what’s your least favorite thing in splatoon 3


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
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Tri-Slosher hard outclassing Luna
Tacticooler being busted
Reefslider being garbage
Squeezer hard outclassing Pro
Squeezer forcing mashing
Squeezer outranging Squiffer
52 killing faster than sploosh
Trizooka startup
Pencil controlling everything
Getting trapped by a stringer’s explosives
Tri strike’s touch of death
Tri strike’s anti synergy with everything
Nintendo patching stuff at a snail’s pace
Eggstra Work is mid
Blob is unhealthy and infuriating
And finally,
Screen. I don’t think I need to explain why

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Tri-Slosher hard outclassing Luna
Tacticooler being busted
Reefslider being garbage
Squeezer hard outclassing Pro
Squeezer forcing mashing
Squeezer outranging Squiffer
52 killing faster than sploosh
Trizooka startup
Pencil controlling everything
Getting trapped by a stringer’s explosives
Tri strike’s touch of death
Tri strike’s anti synergy with everything
Nintendo patching stuff at a snail’s pace
Eggstra Work is mid
Blob is unhealthy and infuriating
And finally,
Screen. I don’t think I need to explain why

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
I agree with literally everything here


Pro Squid
Jul 2, 2023
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spawning grounds existing in splatoon 3 like?? Why. I would think the thought process would be "We were still learning with our sr maps in Splatoon 2, so we can make better ones in Splatoon 3" and they did, the Splatoon 3 sr maps are baller but then like. They brought back spawning grounds anyways. Everytime i have to play high tide on spawning grounds i suffer


Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
Invading Denmark (as we speak)
Game balance. The recent patches all had me go “whaaaaa????” at some point. Why would you buff shot and zap's rng (coming from a shot main), why would you buff zooka indirect (again, coming from a shot main), why would you buff zap's damage, why is bamboo's paint still broken, questions questions…

Map design. Tbf it does help new players like me to get used to the game, but why not have a mix of “hallways“ and more complexe maps at release? Watching old S2 map guides made my rlly sad at one point, give us places to go, please ._.

Story and lore. Now the lore from S3 heromode is peak, human extinction and all that, but I want to know more about deep cut. They have such great designs and symbols, it's just underdeveloped. I know side order is probably all about pearl and marina, but my copium is we'll see deep cut in action once more 😔🙏🏻


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
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A lot honest, but my least favorite thing(s) comes down to a couple things, but I feel like I have more to talk about with how bad the weapon kits and balancing are.

Kits seem to be only extremes in this game, where they're either really awful or pretty good, and the bad kit are some of the series worst. And I know that the meta for this game is currently in a healthy spot, but this game really feels like there's a power gap between what's being used and slightly nicher picks.
At least with Splatoon 2, even if its good share of unhealthy specials, at least there was better synergy with each other (most of the time), so it was easier to play off of other specials, even in a soloQ environment, plus a better spread of different specials on weapons rather than just putting the weaker specials on a majority of the weapons. A majority of weapons also don't have a bomb as thier sub, let alone Line Marker just ruining kits. The bad kits don't only feel worse to play, but some of these kits you have to wait for a really long time for, some still not having a 2nd kit; like imagine waiting over a year for your favorite weapon to get a new kit, only for it to get something unusable... what's worse is some cases of this don't even have a good vanilla kit, so then you just gotta hope that your weapon actually gets a 3rd kit with something.
With Splatoon 3 being a game in a modern era, where the game can get balances patches, there's hope for those weapons that just need that extra boost... just a shame that rarely happens. A lot of the buffs that an under powered weapon gets usually don't help it where it struggles. Yeah, Brella is a very weak weapon, two of the problems being bad Ink Efficiency and the damage nerf it got in S2 because Sorella could farm Bomb Launcher easily (don't ask me how that makes sense), so after waiting a year to get buffs it can now regen it's shield faster, a MPU effect it had in S2 that nobody used. Then you also look at Big Swig, and it got some much needed buffs that really helped it out (just too bad it has two bad kits), and I think there needs to be more buffs try to help weapons in places they struggle.
As for the nerfs, I feel like some of them done just for the sake of nerfing, where either the nerf doesn't address the issue with the weapon, or the nerfs become too extreme. Vanilla Splash was the best weapon to use for the longest time, simply because it could farm Crab quickly. Solution...? Nerf the paint range of course, indirectly hurting Neo Splash as well, despite already having issues with being outclassed with TTek, even though they could increase the Special Cost for Vanilla Splash, requiring it to work more for Crab without having to hurt Neo with it. Then you have Machine and Stamper, two really good weapons that dominated. Of course, with something that's super dominate and overpowering nerfs would make sense, and nerfs they got... and kept keep nerfs, even when they were no longer dominate, to the point where they just feels worse to play. Of course, this could just be me having the mind set of "buffs over nerfs", where rather than nerfing something into the ground, buff what's weaker in order for them to have a better chance and nerf what is necessary.

Sorry for the essay of a post, just have a bit to say about why I don't like how weapons are.


Feb 9, 2024
He/Him They/Them
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The X rank queue times mostly. Game balance and maps have their issues, but it's second to actually being able to play the game.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
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Thank you graciously for making this thread.

Things I have gripes with:
Automatic shooters (except .96 and Nova)
Squeezer mashing requirement
Squeezer hard outclassing Goo Tuber
Lethal bombs
Shooters getting more bombs than other frontline classes
Shooters getting more than half of all Crab Tanks
Short-range shooters getting more buffs than Brellas
Short-range shooters getting any buffs in general
Brellas still being mid tier
Tri-Slosher always being able to slosh twice before dying
Inkbrush and Octobrush doing damage in a 180° cone
Complete lack of Toxic Mist buffs
Poor sub weapon balance overall
Poor balance patches overall
One balance patch every 1.5 months that may or may not make more than one meaningful change
Flyfish having the same spawn rate as other boss salmonids
Being able to shoot Master Mega in the "water" during the Shiver boss fight, thus removing 99% of the difficulty

I'll leave it at that, since those are the main things.
I'm sure there are more nitpicks.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 22, 2018
Switch Friend Code
literally just tacticooler defining the meta. everything else is just a minor inconvenience, but cooler is lame af and rewards stupid pushes


Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Literally been so excited to use squid surge/squid roll ever since it was introduced but honestly the lack of verticality and platforming really holds it down. I love Robo ROM-en for this, but genuinely wished it was included more in Splat3 maps, or at least sprinkle a bit from the past games' maps.

also flyfish


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The fact that the host can deny you the win by messing with their own internet connection.

Tenta Missile barrages

Enemy Ink Storms taking too long to go away.

Top and % Badges, all of them were terrible ideas.

I also need to mention the number of wins in a row Badges, also a terrible idea.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
Switch Friend Code
Honestly I'm still really mad they completely changed the way Anarchy Open works instead of making League it's own mode. I really don't like playing Series, they stress me out too much because I'm always worried about not breaking even on my points totals by the end, so I'd grind points via Open, and getting in a good rhythm with a team of randoms I'd just happened to find was honestly how I made probably the majority of my points (And a lot of the friends on my friends list too!), so the complete gutting of that just. Ugh. I don't have anyone I actually play with either (Either IRL or via Discord), so I'm exclusively relying on the luck of the draw for every single match and hoping I get teammates I mesh well with, instead of being able to semi-reliably stay with teams I'd already been doing well with. I know it's petty (Since THOSE teams were entirely randoms too) but honestly it just made Anarchy Open a lot less fun for me.

Also I hate how scale distribution works for Salmon Run. I WANTED all locker decor, but the fact I'm trying to get all work suits, all gear, and also specific banners I want makes it basically an impossible goal, since there's no way I can grind Salmon Run THAT much to get enough scales for everything

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