What's the best and worst sub weapon?


Aug 22, 2015
Switch Friend Code
although it really depends on the weapon along with the sub for me to like the sub, id have to say my personal favorite would have to be burst bombs, and my least favorite disruptors.

ive literally been a huge fan of burst bombs since the game came out. when splatoon was released i exclusively played the original splattershot and nothing else (not a good idea, its not a good weapon lmao) for a good month & a half. it crushed my heart when i finally came to truth with myself and had to admit the splattershot isnt good and that it was the reason i was losing.

the disruptors are pretty good sub weapons for certain stages and theyre insanely wonderful for blocking enemies from grouping together on modes like rainmaker, i just prefer the point sensor in any given situation over disruptor. nintendo seems to be focusing the disruptor as completely a support sub or a crutch, putting it on weapons that arent good for killing in face-to-face combat. its a really good strategy on paper to have weapons that are basically meant for going around and weakening enemies so teammates can finish them off easily, but just when its practiced, it doesnt really work well. i mean you need to be able to defend yourself because your teammates arent gonna be grouped and readily able to defend you most of the time.

recently ive been getting better at planning where enemies are about to go and playing the field, so splat bombs and ink mines are really getting more fun for me to use. you just have to know how to use them and then you can have fun messing with your enemies with them.

as for the others.. i dont reallly like suction bombs that much, since they take so long to detonate and take up like all your ink tank and im just a really up-close, aggressive player so that doesnt work well with me. sprinklers arent hugely useful in much other than splat zones but its fun to get them in the weirdest corners and positions since their mechanic is so different. splat walls are pretty fun and great for corners and playing the field. seekers are pretty cool but not my thing (and also annoying as hell when 2+ enemies are spamming them) and i love beacons since they help immensely with regrouping but you shouldnt really need them that much if you have a good enough team, so they get less and less useful the higher tier you get in ranked.

that was a lotta text so tl;dr from least to most favorite of mine would probably be:
disruptor | beacon | suction | sprinkler | wall | splat bomb | mine | point sensor | burst bomb


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Point Sensors are overshadowed by Disruptors, which also have the benefit of crippling an opponent and making them easy prey (or scaring Chargers enough to make them retreat).
The (strong) downside is that Disruptors are carefully given to a few weapons which don't have the range to make the most out of it, exception being vanilla Nozzlenoze but that thing has some other problems on it's own. Disruptor is deliberately more stronger than other sub weapons but as a trade-off it's only given to a few of them. Giving one to a splat charger for instance would be terrifying.

You can still annoy chargers by debuffing their ink recovery with it, but otherwise the point of disruptors is to stop enemies from retreating.


Pro Squid
Oct 21, 2015
The Ocean
My to favorites are the seekers and the burst bombs. Burst bombs are very good under a variety of situations probley don't need to sing the phase of them. Seekers are great for keeping your enemy confused you could throw one and follow it's trail or throw one and move to side or have one lock on and force them to dodge it (or they can die) which opens a ton of new attack avenues.
Mine are the worst for me because they don't have a lot of different uses (knowing where someone is with a point sensor is great)


Inkster Jr.
Nov 11, 2015
I would say that the best sub weapon are beacons or disrupters since they help with stealthy super jumps to certain spots and disruptors lead to easy kills.
Worst Sub would have to be seekers. To easy to avoid and just lead to trouble


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
splatbombs are pretty hard to get kills with, I haven't used the point sensor much since it isn't on many weapons I like, think I might try the forge splattershot pro again now, kinda forgot about them to be honest >.<''
I honestly feel splatbombs are a great weapon, if you know how to use it.
Never go for a direct toss, rather try bounce it off the wall or toss it outside of their camera range. Also in tower control, tossing one of these on the tower floor is a easy way to either make an opening or splat all enemies on the tower
:wst_charge_normal00: :splatbomb:


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Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Suction bomb are also good cause you can stick them under or to the edge of grated surfaces and the player won't see them when they look down :D
But the worst has to be :disruptor: because it weakens your opponents and reveal their location, but wastes so much ink that it leaves you open for attack if you don't act right away you are going to get splatted.


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
I've had a lot of success with the Splash Wall, but my play style is also more defensive. On maps with a lot of chokepoints, it's great for a "defensive advance" where you throw a wall and move forward, throw a wall, and move forward. This keeps fire off your team so that they can splat the enemy on the other side. It's also good for controlling splatzones because you can block off certain paths and force enemies into certain routes. A smart team can use this to set up ambushes and keep enemies at bay. A Random team can use this to give the enemy countless flanking opportunities by not watching the paths that aren't blocked.

On more open maps, they can buy you or a teammate a few seconds if someone pops up next to you. You may get killed throwing the wall, but your teammate will have a shield to stand behind while they avenge you.

I haven't had much luck with splat bombs/burst bombs. They're really effective (especially for a last minute bomb rush in splat zones), but I've never been able to use them well.


Inkster Jr.
Oct 18, 2015
booyah base
best: sprinkler (turf war), suction bombs (any mode really)

worst: squid beakon (no one on my team uses these except me lol), ink mines (you can only use one at a time, hard to predict enemy movements to make them walk over it)


Inkling Cadet
Sep 17, 2015
The point sensor is very useful as a portable echolocator. Its great for checking out uncharted turf safely, and consumes very little ink (uses about a quarter) so you can easily throw at least two of them per tank. I also like the Splat bombs as a Jr. user because they are simple but effective. They can ricochet off corners, and don't take long to go off either. Only gripe with them is that they do consume about half a tank so I tend to use them in doses. The squid beacon is not my favorite weapon in turns of subs since it is dependent on how your team uses it. If you are the only one to use them, you will not get very far in a turf war. Also, you sorta have to keep track of your map more to place more beacons since when your team members use them they get destroyed, so I wouldn't recommend this sub to those tend to focus more on the main screen during battle.


Pro Squid
Community Ambassador
Jun 8, 2015
Best? :splashwall: or :burstbomb:

Worst? :seeker: or :inkmine:

Reasons? They're the subs that I most enjoy/hate and have the most use/little use in Competitive play in my opinion.


Full Squid
Oct 7, 2015
Although map and mode are key factors to look at when judging which is the best and worst, overall I'd say the suction bomb has the most uses in the most maps and modes, making it the best, and the ink mine has the least amount of usage options and can't be used in very many places, making it the worst.
Suctions can be placed anywhere you want, on any map, provided you have the range to throw it there. You can do it from a safe distance too, using it to spawn camp, surprise people, hold them back, cover turf, weed people out, and of course splat.
The ink mine can only be placed on the ground and it has to be placed right where you're standing, meaning it can't be put in disputed zones. It also has too much warning when exploding, giving both visual and audio cues. Although those two things don't send it to the sub graveyard, the thing that ruins it the most is that it automatically detonates after a short period of time. This makes it unbearable.


Inkster Jr.
Jul 21, 2016
I may be a bit biased on the best and worse subs (being that I main the .52 Gal Deco) but I believe seekers are quite useful. You can rush with them, as stated above, and although they are relatively easy to dodge, they can be used to pressure enemies into certain spots or just keep them on their toes.

Worst is ink mine. It's completely useless imo. In the beginning stages of the game's release, they were a giant pain because not many people knew how to combat them. Then the community slowly realized there are multiple solutions: bomb sniffer ability on clothing, or just spraying literally everything (the basis of half the gamemodes). They used to be useful on tower control, but now, once someone gets hit with it once, that's it. A one time trick not to be overly effective for the rest of the round.


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Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Again I defend the inkmine, there was actually a cool tricks that you can preform with it most notably the double inkmine, if you wait til just before the exploding animation come out, noticed by the glow you can jlhave multiple inkmine out during this split second, most people who know an inkmine blast is coming will jump out of the way, but using ink trotting you can get ahead of them and force them into a second inkmine. Also inkmine are still as effective at forcing people into no win scenarios as the splash wall since people will be on the lookout for inkmine and miss other attacks in the process
Again it still isn't a great weapon and honestly wish they just cut the bomb animation so that people can't jump out of it as easily.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
My greatest issue on the Inkmine would be that it does nothing an actual mine is supposed to do- you drop it at open flanks or choke points to stall an approach and it'll notify you that someone's coming. Splatoon's Inkmine does neither, as it's not permanent and easily avoided. In fact, you can use the short fuse on Splat Bombs to trap enemies easier than the Inkmine, making the Inkmine look kind of useless in comparison.

I'd be a lot better with the Inkmine if it's at least stays until you drop another one/owner gets shot/someone steps on it, that's give it some extra functionality.


Inkling Cadet
May 26, 2016
Sorry Magolor I'm gonna have to copy what you did there :p

I like a lot (:seeker::suctionbomb::sprinkler:)

And then some are in between
I don't have any that I necessarily dislike but :burstbomb::inkmine::pointsensor: aren't exactly my favorites *shrug*


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
:sprinkler::inkmine::splatbomb: :burstbomb:
I love the creativity and strategy that comes from using these weapons and honestly these suns give some of the most satisfying splat splatboards when used well
You can too small them down but by bouncing splatboards off a wall or over cover, splatting someone who super jumps with a sprinkler, using burst bombs to end runaway squids and cover walled area quickly, and of course the planning of using inkmine ahead of time makes these very enjoyable.

These weapons are fun and have some variety to their use, like hiding a suction right at the edge or on a obstacle or placing a perfect wall to punish people flanking or splatling super jumpers, however the ink consumption makes these weapons a little less favored because if you mess up even once you're dead meat

Not favored
The ink consumption on these is ridiculous and leaves you extremely vulnerable if you don't have ink recovery and are terrible in solo, you see people for so little a them or no one plays attention to point sensor that it doesn't help out all that much, and beckons I either find that people are really good at placing them and no uses them or they use them when the whole team are in our spawn, because of the unpredictability of the players this is a terrible weapon.
(However this does change in PB since they usually communicate better to each other and know what to do).

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