What would you like to see in Splatoon 3?


Full Squid
Jun 8, 2022
The abyss
Switch Friend Code
1. More additions to ranked if it still exists
2: New brand selections
3. Keeping Salmon Run or replacing it with something similar
4. New types of weapons along with keeping the last sets (I know we've already witnessed one new addition, but I hope to see more within the release or further updates)
5. Possibly keeping Marina or adding another Octolong celebrity. Being an Octoling user, I liked the idea of having an Octoling idol.
6. New sources of communication within gameplay

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
This might be a big side division, but they need to ban the ability to squidbag, right after killing someone. Regular squidbagging for squid parties I can work with.
1. It would be literally impossible to ban squidbagging.
2. Squidbagging is good.


Full Squid
Jun 8, 2022
The abyss
Switch Friend Code
Squidbagging does get super annoying (excluding squid parties) especially in Ranked. Any time I play, there's always one person that squidbags and tries to get others to join. My rank is so low because of it. It'd be super difficult for them to ban it though, and decide the penalty mid-match.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
More geeky and nerdy gear, I want my Octoling to be a full-on gaming nerd. The pixelated glasses are just what I need to make him be that guy who dedicates his free time to video-games.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
A hugely upgraded Salmon Run. With the announcement of the mode coming back, I hope they introduce some actual complexity to it much like how other shooters have done with their horde modes. Like how about needing to spend Power Eggs to open some gates? Or using them to buy back the Specials? Getting the Power Eggs in Salmon run opens up to all sorts of ideas on what to do with it other than as a performance tally.


Full Squid
Jun 8, 2022
The abyss
Switch Friend Code
Yeah, I've noticed that you don't get much out of the Power Eggs in general so it'd be nice to put them to some use to unlock new gameplay. It definitely does need an upgrade and I'm glad that they are keeping it. I'm quite happy with the new Salmonoid boss designs as well.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 9, 2020
Switch Friend Code
Oh boy, there are a lot of things I'd like to see. Ill try to keep this as concise as possible

1. Better Stick Controls

I don't use sticks myself, but I know a lot of other people do. I'm pretty sure that sticks are not as good as they could be. I'd feel that allowing the X-axis and Y-axis sensitivity to be sperate sliders as opposed to just one. Also an option to have an aim acceleration option could be nice. As it would make adjusting aim easier without compromising being able to swing your camera around quickly for movement. It is rather small changes and it wouldn't be on par with motion, but honestly you can really do that unless aim-assist is a thing. Which is a can of worms that I'm not going to go over.

2. Splatnet Features that Should be In-Game (also slight Splatnet inprovements)

The report function of Splatnet should really be in-game, enough said. The past 50 games feature and the stage and weapon stats might as well be in-game as well. Splatnet's only real reason to exist is being able to check stage rotations on the go. Granted this would make it a tad irrelevant, but you could just give it other QoL features instead. Maybe being able to manage your murch orders and order gear from people in your past matches.

3. Instead of Annie's Shop, You Have a More Direct Way of Replacing Main Abilities

Y'know how sub chunks can be placed in sub slots to get a guaranteed ability? Well how about something similar for main abilities with main plates. You'd get these from story mode, salmon run, or even trade in random chunks to get a random main plate. If you have any extra main plates you could break them down into random chunks or have murch hold on to them and be replaced by another ability that you can buy back later. These plates can even be put on amiibo and story mode gear.

4. Super Sea Snails

Make it so you can still use cash to add slots, but just bump up the cost to 50,000 or something. Give snails the ability to bribe murch into giving us better chances of getting what we want on our orders. You could give him 1-5 snails with 5 guaranteeing you to get exactly what you want. Another idea is when a piece of gear has all slots unlocked you can use a snail to "imbue" gear to keep giving chunks after filling up a bar after all the slots are filled. Pretty much what the splatfest tee does but for that ability to be on all gear.

5. Staggered Rotations

Instead of all modes rotating every 2 hours make it so when turf and league rotate rank will change in an hour instead. So after rank changes an hour later turf and league change. It's a little odd at first but it's to allow for more stage variety though out play sessions. I'd also make it that game doesn't interrupt you when the stages change and have it do it automatically.

And here are some rapid fire wishes
- Don't bring back Moray Towers
- Bring back Flounder Heights
- Loadouts to save weapons and gear to
- Make turf war matchmaking tolerable
- A toggle for regional or worldwide matchmaking
- Allow weapons to have skins instead of it being a separate weapon (eg. octoshot)

- Playlists for music so I can choose what I'd want to listen to
- Make freshness flags visible to other players
- An option to hide player names like in X rank
- Unranked ranked queue
- And for the love of cod, the ability to skip the news
Since the direct and other info came out recently. I'd figure I would give my thoughts based on the points in my previous wishlist.

1. Sorry stick users, it seems as the control menu doesn't offer any more features than what we have in 2.

2. Looks like we get to see the past 50 matches in-game now. I'd assume that this will also mean weapon stats and report feature will become in-game as well

3. I must have curled the finger on a monkey paw somehow. Nice to see main abilities being changeable now . . . for the steep price of 45 chunks. Sure we don't know if chunks are easier to obtain so that price might be more than reasonable. However what does this mean for main exclusive abilities like haunt or opening gambit? Annie's shop is coming back so that might be the only way to acquire those abilities.

4. Pretty much nothing of what I said seems to be coming to 3. The star power system is kinda like imbuing gear to be even better I guess.

5. Again something not happening in 3. On the bright side ranked/anarchy battles have 2 queues now with separate modes and stages, and I'd assume the new X rank mode as well will too. Which I think is better than my idea of rotation staggering.

Also glad about Flounder, loadouts, and news skipping being added.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the info we got so far. I didn't get everything or exactly what I wanted, but I wasn't expecting to anyway.


Inkster Jr.
May 15, 2022
Walleye Warehouse, Moray Towers, and Wahoo World
Switch Friend Code
I am actually really glad that they changed it so you buy weapons with a different form of currency. One of the problems I had in Splatoon 2, as there always felt like there never was enough money. I'd play some rounds of turf war, since you get money even if you lose, some money from salmon run, then hope I have enough money, but its always where I have to choose between buying just one new weapon, or two or three pieces of gear.


Inkster Jr.
May 15, 2022
Walleye Warehouse, Moray Towers, and Wahoo World
Switch Friend Code
Also, I am still hoping they have a list for gear to buy, and end the cycling. I hate when I miss out on buying a piece of gear I saw, and it gets cycled out. Now, I have to just wait and hope that someday, that one day, it might show back up in the shops again. How about instead, just have a full list of every piece of gear? That way, there is no chance of missing anything, no chance of hoping luck lets it show back up again, and we always know how much is available. Wouldn't everybody win?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Yeah, I just want all pieces of gear to be available at all times.

Or at least make it so that when it cycles out, it doesn't replace it with those that already have been bought.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
Ink Brush with 20x more speed in its rolling movement.

Also Ink Brush with:

Sub: Burst Bomb
Special: Triple Ink Strike / Inkzooka

Increased Ink brush speed and power and range.

Ink Brush is an amazing weapon. =]


Inkster Jr.
May 15, 2022
Walleye Warehouse, Moray Towers, and Wahoo World
Switch Friend Code
I just realized another feature I would want to be added to Splatoon 3. Now we know that weapons "level up" as you use them. So here's an idea I thought up, why don't they apply experience points across the modes consistently? Here's some examples of what I mean:
You play single player mode campaign, you beat a level for the first time with a brush, you gain some experience points towards your level in general, plus some points towards that brush. Of course repeating a mission gains nothing.
You play salmon run. You used blaster, splatana, and splattershot. So when it ends, you gain some regular experience points, but you also gain some experience points towards all three weapons.
Think about it, weapons gaining experience don't make them better, it just opens up the weapons shop so you can buy more stuff.
Also I think its a good idea in balancing and avoiding FOMO if you can gain regular experience when you do a level in single player for the first time, allow me to explain why. What will people do when they first get the game? Salmon Run? That gains you money, gear, tickets, and chunks, but NO experience points. Leaving you continue to being locked out from certain weapons. What about single player? The literal mode that beginners are recommended to play first? Again, no experience points for it. Wouldn't it be nice for beginners, if they play single player to learn the controls and weapons, beat the final boss, and SURPRISE!, get told they reached the first level needed to have more variety in weapons to buy? Instead of grinding (and losing to people with more experience, lets be real here) in turf war to gain access to more weapons, they can start turf war with more options to try out. Now THAT would be cool! I wish this were true way back in Splatoon 1, I would have LOVED to have a ton of options BEFORE I started grinding in Turf to reach Ranked. Wouldn't you?


Aug 22, 2022
Heart of the Sea
I know this isn't going to happen, but a reputation-based system for unlocking gear would be interesting

This would be that instead of having currency to purchase gear and weapons, you'd have various reputation values that unlock various things. These reputations will increase from battles depending on what you do: for example, you'd have an overall reputation like the levelling system, weapon-type reputation based on which weapons you use, etc.
Dec 30, 2022
the old news peeps

splatton 3 players what do u think ur doing here newbe i played splatoon 2 so wut? octo exspason uh, right this way

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