Remember Dynamo or Luna Blaster for that matter from S1? They both got nuked at the start of S2, and I'm more than willing to bet it was comments just like these that they got gutted like they did. If you want another example, look at how badly the Aerospray got its painting ability, the one thing it's actually good at mind you, completely crippled. Now do you see what I'm saying? Because those level of nerfs are how you kill a weapon, and send them straight to garbage tier. Yes, Pencil does indeed need to be toned back by a bit. But not fired into the sun like it seems some people here want. Also, all of the aforementioned weapons had to be eventually buffed to even be usable again like they are now.
Those are examples of nerfs that were bad for one weapon, but were they bad for the overall health of the meta? The point I was making is that I'm more concerned with the big picture than any one individual weapon, because 65 main weapons can't all be top tier. Something is going to be low tier, and I'd rather prioritize having a game where the top tiers are fun to play both as and against than one where they aren't. If Pencil gets nerfed to a point where it stops getting played entirely...
I'm okay with that outcome. Firing it into the sun is preferable to me than keeping it where it is. Nothing of value will be lost.
S1 Dynamo was supremely unhealthy, shooting it was correct. Maybe they overnerfed it, but we're better off having it where it is now than where it was in S1.
Aerospray is a weapon that I firmly believe shouldn't ever be allowed to be meta. Nintendo has openly said in past patch notes that they aimed to curtail playstyles of just farming special and doing nothing else, which conveniently happens to describe Aerospray. It's a weapon that was never designed to do anything else, and that's ultimately
boring as hell.
Luna... idk, no opinion.
How about for an example of when shooting something dead was a net positive, consider Missiles. They were nerfed to the point where no one plays them now, and I sincerely think that was correct to do. Raise your hand if you would want Missiles buffed back into relevance. Anyone?
A pen to counter a pencil sounds pretty appropriate.
But Chargers counter Splatlings? Even with BP's nerf reverted, Pencil still wins the head-to-head matchup.