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The wait for gamestop to open on friday is gunna be really painful. I wish they had midnight release or something cuz I really prefer physical copies over digital ones.
The second my local gamestop is open, I'll be there to get my preorder. If I spend any part of the entire weekend doing anything that isn't Splatoon, I'd be surprised.
Pre-ordered for a while now but I'll have to wait the end of my shift before I can get it from EBGames. D:
Good thing it's on my way back!
Everyone that I'll do the release party stream with (We are 4) either pre-ordered it or goes digital.
Thanks for all the replies!
I was short on money, but then I realised I had two copies of Super Mario 64.
And now I'm only 8 dollars short of the game plus the Amiibo!
I want the amiibo but if I can't get it I'll still be happy because I can play this game :D
Already have some money saved up to buy the game. Planning to buy that amiibo 3-pack, too.
Hope they don't sell out knowing what happened to wave 4 amiibo's. Friday's gonna be a good day.