Alright. Let's say that, 1/6 of 1million players are extremely competitive, and the other 5/6 aren't, according to the x6 multiplier, it would be exactly even, it wouldn't matter if the less competitive team won even 50 games, (pretty absurd) but then again not only are we trusting Nintendo to make two popular themes, were also trusting Nintendo not to over-popularize Callie, since she seems to be the one winning all the time, (what I mean by "over-popularize" Callie is by giving her a team we know more competitive, and amateur players will pick) let's compare Dogs vs Cats
38 + 51x6 < 62 + 49x6
Now let's compare that too when Nintendo really didn't care about Marie. (Past vs Future)
39 + 55x2 < 61 + 45x2
(What I'm doing here is switching the multipliers of each Splatfest, showing that as the multiplier goes up, the popularity value doesn't really go down, in stead it makes the even bigger number have a higher value once it's multiplied) The popularity part of splatfest wasn't ever broken XD it's just that Nintendo gives Callie more popular and just better overall themes to most people with Splatoon. #StopMarieAbuse2k16