I used mainly the splat brella to get to S+1 in tower control and I also use it often in rainmaker but I am much worse in that mode so I will speak to it's uses in tower control mainly. I find it to be a very powerful weapon but you don't use it like any other weapon. I will basically say that I never use the sub, maybe I throw it out at the start or when I just spawned to get a bit of extra charge for the storm cloud, but usually I get the storm cloud before I need it and so wasting that time/ink, however little that waste is, is not a decision I choose to make often. When you say it does not get its special fast enough, I think that you are underestimating how fast you can build the special up, because I find that before I die I either get off a special, or I forgot to/was to slow at activating it. I never find myself dying with no special available, and I use it 3 or more times per game each time for great effect. the special is enough to easily kill someone with a few special power ups, and enough time. That is time you can easily buy with the shield. Another thing about the special is that if you think you are about to fight someone, you should jump behind your tower, throw a rain cloud down at your feet facing the enemy, and then proceed to try and live however you can so that they wast time on you and possibly die for it. When using the shield in a firefight the key is not to treat it like it is a riot shield. You don't slowly move around with it up, and you don't hide behind it when the enemy fires. Basically when someone comes at you jump to the side run from them, or otherwise evade their initial fire, then you activate the shield. When you dodge their attack it gives you enough time to put up the shield. Then advance toward the enemy with shield a tiny bit before dropping it and strafing around the enemy with squid, then jump and shield again. Basically repeat this until you hit enough shots while putting up shield or you are at point blank and can kill them. with more than one person just run and try to attack from another angle or pick someone off instead of fighting head on. This strategy gets better when you can use special in a fight, because you basically can force the enemy to stay in the rain, and get off a shot or two on them, so they die while getting nothing done. And if an enemy kills you they often just die to the special and a shot or two from an ally of yours. Finally I will speak about the reason why I use it so often in tower control specifically. It basically nullifies the enemy's ability to stop you on the tower. You have a small pole to block some shots, the ability to jump on and off the tower, and a shield that you can pull up to stop shots, including sniper shots and blaster shots which are both often problems for other weapons in tower control. Then any moment you get to expose yourself freely because you and your team just wiped out the enemies, you can shoot around you in all directions to cover turf quickly and build up a special, to basically just zone out any enemies trying to shoot you. you end up becoming a tank that enemies have trouble dealing with, and if they ever try to ignore you you can just build up special gauge or blast them a few times. The biggest reason why people think it sucks is because they play the weapon slow, but you have to play really quickly to make up for how slow the weapon is.