Ever since being drawn back into ninja squid build due to some conversations here, I've been using:
Lightweight Cap


Green Striped LS


Red Hi-Tops


For the tentatek and wasabit splattershot. It has been a lot of fun. I survive some things that I otherwise shouldn't, as well as some 1v1 with other splattershots. People are still really down on ninja squid, and of course it isn't great in competitive squad VS squad, but in solo queue people just don't expect it. So lots of squids fire at where they saw you last and since they don't see ripples they are not prepared for you to pop up beside/behind them. It is a lot of fun.
Still going to roll a sub saver build to use with the vanilla splattershot and maybe the neo-splash. Something like:
Camo Mesh


Herbivore Tee (no pic)


Blue Slip Ons


Trying to figure out how to fit in 2 damage up subs and keep the swim speed. I might do my pilot goggles with the blueberry casuals:



So, you get almost normal speed, while still retaining 3 bombs, some bomb range, and the benefit of damage up. I might also try something with NO bomb range but some damage and ink saver sub (using the white tee, paisley bandana, and bb casuals).
Still having fun in solo-queue with ninja squid, but I don't think it adds enough to a team for competitive team comps.