Why are so many people hating on Burst Bombs? I think they're the best subs in the game. They're extremely flexible and don't cost too much ink too boot.

Burst Bombs help the carbon and the E-liter by giving them a way to ink up walls fast, and retreat from enemy fire. Also, the E-liter and custom jet get some CQC with those to boot.

Burst bombs help all of these weapons burst cancel to produce an attack that splats so fast, it cannot be countered. Which is an amazing offensive ability to have, as standard OHKOs tend to be slow, or they don't have much range, with a burst cancel, that range is broadened.
I can see why people think the wall is great because weapons like


dominate with them, but with the coro-coro I don't see that kind of usefulness with having a wall.
The worst sub weapon has to go to ink mine. Seekers are a close second for me here, but the ink mine just doesn't have that many uses. Not to mention it's only on 5 weapon sets, the only two "Good" weapons with mines are


, but the luna vanilla at this point has been completely replaced by neo version. The vanilla rapid really only has a niche in Tower Control, providing bubbler and having a good main weapon for pressuring the tower. But outside of TC, you'll probably never see this weapon.

This thing is somewhat decent, but it's not terribly good outside of maybe TC, it just isn't a good weapon all around, having terrible coverage as well.

Complete meme weapons, they are terrible and are outclassed severely by

Not to mention the only thing they're decent at is suppressing flanks, while they're completely countered by bomb sniffer, and stuff like


do it better.