to turn what may have been a weakness like self-consciousness about looking young into something he takes as part of his character. His mother instead being someone where they’d sit on the sofa, in complete peaceful silence, snuggled on the sofa with him reading his phone with earphones in and her reading a book of varying genres.

The parents also brought around friends for house parties and the like so Xio became used to adults in general, more so than even those his age. And because they were encouraging of a kid that talks a lot rather than sitting in his room, he became used to articulating his points, providing good arguments and simply holding adult conversation.

Despite this though he did enjoy his alone time. He would sit in his room for hours on end on his phone looking up videos on various things. Though he mostly focused on self improvement videos, usually specifically on anything competitive. Xio wanted to get good at something from an early age, which was likely born to him talking to adults about how they feel they wasted their years and feel like they can never achieve their dream.

Xio wouldn’t run out of time.

Thankfully for his social interaction ability however most of the things he wanted to be good at, young people his own age loved as well. Such as Turf Wars and Ranked Battles. Because of this he had a tight group of guy friends who he talked to a lot about this stuff. So even though he might geek out on even getting good at revising and exams they were cool with listening to him go on and on about this stuff.

He’s also pretty good with kids, mostly because his parent’s friends would bring their children and his parents had him quite early. Because of this he was usually the oldest by quite a margin and would play with them when he felt more like being a kid than talking to the adults in the kitchen.

Though this left no space for interactions with girls which meant he only had his imagination and the internet to go off of and due to his overwhelmingly logical thought process didn’t really help his case as social interactions are more personal and emotional.

When he was old enough to become a fully fledge Inkling at 14, his father gave him his Takoroka Cap for his birthday and so Xio has pretty much never taken it of since. He jokes about the cap being one of eternal youth as Xio’s face hasn’t aged a second as he still looks the exact same as he did on that day.

16-18 Years Old

He spent a lot of this time Ranking Up, reaching the high level he expected but it wasn't enough to reach the top like he wanted. However on his rise up he realised what his skills were as he climbed. That his ability to fight could do so much more than just rank up. When Octolings joined the leagues of Ranked Play, he looked into them more only to find their scarred and bloodied backgrounds. He became frustrated at how he'd lived his life with such complacentcy despite how brilliant his upbringing was compared to what they'd lived through. Xio didn't feel like he owed them but he felt he could truly do something for them. He didn't want to throw his life away but he began to want to dedicate at least part of his thus far peaceful life and give it to someone who'd appreciate it far more than he ever could.

2 years he told himself. When he hit 20 years of age he'd go back to achieving his dreams. Until then, perhaps it was worth giving back to the world that smiled upon him so.

Personality(ies): A happy lad, it takes a lot to tip him off balance from feeling positive and he knows when he's willing to socialise and when he needs to chill. He talks a lot but he's actually most comfortable with those a fair amount older than him. After that its boys his age, then those younger than him. Only one Xio gets stumped on his girls his age. He has a habit of over thinking it, not wanting to be that guy who says something offensive but forgets they are people just like him.

But that changes if the setting is something competitive or something serious. Male or Female matters none. On his phone are lists upon lists of everything related to him getting better at something. Whether it be revision back when he was in school or what he's especially interested in, Ranked Matches. He always notes down what he wants to improve on, what he did well, etc. He's sure of himself but at the same time extremely critical of everything he does. Always assuming he can improve and therefore he's the deciding factor of winning and losing, even when it may have been out of Xio's control. If its something serious that he doesn't necessarily compete at he takes his competitive mindset and places it in battle, with 2 years experience it is somewhat natural for him to be calm and collected. Though he has never quite killed, so that would be an experience.

Extra: The Splat Brella is his weapons of choice. He's a supporting player therefore he knows how to use a number of weapons in that category, but he knows that weapon inside and out.
You're in!


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It's not late to join, in fact, we are in the process of starting our first mission. Just copy down the blank character sheet on the first page for an easy way to register your character.


Inkster Jr.
Dec 31, 2015
I actually already have my own writtenbup if that's alright.


Inkster Jr.
Dec 31, 2015
Name: Essi ‘Vermilion’ Yusiago
Age: 14 years, 1 month
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Vermilion (deep reddish-orange)
Appearance: Vermillion in her meekness often conceals much of herself under a hoodie, one which is several sizes too large for her, and yet still is made just as much of patches as it is wool. What of her ‘hair’ that is visible hangs low out the side of her hood.
Weapon of Choice: Splattershot Jr.
Rank: A-
Playstyle: Vermilion is usually not one to enter the fray, preferring to keep to her own and covering turf. Though in spite of her meek demeanor, she is surprisingly skilled at splatting when necessary for herself or a teammate. While unconfrontational, she does tend to be goal-oriented. Preferring to play the objective from the background or behind cover whenever possible, almost never on the offense.
Living Space: A squalor, low-income apartment in inner Inkopolis.
Quirks: Vermillion is a lowkey geek, and will show a surprising affinity for computers or game systems when given access. But considering her background, this was rare until recently.
Personality: Vermilion is a shy, meek kid who prefers to stick to herself and a few close friends. She is not one to take command of a conversation, and soft-spoken when she does speak. Because of her weak social constitution, she generally takes whatever less polite kids throw at her to heart, but a life of working from the bottom has taught her to bounce back While an insult may leaver her distraught in the moment, it’s unlikely to stick in the long term. Attacking a friend or family member on the other hand, is likely to result in a much stronger reaction, even when the offender is another such individual themselves.
Backstory: Vermilion was born to a poor family, and is unfortunately familiar with the instant-noodle-diet style of living. When her parents lost their jobs, she was forced out into the larger world of Inkopolis to support the family. Her shy demeanor and lack of work experience left most traditional jobs out of the question. Luckily for her, the combination of desperation and low barrier of entry made Grizzco. a quite appealing option. While she had never held a gun in her life, she performed proficiently in her training. Not great by any means, but able to contribute. Her first shift was paired with a full-time team that was down a member; and though the work was hard, she knew almost instantly she had found her place among them. (Not to mention, the steady pay) Today, she successfully supports her parents and younger brother, while having just as much fun with her coworkers off the job as they do on.

Name: Omatsu ‘Fuschia’ Tatsugi
Age: 14 years, 9 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Fuschia (light purple)
Appearance: Fuschia keeps his ‘hair’ in a pompadour, and often likes to keep his cloths perfectly clean. The specific wears change from day to day but usually consist of a sports coat and boots, always ironed and shined to a crisp perfection respectively.
Weapon of Choice: Dapple Dualies
Rank: B-
Playstyle: Slaying is the name of the game. Fuschia prefers to be right in the middle of the action, splatting whatever he can. Someone else can play the objective.
Living Space: An upscale 40th floor apartment. Though, most of his time is spent in his room when he isn’t out and about.
Quirks: In an effort to raise extra capital without working for it, he has become an amature investor- and he’s not lost out on it yet.
Personality: Fuschia is confident to a fault, and quick to become salty. He also happens to lack any sense of restraint, causing him to come off as cringy. He is quick to challenge most others, and quick to take things as a challenge. This however, does not apply to his friends or boss. The former being met with much mumbling and moaning, and the latter with a prompt ‘yessir’ or ‘sorrysir’. Despite this however, he does have a strong sense of honor and loyalty, lending him to be a surprisingly reliable teammate and partner where he’s willing, if not a likable one. That said, he has high expectations in turn, and quickly becomes frustrated with any mistake or failure.
Backstory: Fuschia grew up on Turf Wars as a young kid. He watched the battles on TV, collected cards, and followed the sport in every way...but never actually got around to training. His parents doted on his every whim, causing him to become egotistical and lazy. When he finally came of age, it was time to put his money where his (quite large) mouth was. However, in spite of his avid following of the sport, his lack of actual effort stole the day...and every day thereafter. Certain this was caused by inappropriate gear or weapons, he quickly blew through all his cash and any lent to him; causing him to spell defeat for whatever team he joined, and acquire a large stash of unneeded goods. Finally out of cash, loans, and prospective teams; he turned to the sketchy building in the back of Inkopolis Square for income and activity. While his early coworkers chafed at his presence, he quickly proved a talent for Salmon Running that he lacked in Turf Warfare. Eventually, he took up Mr. Grizz on the offer of a full time job. The promise of changing the world wasn’t as big a factor in the decision as the pay grade, but work was done nonetheless. As his skills for Salmon Running grew with experience, he began to become competent in his Turf Warring too, though that is much more of a hobby for him today. He’s thrown himself so thoroughly into his work in fact, that he has successfully brought others into the fold of Grizzco Inc. Including, but not limited to, most of the coworkers on his full-time team.
Today, the increase in his skill and decrease in public embarrassment has caused his ego has also subside somewhat, he’s even capable of actually coextisting with his coworkers!

Name: Kurika ‘Cerulean’ Amelan
Age: 15 years, 2 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Cerulean (matteish blue)
Appearance: Cerulean prefers to pull her ‘hair’ back into a long ponytail, and wear combat boots with an armor piece similar to that of an Octoling soldier. However, coming from wealth, she can be occasionally seen adorned in a proper dress and heels. (usually on holidays or when dragged to family events)
Weapon of Choice: ‘Georgie’ the (modified) Splatling
Rank: A+
Playstyle: Cerulean loves to use the element of surprise, covering whatever turf is around her until finding the perfect choke-point to hide and ambush the enemy. In the event the enemy is too far away or doesn’t fall for the trap, she will likely use a sub-weapon to cover ground from the sidelines.
Living Space: A mansion just outside of Inkopolis.
Quirks: Cerulean is a self-described foodie, and regularly orders half the menu when given the chance. She’s also acquired a working knowledge of weapons construction in modifying Georgie over the years.
Personality Cerulean is not afraid of socializing in the slightest...but that doesn’t make her good at it. A life of isolation has left her naive in social situations, making her blind to jokes and sarcasm while leaving her easily tricked by the more sly of squids. However, she’s always up for something new, and able to make light of almost any situation. She has become attached to her Splatling, a childhood gift which she has named ‘George’. It has seen many battles, and she dotes on and protects the weapon as if it were her son. Touching it, bumping it, breathing on it, accidentally spilling food on it, glancing it with ink at target practice, or even just looking at it the wrong way; will likely result in bodily harm.
Backstory: Cerulean was born the only daughter a couple of Inkopolis’ most wealthy business owners. As a result, she was very well off in a material sense, but her parents’ busy lifestyle often left her alone. She was raised and educated by the best nannies and tutors money could buy, but this also conveniently left her isolated. In addition, being the daughter of wealth, her parents and guardians knew full well she’d be a target for Inkopolis’ more unsavory characters, who in turn opted to keep her cooped up as long as they could. With noone to hang out with, she carried from day to day without direction or purpose. She had always had a casual affection for Turf Wars, but it would only become her passion one fateful day: After a long day of work, her parents had brought with them a present for their daughter upon their return. Inside the large package was a Splatling, and upon seeing it the young squid proclaimed ‘I will hug you, and squeeze you, and call you George’
This prompted a pension for Turf Wars in the young child, who trained every day she could and taught herself to modify the Splatling as she went. As she got older, the Splatling seemed to take on a life of its own for her, who treated it as if it were her child and became just as protective of it. Finally, one day, she was able to enter Inkopolis on her own for the first time to compete. Her years of training paid off, and caught the attention of many, including a young less talented Inkling named Fuschia, who promised his boss had an exciting offer with which she might change the world. Indeed the boss, Mr. Grizz, did have such an offer. Before she knew it, Cerulean was collecting golden eggs for him just up the coast. Her years of training for Turf Wars served her well here too, and while she may not have changed the world quite yet, the work is fun and coworkers just as much so. Prompting her to accept the offer of a full-time job. Today, she excels in her work and Turf War hobby, and while the other kids from the lobby may only like her for her talent and wealthy heritage, her coworkers are right there, ready to help her change the golden egg at a time.

Name: Ekitsu ‘Harlequin’ Imusan
Age: 14 years, 5 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Harlequin (bright green)
Appearance: Harlequin’s own short curly ‘hair’ is left to poke and dangle from underneath his infamous tinfoil hat, which he is never without. The rest of his outfit changes only occasionally, but one wouldn’t know that looking at him as his body and joints are always underneath protective padding and safety gear.
Weapon of Choice: Scoped E Liter 4K
Rank: A
Playstyle: Harlequin would rather do things from a distance, and so sticks to sniping enemies from above. When the time comes to cover turf, he may use a subweapon for such, but he is more likely to camp whenever possible.
Living Space: His first-floor apartment is practically a fortress, filled with emergency rations of all kinds and stacked to the brim with a wide variety of traps. If ever a cataclysm occurs, he’d make it quite comfortably.
Quirks: Harlequin is a bookworm, and is quite skilled with it. He can read 500 wpm with 90% comprehension, and as done so with a growing collection. Albeit, most of his reading material consists or either conspiracy theories or survivalist manuals.
Personality: Harlequin is an intelligent, and unwaveringly suspicious Ikling. Never without his trusty tinfoil hat, he is constantly paranoid of the oncoming Octarian Menace. His intelligence is good for more than conspiracy theories however, and he is always willing to use it to help out those around him (provided they’re not Octarian double agents, or worse, Octolings themselves)
In spite of this however, in his fear of and preparation for the Octarian invasion (that’s certainly coming any day now) has prevented him from doing much else. He lacks skills both practical and social, and tends to alienate most people. However, this also causes him to be very honest, and make him able to tolerate others’ ideas when he wants to keep them around.
Backstory: Harlequin was fairly average as a child, but took a particular liking to history. However, when the Great Zapfish went missing a few years ago, he began to fear what that history might lead the Octarians to do should they try to retaliate after all those years. This in turn lead him to pursue a number of survival skills, and he has since turned his home into a makeshift bunker waiting to be activated. Filled with the expected food, water, ammo, and traps. He also took to weapons, preferring Chargers for their ability to fight at range. (minimizing the odds of the Octarian Menace getting its tentacles on him, or anything he holds dear) However, one cannot expect to train by shooting targets forever. Taking to Turf Wars with the intention to use it as practice, he caught the attention of a young Inkling who, to his credit, tried to be charismatic. That said, the job he promised his boss was offering sounded like the perfect chance to get some practice with his E-Liter. And indeed it was, not only that but the coworkers were great too. And when the time comes, the help might be useful…


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Name: Essi ‘Vermilion’ Yusiago
Age: 14 years, 1 month
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Vermilion (deep reddish-orange)
Appearance: Vermillion in her meekness often conceals much of herself under a hoodie, one which is several sizes too large for her, and yet still is made just as much of patches as it is wool. What of her ‘hair’ that is visible hangs low out the side of her hood.
Weapon of Choice: Splattershot Jr.
Rank: A-
Playstyle: Vermilion is usually not one to enter the fray, preferring to keep to her own and covering turf. Though in spite of her meek demeanor, she is surprisingly skilled at splatting when necessary for herself or a teammate. While unconfrontational, she does tend to be goal-oriented. Preferring to play the objective from the background or behind cover whenever possible, almost never on the offense.
Living Space: A squalor, low-income apartment in inner Inkopolis.
Quirks: Vermillion is a lowkey geek, and will show a surprising affinity for computers or game systems when given access. But considering her background, this was rare until recently.
Personality: Vermilion is a shy, meek kid who prefers to stick to herself and a few close friends. She is not one to take command of a conversation, and soft-spoken when she does speak. Because of her weak social constitution, she generally takes whatever less polite kids throw at her to heart, but a life of working from the bottom has taught her to bounce back While an insult may leaver her distraught in the moment, it’s unlikely to stick in the long term. Attacking a friend or family member on the other hand, is likely to result in a much stronger reaction, even when the offender is another such individual themselves.
Backstory: Vermilion was born to a poor family, and is unfortunately familiar with the instant-noodle-diet style of living. When her parents lost their jobs, she was forced out into the larger world of Inkopolis to support the family. Her shy demeanor and lack of work experience left most traditional jobs out of the question. Luckily for her, the combination of desperation and low barrier of entry made Grizzco. a quite appealing option. While she had never held a gun in her life, she performed proficiently in her training. Not great by any means, but able to contribute. Her first shift was paired with a full-time team that was down a member; and though the work was hard, she knew almost instantly she had found her place among them. (Not to mention, the steady pay) Today, she successfully supports her parents and younger brother, while having just as much fun with her coworkers off the job as they do on.

Name: Omatsu ‘Fuschia’ Tatsugi
Age: 14 years, 9 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Fuschia (light purple)
Appearance: Fuschia keeps his ‘hair’ in a pompadour, and often likes to keep his cloths perfectly clean. The specific wears change from day to day but usually consist of a sports coat and boots, always ironed and shined to a crisp perfection respectively.
Weapon of Choice: Dapple Dualies
Rank: B-
Playstyle: Slaying is the name of the game. Fuschia prefers to be right in the middle of the action, splatting whatever he can. Someone else can play the objective.
Living Space: An upscale 40th floor apartment. Though, most of his time is spent in his room when he isn’t out and about.
Quirks: In an effort to raise extra capital without working for it, he has become an amature investor- and he’s not lost out on it yet.
Personality: Fuschia is confident to a fault, and quick to become salty. He also happens to lack any sense of restraint, causing him to come off as cringy. He is quick to challenge most others, and quick to take things as a challenge. This however, does not apply to his friends or boss. The former being met with much mumbling and moaning, and the latter with a prompt ‘yessir’ or ‘sorrysir’. Despite this however, he does have a strong sense of honor and loyalty, lending him to be a surprisingly reliable teammate and partner where he’s willing, if not a likable one. That said, he has high expectations in turn, and quickly becomes frustrated with any mistake or failure.
Backstory: Fuschia grew up on Turf Wars as a young kid. He watched the battles on TV, collected cards, and followed the sport in every way...but never actually got around to training. His parents doted on his every whim, causing him to become egotistical and lazy. When he finally came of age, it was time to put his money where his (quite large) mouth was. However, in spite of his avid following of the sport, his lack of actual effort stole the day...and every day thereafter. Certain this was caused by inappropriate gear or weapons, he quickly blew through all his cash and any lent to him; causing him to spell defeat for whatever team he joined, and acquire a large stash of unneeded goods. Finally out of cash, loans, and prospective teams; he turned to the sketchy building in the back of Inkopolis Square for income and activity. While his early coworkers chafed at his presence, he quickly proved a talent for Salmon Running that he lacked in Turf Warfare. Eventually, he took up Mr. Grizz on the offer of a full time job. The promise of changing the world wasn’t as big a factor in the decision as the pay grade, but work was done nonetheless. As his skills for Salmon Running grew with experience, he began to become competent in his Turf Warring too, though that is much more of a hobby for him today. He’s thrown himself so thoroughly into his work in fact, that he has successfully brought others into the fold of Grizzco Inc. Including, but not limited to, most of the coworkers on his full-time team.
Today, the increase in his skill and decrease in public embarrassment has caused his ego has also subside somewhat, he’s even capable of actually coextisting with his coworkers!

Name: Kurika ‘Cerulean’ Amelan
Age: 15 years, 2 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Cerulean (matteish blue)
Appearance: Cerulean prefers to pull her ‘hair’ back into a long ponytail, and wear combat boots with an armor piece similar to that of an Octoling soldier. However, coming from wealth, she can be occasionally seen adorned in a proper dress and heels. (usually on holidays or when dragged to family events)
Weapon of Choice: ‘Georgie’ the (modified) Splatling
Rank: A+
Playstyle: Cerulean loves to use the element of surprise, covering whatever turf is around her until finding the perfect choke-point to hide and ambush the enemy. In the event the enemy is too far away or doesn’t fall for the trap, she will likely use a sub-weapon to cover ground from the sidelines.
Living Space: A mansion just outside of Inkopolis.
Quirks: Cerulean is a self-described foodie, and regularly orders half the menu when given the chance. She’s also acquired a working knowledge of weapons construction in modifying Georgie over the years.
Personality Cerulean is not afraid of socializing in the slightest...but that doesn’t make her good at it. A life of isolation has left her naive in social situations, making her blind to jokes and sarcasm while leaving her easily tricked by the more sly of squids. However, she’s always up for something new, and able to make light of almost any situation. She has become attached to her Splatling, a childhood gift which she has named ‘George’. It has seen many battles, and she dotes on and protects the weapon as if it were her son. Touching it, bumping it, breathing on it, accidentally spilling food on it, glancing it with ink at target practice, or even just looking at it the wrong way; will likely result in bodily harm.
Backstory: Cerulean was born the only daughter a couple of Inkopolis’ most wealthy business owners. As a result, she was very well off in a material sense, but her parents’ busy lifestyle often left her alone. She was raised and educated by the best nannies and tutors money could buy, but this also conveniently left her isolated. In addition, being the daughter of wealth, her parents and guardians knew full well she’d be a target for Inkopolis’ more unsavory characters, who in turn opted to keep her cooped up as long as they could. With noone to hang out with, she carried from day to day without direction or purpose. She had always had a casual affection for Turf Wars, but it would only become her passion one fateful day: After a long day of work, her parents had brought with them a present for their daughter upon their return. Inside the large package was a Splatling, and upon seeing it the young squid proclaimed ‘I will hug you, and squeeze you, and call you George’
This prompted a pension for Turf Wars in the young child, who trained every day she could and taught herself to modify the Splatling as she went. As she got older, the Splatling seemed to take on a life of its own for her, who treated it as if it were her child and became just as protective of it. Finally, one day, she was able to enter Inkopolis on her own for the first time to compete. Her years of training paid off, and caught the attention of many, including a young less talented Inkling named Fuschia, who promised his boss had an exciting offer with which she might change the world. Indeed the boss, Mr. Grizz, did have such an offer. Before she knew it, Cerulean was collecting golden eggs for him just up the coast. Her years of training for Turf Wars served her well here too, and while she may not have changed the world quite yet, the work is fun and coworkers just as much so. Prompting her to accept the offer of a full-time job. Today, she excels in her work and Turf War hobby, and while the other kids from the lobby may only like her for her talent and wealthy heritage, her coworkers are right there, ready to help her change the golden egg at a time.

Name: Ekitsu ‘Harlequin’ Imusan
Age: 14 years, 5 months
Species: Inkling
Default Ink/Eye Colors: Harlequin (bright green)
Appearance: Harlequin’s own short curly ‘hair’ is left to poke and dangle from underneath his infamous tinfoil hat, which he is never without. The rest of his outfit changes only occasionally, but one wouldn’t know that looking at him as his body and joints are always underneath protective padding and safety gear.
Weapon of Choice: Scoped E Liter 4K
Rank: A
Playstyle: Harlequin would rather do things from a distance, and so sticks to sniping enemies from above. When the time comes to cover turf, he may use a subweapon for such, but he is more likely to camp whenever possible.
Living Space: His first-floor apartment is practically a fortress, filled with emergency rations of all kinds and stacked to the brim with a wide variety of traps. If ever a cataclysm occurs, he’d make it quite comfortably.
Quirks: Harlequin is a bookworm, and is quite skilled with it. He can read 500 wpm with 90% comprehension, and as done so with a growing collection. Albeit, most of his reading material consists or either conspiracy theories or survivalist manuals.
Personality: Harlequin is an intelligent, and unwaveringly suspicious Ikling. Never without his trusty tinfoil hat, he is constantly paranoid of the oncoming Octarian Menace. His intelligence is good for more than conspiracy theories however, and he is always willing to use it to help out those around him (provided they’re not Octarian double agents, or worse, Octolings themselves)
In spite of this however, in his fear of and preparation for the Octarian invasion (that’s certainly coming any day now) has prevented him from doing much else. He lacks skills both practical and social, and tends to alienate most people. However, this also causes him to be very honest, and make him able to tolerate others’ ideas when he wants to keep them around.
Backstory: Harlequin was fairly average as a child, but took a particular liking to history. However, when the Great Zapfish went missing a few years ago, he began to fear what that history might lead the Octarians to do should they try to retaliate after all those years. This in turn lead him to pursue a number of survival skills, and he has since turned his home into a makeshift bunker waiting to be activated. Filled with the expected food, water, ammo, and traps. He also took to weapons, preferring Chargers for their ability to fight at range. (minimizing the odds of the Octarian Menace getting its tentacles on him, or anything he holds dear) However, one cannot expect to train by shooting targets forever. Taking to Turf Wars with the intention to use it as practice, he caught the attention of a young Inkling who, to his credit, tried to be charismatic. That said, the job he promised his boss was offering sounded like the perfect chance to get some practice with his E-Liter. And indeed it was, not only that but the coworkers were great too. And when the time comes, the help might be useful…
You're in!
Sep 12, 2018
The Moon
Switch Friend Code
If i can still enter, here is my character

Name: Baku
Species: Inkling
Gender: male
Ink color: green
Eye color: (left) red, (right) blue
Age: 16
Appearance: has long hair in the same hairstyle as female inklings in the first splatoon, which makes him be mistaken with a female inkling rather often. He usually wears a tentatek shirt, as welk as black boots, a lot of bracelets on the right hand (the dominant hand), and shorts. He is rather tall, taller than most other inklings his age.
Backstory: his parents had a lot of money, yet not enough to be considered 'rich'. He still received a lot of luxuries through his life, the most valuable for him being his tablet and car replicas. His parents got divorced before he was 10, and it harmed him a lot. Most money was lost, and her once overprotective mother now even asks him and his sister for a monthly tax, which has leaded him to steal whatever he can and resell it overpriced. He used to eat a lot, yet no more for the low amount of money the family, or what is left of it, earns in a year. He has spent many weeks searching for a place to live in as soon as he reaches the age of 18, he already packed most of his belongings, and is saving up money for his future house. This backstory explains the quote that appeared in last month's school magazine, which said "with nothing to fight for, we might as well be dead"
Personality: he is quite emotionally unstable, yet he cares for many things and protects those (people and things alike) for who and which he cares for. He has a lot of dreams and an extremely short fuse, yet other beings inside his head help him keep his feet on the ground and his temper in check. He is also kind, yet he can even kill for money, for that is what he needs for aquiring a house of his own (however, he would never harm someone he cares for, nor sell his most valuable possesions). He deeply hates both his parents, and he cares a LOT for his younger sister.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
If i can still enter, here is my character

Name: Baku
Species: Inkling
Gender: male
Ink color: green
Eye color: (left) red, (right) blue
Age: 16
Appearance: has long hair in the same hairstyle as female inklings in the first splatoon, which makes him be mistaken with a female inkling rather often. He usually wears a tentatek shirt, as welk as black boots,a lot of bracelets on the right hand (the dominant hand), and shorts. He is rather tall, taller than most other inklings his age.
Backstory: his parents had a lot of money, yet not enough to be considered 'rich'. He still received a lot of luxuries through his life, the most valuable for him being his tablet and car replicas. His parents got divorced before he was 10, and it harmed him a lot. Most money was lost, and her once overprotective mother now even asks him and his sister for a monthly tax, which has leaded him to steal whatever he can and resell it overpriced. He used to eat a lot, yet no more for the low amount of money the family, or what is left of it, earns in a year. He has spent many weeks searching for a place to live in as soon as he reaches the age of 18, he already packed most of his belongings, and is saving up money for his future house. He once was rejected in middle school, making him a bit cold-hearted. This backstory explains the quote that appeared in last month's school magazine, which said "with nothing to fight for, we might as well be dead"
Personality: he is quite emotionally unstable, yet he cares for many things and protects those (people and things alike) for who and which he cares for. He has a lot of dreams and an extremely short fuse, yet other beings inside his head help him keep his feet on the ground and his temper in check. He is also kind, yet he can even kill for money, for that is what he needs for aquiring a house of his own (however, he would never harm someone he cares for, nor sell his most valuable possesions). He deeply hates both his parents, and he cares a LOT for his younger sister.
You're in! You can start anytime. Here is the story thread.
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Sep 12, 2018
The Moon
Switch Friend Code
If it is not much of a problem, here is a character I decided not to add until now
Name: Flane
Species: Crimson octoling
Gender: female
Ink color (in case it wasn't already obvious): crimson
Eye color: green (normal), purple (berserk)
Age: 15
Appearance: she looks like a normal octoling like those from splatoon 1, yet she never uses the goggles. She always uses the regular octoling gear (except for the goggles), and is slightly taller than other octolings her age.
Backstory: both Baku and her attend the same middle school, and they grew closer as time passed. However, she got a boyfriend, and when Baku asked her out, she rejected him. She is quite skilled in those fields where Baku is not, yet she can rivalize with him in running speed, as demonstrated in multiple occasions.
Personality: highly possitive, energetic, and protective


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Name(s): Lana and Noah Pond

Species: Octolings

Gender(s): Female (Lana), Male (Noah)

Ink Color(s): Salmon (Lana), Magenta (Noah)

Eye colors: Amber (Lana), dark violet (Noah)

Ages: 15 (Lana), 14 (Noah)

Appearances: Lana is a curvy Octoling with light skin, a round face, and wavy tentacles/hair with side-bangs. Noah is a bit shorter than Lana, and he is thin and not very muscular. His hair is worn in three parts in the front, with the rest of it in the back.

Backstories: Lana and Noah fought in the Octarian army as elite fighters since they were children, until an Inkling agent pulled off Lana's goggles during a battle and she was freed. The agent then took both of them back to Inkopolis, undoing Noah's brainwashing in the process.

Personalities: Lana is quiet and a bit socially awkward, but mature, sensitive and caring, and some of the Inklings consider her "a bit like an older sister"; however, she gets offended easily and is a bit emotionally weak, possibly because she was taught to suppress her emotions for so long. Noah is shy but polite and respectful, sort of a gentleman, though he has sarcastic tendencies, and is a bit sensitive about his height; he's a real sweetheart nonetheless.

Screenshot 2019-02-26 at 12.21.47 PM.png

Lana and Noah with my Inkling OCs, Shizue and Joy, made in Kisekae (Lana's actually a bit shorter than that now that I think of it but whatever; Shizue's supposed to be the tallest)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Name(s): Lana and Noah Pond

Species: Octolings

Gender(s): Female (Lana), Male (Noah)

Ink Color(s): Salmon (Lana), Magenta (Noah)

Eye colors: Amber (Lana), dark violet (Noah)

Ages: 15 (Lana), 14 (Noah)

Appearances: Lana is a curvy Octoling with light skin, a round face, and wavy tentacles/hair with side-bangs. Noah is a bit shorter than Lana, and he is thin and not very muscular. His hair is worn in three parts in the front, with the rest of it in the back.

Backstories: Lana and Noah fought in the Octarian army as elite fighters since they were children, until an Inkling agent pulled off Lana's goggles during a battle and she was freed. The agent then took both of them back to Inkopolis, undoing Noah's brainwashing in the process.

Personalities: Lana is quiet and a bit socially awkward, but mature, sensitive and caring, and some of the Inklings consider her "a bit like an older sister"; however, she gets offended easily and is a bit emotionally weak, possibly because she was taught to suppress her emotions for so long. Noah is shy but polite and respectful, sort of a gentleman, though he has sarcastic tendencies, and is a bit sensitive about his height; he's a real sweetheart nonetheless.

View attachment 6765
Lana and Noah with my Inkling OCs, Shizue and Joy, made in Kisekae (Lana's actually a bit shorter than that now that I think of it but whatever; Shizue's supposed to be the tallest)
You're in!


Jun 16, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Is it too late to join? If not here my character

Codename: #46

Species: Ringed Octo


Ink Color(s):Crimson

Eye color(s):Blue


Afro hairstyle, always wears a bracelet, when not wearing armor he wears crustwear xxl t-shirt.

Backstory(ies):Yashi grew up with 2 loving parents in Octo Valley. One day when he was 12, his parents were sanitized, and was almost sanitized in the process, but a certain crown wearing girl(pearl) picked him up and brought him to inkopilis, where he lived until he was 15. Once he had proper training, he returned to Octo Valley to help fight the Sanitized Octos. On the way to help the ringed octos though, he found some hypno shades. He tried them on and instantly was hypnotized. He speaks fairly good inkling

Personality(ies):quiet and shy, but always ready for a battle. Full of anger when he sees sanitized octolings
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Is it too late to join? If not here my character


Species: Ringed Octo


Ink Color(s):Crimson

Eye color(s):Blue


Appearance(s):View attachment 6903 Afro hairstyle, always wears a bracelet, when not wearing armor he wears crustwear xxl t-shirt.

Backstory(ies):Yashi grew up with 2 loving parents in Octo Valley. One day when he was 12, his parents were sanitized, and was almost sanitized in the process, but a certain crown wearing girl(pearl) picked him up and brought him to inkopilis, where he lived until he was 15. Once he had proper training, he returned to Octo Valley to help fight the Sanitized Octos. On the way to help the ringed octos though, he found some hypno shades. He tried them on and instantly was hypnotized. He speaks fairly good inkling

Personality(ies):quiet and shy, but always ready for a battle. Full of anger when he sees sanitized octolings
Edit: ink color: pink
Welcome aboard!


Jun 16, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I was thinking of Yashi coming in after them attacking the 5th facility

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