Well at first I thought "maybe he's true, matchmaking changed, I didn't play turf in a while". So I tried. First game, everyone was trolling and not playing, so, well. Second was 4v3. So here comes the third game I made:
I took a weapon I'm barely S+ with. Actually last time I checked, I was able to go S+ only because Splat Bombs, but I was not able to stay S+ and went back quickly in S. As you seem to be used to chargers, I believe you'll notice my moves are those of a real charger user. Still, I believe I would be able to win this game even in 3v4, as the opponents are barely moving and don't even see the Splat Bombs coming. Most of the urf games I see are like this one.
You rush the middle: no one is there. Awful. Ink walls are almost never seen. Like "a wall can't turf, so why should I take it?".
Well anyway I'm not saying I, or any S+, can win any 3v4 turf game. But I still believe most games have a level so low that if I have to bet, I prefer to bet on the S+ with only two allies team, than the team I know nothing of.
PS: As you can see I didn't turk all that much. Ranked and turf are different, but my basic game plan can be applied to both: kill people able to prevent you to play the objective, play the objective and repeat.