Worst Teammates Ever


Nov 23, 2015
Canada (Land of Polar Bears)
Had a game on Hammerhead TC yesterday where my team just absolutely refused to get on the tower. We had a moment at one point where we wiped out their entire team: my teammates took out two of them and I died taking out the other two myself. Figured it was well worth the sacrifice since we'd be able to make some serious progress with their whole team wiped.

While waiting to respawn I kept waiting for my teammates to get the tower...but not a single one of them ever did. The entire enemy team dead, and no one even got close to the tower. It wasn't until I respawned and swam all the way back to the center (Again, on Hammerhead: not a short distance) that we finally got the tower moving since I got on it, but of course the enemy team was back too and proceeded to immediately swarm the tower and kill me, and went on to win the game.

I have no earthly idea what the hell my teammates were doing that could have possibly been more important than getting on the tower while the whole enemy team was dead. I normally refuse to blame teams for a loss because I know that's usually just an excuse, but I think this is one of those rare scenarios where I really can blame incompetent teammates.

Was your team in the lead? I had a similar situation on Tower Control on MahiMahi.

A player disconnected on the other side so it was 3v4. After I move the tower a bit and then it went back to center, no one would get on the tower. I got on a few times but no else would join or defend me, so I would get splatted The rest of the team played defensivly and just splatted anyone that came to mid. It was till the opposing team almost brought that tower halfway that my team started to go for the KO .-.


Full Squid
Oct 30, 2015
When rainmaker first came out there must have been a troll on my team. First he goes up to the rainmaker and just stands there with it. I don't know how but he did not get splatted, and then decided to head towards our home base. Upon reaching the base he decides to fire short shots like it is turf war. Thank you base programmer for including the time limit on that thing.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 19, 2015
Dear god. If I could count on my fingers how many time I made it to B+ 90-98 and lost, I could hold 17 Wiimotes. I've made peace with the fact that I will always lose right before I make it to A-.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 7, 2015
On splat zones, a splatling camped opposite our end of the map and did. not. move. It was like playing 3 vs 4. We lost, just, and it was because that damn splatling didn't contribute, unless the enemy came down the particular corridor he was guarding. Ugh.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 3, 2015
Rainmaker, B rank, Japanese person, level 27, in the last few seconds jumped around our tower with the rainmaker.
Literally jumping and spamming pings. We then got annihilated by the other team.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 25, 2015
Inkopolis, born and raised!
Switch Friend Code
I had a teammate(level 6/7, but still) who only got 80 points. With a Krak On Roller. They also planted Beakons near our spawn and super jumped to me when I said c'mon.(he was just behind me.) But then again, they were a n00bie. So yeah.


Pro Squid
Sep 27, 2015
I had a teammate on hammerhead and all he did the entire match was jump off the edge next to our spawn. He died like twenty times. We lost of course.


Senior Squid
Dec 17, 2015
All those snipers with less than 250 points and go 0-2 or something stupid like that. I know snipers are supposed to lock down and area and not be mobile and aggro, but you're telling me you couldn't do better? I rarely play with chargers, but I typically manage at least 500 points and a couple kills. Usually snipers like these are occupying themselves with some area of the map that doesn't require any attention.

Of Moose & Men

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 9, 2015
Anatat Tatanatat
I had a game where I had the most kills on the entire team. I had 3 Kills and 2 deaths. My team mates had a total of 17 deaths and. . . 0 kills. We had a roller, who had 18p. How do you even do that? I feel like a single flick gives more than 18p. Needless to say, it was funny.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I had a terrible one yesterday (yeah, forum newbie here with only one thread of activity!). I'm not the best player by far, probably worse than 60% of the people on this board at least), but not a bad one either. I've had my fair share of awful random teams with the usual problems to gripe about, though I can be pretty tolerant of it because I've let my team down enough times to understand.

There's the common failures where we lose badly, I know I didn't do the best I've done and feel it's my fault....then on the end page I find that I was the team leader with top coverage and the only positive k/d on the team (and/or the only non-zero kill count.) I feel like yelling at the screen: How could you all possibly fail worse than me, I sucked!? o_O

And the common failure where I seem to be holding down an entire base invasion all by myself, usually with the worst weapon to do so, 1v3 and I look around and my team is nowhere to be found. For the entire match.

There's the common failures where the team keeps racing to battle and seems to have forgotten that there's actually a base and it should be inked too.

My own stupid worst failure is often forgetting, completely, repeatedly that I have a special charged. I'll walk right into battle, get splatted and realize I had a charged kraken/bubbler ready to go. Most other failures (other than falling into the water in Mahi. All too often.) are just playing badly that day, but the special thing is my own big stupid.

But I've had three specific teams in random TW that stand out to me as overwhelmingly bad. (or weird.) The worst of which was yesterday.

The. Worst. Splatoon. Team. Ever. I was running splat charger as an overgrown squiffer, random TW, I'm new to chargers, been playing them since Thursday, so I'm largely not great at them, but can hold my own *IF* my team supports me even loosely. I can't carry the whole team by myself with a charger right now. Not usually... So we're in the warehouse, game starts normally, meet the enemy at center, the enemy makes a press forward paints over much of the map to our base but doesn't get to spawn camp. We (by we, I mean I) push them back at about 1:30 into the match. I cover the side areas. I take over the left side hallway ramp that goes to their base, clear out the main area in front of their base. I send bomb rushes in and paint over their section of the base. I continue covering from alternate locations, inside the hall ramp, then back down in front of the ramp covering their main base area. Their team tries to make a few breaks for it, I keep them back. I'm not a fan of spawn camping, but it was 1v4 up there, so I'm not sure that counts. So for a full third or more of the match I have the enemy completely contained all by myself, locked into their base (clearly not a great enemy team....even a modestly decent team could have taking me out in seconds, I'm sure, I'm not one of those ace snipers, not by a long shot. In fact I'd say it was a downright bad enemy team.) I wasn't watching the map since I was keeping the enemy locked up and bought my team a third of a match to paint every last corner of one of the smallest maps in the game. The round ends, Judd pops out of nowhere, I look at the map. WHAAAAT?? How is it possible? Most of the map was still the enemy color! We lost. Not just slightly. A massive loss. 21 or so % map coverage loss. How does a team possibly lose when they have the entire map to themselves for the last third of the match?? I had a 14/0 k/d and 1800pts. And we lost by about 80%. I figure maybe it was 2v4 with some DC's. Nope, everyone had their points.... 3 people were unable to paint the warehouse in an entire minute with no opposition, and no attempt to approach the enemy. No battling, no lone wolfing. I can only assume the 3 of them were having a grand old squid party back there while I was holding the enemy at bay alone. :mad:

Second worst was the team in art museum that would go out to the rotating platforms and have a squid party before I knew squid party was a thing. I had no idea what was going on, thought it was a glitch. Enemy kept pasting us and they're just flopping around on the platforms, but there was one that wasn't partying but wasn't doing anything.

The third was weird more than bad. That same guy followed after the partiers left. I couldn't figure him out. I was playing with chargers at the time (but was REALLY bad with them at the time, just testing them out), he had a squiffer. He kept hovering around me, spamming c'mon, but then wouldn't really go anywhere. I thought maybe he was trying to show me the ropes of chargers or something, saving kills for me, but I couldn't tell exactly what was going on. It was only TW so I followed along, but to this day have no idea what was really going on. All I could think of is that he saw I was a really awful charger noob and was trying to help. When he was on the enemy team he'd be aiming at me, but not shooting, but then sometimes would shoot, but I felt bad shooting him if he was trying to help so I generally avoided it, usually getting sniped myself. Maybe I was just a practice dummy? :) That one was weird, but not bad. Unless I was a practice dummy the guy seemed nice enough, I just wish I knew what he was actually trying to do. It went on for an hour or so.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
All those snipers with less than 250 points and go 0-2 or something stupid like that. I know snipers are supposed to lock down and area and not be mobile and aggro, but you're telling me you couldn't do better? I rarely play with chargers, but I typically manage at least 500 points and a couple kills. Usually snipers like these are occupying themselves with some area of the map that doesn't require any attention.
As a charger noob, I resemble this remark. :( Just in the brief time I've been trying it out, I generally do much better than that (in fact I've only had a few rounds with a negative k/d but I've had a few with under 400pts. Worst is generally equal k/d. However I get a lot of rounds that are either a far superior enemy team that storms our base and I'm helpless as a sniper without team support (and being new to them.) (To be fair in these cases I've had negative k/d, but was STILL the best k/d on the team....) but the opposite is when my team is so good, that I move out, get to my perch look at the map and realize my team has already somehow stormed the enemy base, spawn camped it, and there's nothing for me to do sitting alone out in the middle waiting for the inevitable enemy break-out flank that never happens.


Senior Squid
Dec 17, 2015
As a charger noob, I resemble this remark. :( Just in the brief time I've been trying it out, I generally do much better than that (in fact I've only had a few rounds with a negative k/d but I've had a few with under 400pts. Worst is generally equal k/d. However I get a lot of rounds that are either a far superior enemy team that storms our base and I'm helpless as a sniper without team support (and being new to them.) (To be fair in these cases I've had negative k/d, but was STILL the best k/d on the team....) but the opposite is when my team is so good, that I move out, get to my perch look at the map and realize my team has already somehow stormed the enemy base, spawn camped it, and there's nothing for me to do sitting alone out in the middle waiting for the inevitable enemy break-out flank that never happens.
Well you're new to the game, so it's understandable. I was more talking about the level 35+ folk who failed so miserably.
And yea, I don't play sniper as often as well, and I feel your pain. Sniping relies more on your team than most other weapons and playstyles, so it's easy to go from the guy who's locking down an area to losing it all.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Well you're new to the game, so it's understandable. I was more talking about the level 35+ folk who failed so miserably.
And yea, I don't play sniper as often as well, and I feel your pain. Sniping relies more on your team than most other weapons and playstyles, so it's easy to go from the guy who's locking down an area to losing it all.
LOL, yes! I barely miss your cutoff! Lvl 33 terrible sniper and proud of it! :p I'm new to chargers and the whole support playstyle though - previously I've been the hyperactive in-your-face rambo with quick respawn gear maxed out tearing through the enemy base every time they turn around (Sploosh-o, splash-o, luna, aerospray.) Mostly because I wanted the money to buy all the weapons and clothing I wanted. :D

Actually I'm not doing THAT bad at chargers, just not great either. But every time I tried them before I was THAT bad. I'm loving the support role, it's less stressful than frenetically running around the map spinning 180 every time I blink :) And playing area denial even without getting splats can be tons of fun. I may finish with 2 or 3 splats and 0-2 respawns, but it's hard to overstate the personal satisfaction of NOBODY daring to enter the right side of skate park for an entire round, and seeing them u-turn every time they approach and get a burst bomb on their heads and cut off escape routes. I'm a long, long way from being one of those 15/2 aces with impeccable aim, but I'm still useful as a deterrent, and my time as a Ridalin addicted squid with a sploosh makes me the one sniper that won't hesitate to take my burst bombs and hunt that flanker down like the dog that he is. :cool: I think I have more kills as a charger user from bombs than I do from the charge! I may end up with low splats and last on the ink points chart, but it's usually a positive k/d, and I know I funneled the enemy into the team's meat grinder and prevented base invasions.

Not sure if I'll stick with chargers or not, but I was getting so sick of getting sniped that I needed to become skilled as a sniper to learn how to evade them, only to discover I'm really enjoying it. But I couldn't even handle a charger until I'd put a lot of time into the shooters. The skill barrier to entry is pretty extreme. And I really entered it because every time I tried a non-charged ranged weapon I'd end up closing in too close and going aggro out of habit. Chargers force me to respect the range.

But, yeah, I'm probably the one dragging down the team at least some of the time. At least I keep it out of ranked!


Senior Squid
Dec 17, 2015
LOL, yes! I barely miss your cutoff! Lvl 33 terrible sniper and proud of it! :p I'm new to chargers and the whole support playstyle though - previously I've been the hyperactive in-your-face rambo with quick respawn gear maxed out tearing through the enemy base every time they turn around (Sploosh-o, splash-o, luna, aerospray.) Mostly because I wanted the money to buy all the weapons and clothing I wanted. :D

Actually I'm not doing THAT bad at chargers, just not great either. But every time I tried them before I was THAT bad. I'm loving the support role, it's less stressful than frenetically running around the map spinning 180 every time I blink :) And playing area denial even without getting splats can be tons of fun. I may finish with 2 or 3 splats and 0-2 respawns, but it's hard to overstate the personal satisfaction of NOBODY daring to enter the right side of skate park for an entire round, and seeing them u-turn every time they approach and get a burst bomb on their heads and cut off escape routes. I'm a long, long way from being one of those 15/2 aces with impeccable aim, but I'm still useful as a deterrent, and my time as a Ridalin addicted squid with a sploosh makes me the one sniper that won't hesitate to take my burst bombs and hunt that flanker down like the dog that he is. :cool: I think I have more kills as a charger user from bombs than I do from the charge! I may end up with low splats and last on the ink points chart, but it's usually a positive k/d, and I know I funneled the enemy into the team's meat grinder and prevented base invasions.

Not sure if I'll stick with chargers or not, but I was getting so sick of getting sniped that I needed to become skilled as a sniper to learn how to evade them, only to discover I'm really enjoying it. But I couldn't even handle a charger until I'd put a lot of time into the shooters. The skill barrier to entry is pretty extreme. And I really entered it because every time I tried a non-charged ranged weapon I'd end up closing in too close and going aggro out of habit. Chargers force me to respect the range.

But, yeah, I'm probably the one dragging down the team at least some of the time. At least I keep it out of ranked!
I typically don't play sniper often because it's such a popular role. The immense frustration when you're teamed up with two other snipers. I consider myself decent, but it's really hard to be a good sniper when there's two other snipers on the team.
On another note, there's a thread for support roles. Check it out for more if you're interested.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
I typically don't play sniper often because it's such a popular role. The immense frustration when you're teamed up with two other snipers. I consider myself decent, but it's really hard to be a good sniper when there's two other snipers on the team.
On another note, there's a thread for support roles. Check it out for more if you're interested.
These days I don't see many roles that aren't popular. I went through a time trying to pick unpopular weapon classes, but as soon as I pick one it seems like suddenly everyone's playing it. In reality I just notice it more. I realized that pretty much everything is popular. And I'd lump most of the shooters in together (96, pro, sploosh and CJS being the more unique ones.) Slosher seems to have fallen out of favor recently for some reason though.

You're right about the frustration when teamed up with other snipers though. I blame the awful matchmaking, though I just posted in another thread http://squidboards.com/threads/a-few-problems-with-ranked.20186/#post-137556 the odd pattern I've noticed with weapon match making. But I do cringe when I see that. I've noticed though that the scoped splatterscope seems to be the really popular one, e-liters are a little rarer (unless Moray's in rotation.) If I have an e-liter on me I just ignore the fact that that are two other snipers, hoping they'll take up a more aggressive posture. Though now that I think about it, that's probably been the cause of the most devastating losses (overrun base in underpass again and again comes to mind.) Maybe it's not all down to a bad team.

I only really go "true sniper" with the eliters. My splat charger use is actually more aggressive. I use it like an overgrown squiffer with longer range, and press heavily with the splat bombs. It's a grenade launcher that happens to be able to OHKO as a bonus. :D Except that bizarre loss in my above example of "worst team ever"


Senior Squid
Dec 17, 2015
You're right about the frustration when teamed up with other snipers though. I blame the awful matchmaking, though I just posted in another thread http://squidboards.com/threads/a-few-problems-with-ranked.20186/#post-137556 the odd pattern I've noticed with weapon match making. But I do cringe when I see that. I've noticed though that the scoped splatterscope seems to be the really popular one, e-liters are a little rarer (unless Moray's in rotation.) If I have an e-liter on me I just ignore the fact that that are two other snipers, hoping they'll take up a more aggressive posture. Though now that I think about it, that's probably been the cause of the most devastating losses (overrun base in underpass again and again comes to mind.) Maybe it's not all down to a bad team.
Honestly, I don't play ranked much. I played a few marathons, but outside of that, nothing. I will say that when you do use a weapon that typically isn't seen, it does feel as if you're placed in a team with all of those weapons. For example, you rarely see the inkbrush. I pick it up and I get placed with a team that has an inkbrush and an octobrush on it.

Speaking about inkbrushes, when you get teammates who use weapons that have a better turf covering potential, but they don't ink up the turf at home. It's so annoying, since you have to use your ineffective inking weapon to do the job they should be doing. It diverts time that you should be spending on the front lines in the back.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Honestly, I don't play ranked much. I played a few marathons, but outside of that, nothing. I will say that when you do use a weapon that typically isn't seen, it does feel as if you're placed in a team with all of those weapons. For example, you rarely see the inkbrush. I pick it up and I get placed with a team that has an inkbrush and an octobrush on it.
Same for me. Which is a shame, I love the game modes in ranked and rarely get to play them because it's just too annoying worrying about rank. I said in another thread, I'm a B rank player, struggled getting out of C+ due to being matched mostly against B rank players (again, matchmaking hates me and thinks I'm somehow an elite player!) but then sailed with ease from B- to B in an hour in TC as the overwhelming team leader (but fortunately with a team that seemed useless from 3:00 to :45, and then somehow would discover the tower existed at :45 after I got shot off finally and managed to sink the putt while I respawned.) But I hate to risk it so I avoid it most days. Someday I'll get myself to push for it. I'll be happy if I make A- and I think I can. I'm guessing that's probably my "niche" level if I actually spent the time to do it. Maybe I can push higher, but I doubt I would.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with that same issue of being paired with all the rare weapons when selecting one. It's weird. BUT my thinking behind it being tied to turf inked is, after you play it more, I noticed they haven't been doing it more. It seems like it's only early on, or maybe if you haven't done it in a while. But if you use it more they do that to you less. It's weird. I think they're doing some number crunching behind the scenes to determine these things based on metadata we don't know. Probably why I'm plagued against impossible foes too, they probably calculate your rotation rate and intervals between proximity to foes or something crazy like that to determine your "real skill" or something. Though I'll say I've seen octobrush appearing frequently in general of late, and I haven't touched one yet, so it might just be "trending." But your experience shows the same "trio on a team" pattern I saw.

Speaking about inkbrushes, when you get teammates who use weapons that have a better turf covering potential, but they don't ink up the turf at home. It's so annoying, since you have to use your ineffective inking weapon to do the job they should be doing. It diverts time that you should be spending on the front lines in the back.
This! So much this! This is one of those core "common fails" for worst team mates ever rounds. Nobody paints anything. Ever. In ranked everyone just paints and ignores the objective and in TW everyone plays Deathmatch and ignores painting. I've lost count of how many times I've played chargers, blasters, pro, etc, get splatted, paint a little base on the way out, get splatted again at 1:00, get back to the base and find it in the same condition I left it the last time. I then spend the remaining third of the match painting the base alone with a flipping range blaster or eliter. Or the cursed pro that manages to ink worse than the range blaster before running out of ink. Double the frustration if the end of game tally shows the people that didn't paint have a 0/5 kd (yet still have more paint points than me because they continuously painted in the enemy base and superjumped right back to the slaughter, ignoring our base. Inevitably we still lose, and as a sniper (or sniper hunter if using pro or squiffer) wasn't out doing what I was supposed to be doing.)

Ranked as the same or worse of a problem. Invariably the enemy team has painted every last corner of their half of the map and has splats in the middle. Invariably my team has painted nothing. I'm usually the one (or me and a teammate on a good day) is on the tower for TC, for example. And/or same for guarding the zone for splat zones. If the enemy has the tower I'm usually camping to take them out with my luna (in the team's defense they're actively trying to get the enemy off the tower with mixed results.), but meanwhile nobody's inked anything on our side. So when the clock gets down and no one has controlled the tower yet, I realize it's going to go into a tie and come down to TW ink coverage. I go around to ink things. And I'm the only one inking things. Maybe because the enemy would get the tower. Because they already INKED everything on their side! At least you don't lose as many rank points that way.

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