Weapons you're surprised you like


Inkling Cadet
Jun 27, 2024
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I watched JayMojis yt vid I HATE BRUSHES and tried the painbrush again straight after.
And it went surprisingly well! I got the Nouveau, played with that I am actually enjoying this weapon.

What are some weapons you've surprised yourself by actually enjoying that you initially didn't like at all?


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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Believe it or not: the Hydra Splatling.

Before I got into Splatlings as a whole, my only exposure to Hydra was in Salmon Run. And Hydra in SR is a whole different beast. Having to deal with endless Salmonid hordes makes the weapon so much harder to use. Insanely rewarding once you learn it, but difficult to get the hang of. Stamper might be the most difficult weapon to learn in pvp, but in SR I'd say that Hydra takes the title. Especially when Hydra as a main thrives in a more coordinated environment, which soloq SR lacks. Salmon Run really did not give me a favourable first impression on the Hydra. Side note: if anyone wants some tips for how to use Hydra in SR, hit me up. I have in fact mastered the weapon in Salmon Run as well <3

Even after I picked up Heavy and got more interested in Splatlings, I was kinda hesitant to try out Hydra. All my previous weapon experience told me that I like fast weaponstm, so surely the slowest heavyweight wouldn't be fun to me. Now here I am, a heavyweight-weapon enjoyer.
Ultimately I think it was the kit that got me interested enough to give Hydra a go. Having both Autobomb and Booyah Bomb made it much more appealing to me as someone that played S1 but not S2. Even if I didn't like the main, at least I'd get to try out a sub and special that I had never used before. Plus I get to see how good one of the Seeker's children is.

Yeah, uh, turns out I found not just my eternal main but also my most favorite sub weapon ever. Don't knock it till you've tried it, kids!
RIP Booyah Bomb lol, you're not my favorite special


Inkling Cadet
Jun 27, 2024
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oh, it was fun to read how you got to know the hydra, @QuagSass <3
also your reply made me reread your hydra guide, specifically for the autobomb parts.


King of the Moon Jellies
Jun 28, 2023
a dunkin donuts parking lot
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my weapon pool generally is pretty predictable. im reckless dualie guy, i like fast dualies and sometimes dabble in other aggressive frontline-y weapons.

that being said, i didn’t like gloogas much at first - they’re much slower and clunkier than what i was used to, and i didn’t like not having a bomb. but later on i tried them out again and found that once i got the hang of playing around the vanilla kit’s walls, i kinda liked them!


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
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I like playing most weapons in this game unless they're just like, absolutely awful, but I guess a black sheep among the ones I'd consider favorites would be the Explosher. I don't really play that many backlines and don't really play that many AoE weapons but having range perfectly suits AoE for someone like me.

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Range Blaster, I was never into Blasters, especially anything with a slow fire rate, so I was surprised how fun the Range Blaster was when I tried it a few weeks ago. Definitely gotta play more of it soon, really fills a niche in my weapon set that I don't have right now.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
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Splattershot Pro, the only non-bottom-tier full auto shooter that I don't outright hate. I like it for its weaknesses as much as its strengths; the excellent accuracy and evenly spread, all-rounder stats are the weapon's selling points, but what takes the weapon from tolerable to likeable are its relatively high ink consumption and low paint output for a shooter. When you're fighting a Splattershot, it'll spend half the match playing the game and half the match farming its special. With Splattershot Pro, that distribution becomes 90/10.

I only wish Angle Shooter's trail dealt damage to enemies. It's such an obvious good change and would likely bring vPro into the higher echelons of the meta, a position it absolutely deserves.
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Oct 23, 2023
Cerritos, CA
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Tri Stringer! I never thought I'd like playing bows but here we are. I like how flexible it is as a backline/support weapon! After the painting buff it got, I legit played it from time to time. Plus getting a direct is super satisfying too. All this led me to currently working on 5 starring Wellstring!
Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
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That would be the vanilla Undercover Brella and Neo Sploosh! I already talked about these in detail, but these kits were the two that surprised me the most when trying them out, hence why I titled it "Didn't Know I Wanted That." There were more weapons I wanted to put down but the thread was already getting long so I guess we got honorable mentions :>

- Aerospray MG: Really awesome kit. The closest kit we got to this was the S1 PG kit but this reaches some really high highs I don't think Kraken could ever for me. Maybe second best Reefslider combo outside of Dapple Torpedo.

- Splattershot Pro: Admittedly I've fallen a bit out of love with this weapon but Line Marker is an extremely fun sub that I'll often play kits for this sub in particular.

- Jet Squelcher: Same reason as Splattershot Pro, but this kit I love because it gives Jet something to do other than sit back the entire match as both the sub and special actively punish this playstyle.

- Recycled Brella 24 MK I: Seeing this kit reveal in Fresh 2024, I was not expecting it, but after giving it a bit, I was surprised just how well the kit works. I think this one gets overshadowed a bit too much from other weapons because in my opinion this is better than the MK II. Both components complement this brella a lot, from a alright combo tool and location to giving yourself an actual shield, this far trumps the second kit. (Just had to have Mist. Just had to have given it Mist Nintendo...)

- Douser Dualies FF: This one I kinda tried out on a whim during one of my existential crisis moments of not being able to play any weapon and this one is actually pretty neat. Sad this one didn't get Burst Wail but I'll still absolutely take Ink Mine. This kit rules.

- Charcoal Decavitator: This weapon did not click for me initially. I like Wall on it but my main issue with the weapon is the range, with it just being short enough to feel like you're over extending with your slow fire rate but long enough to where at least short range stuff still needs to be careful. Then I decided I should just win, and now it's one of the things I find myself coming back to if I wanna be a huge threat every now and then. (I also can never unhear the Ultrakill Sawed-On Shotgun's sound effects due to this weapon. Every time I charge and unleash it it plays in my mind.)

- Sloshing Machine: This one was rough until I gave it a second chance after the nerf. Really fun weapon would recommend. This kit is just too good but also make it 210p again I beg you.

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