the skype solution has not even come into play most of the time because nobody wants to hop on skype just for splatoon.....
Then get some friends who play the game, join a team or some sorta online community then. The fact that you know no one, who will use other means of communication, is a you a problem.
I curse like a sailor so I'd rather not have kids hearing that.
Even my more mild and civil friends will curse. Nintendo is not the type of company, to just out right expose young gamers to such elements. Not having the option will keep the game better for the younger audience. Older gamers more than likely have the ability to jump onto other things to communicate. For example, my squad of 8 players uses skype. I do think a agruement, could be made for team player, but it depends on how its setup.
I don't see how voice chat would make the game "un-pure" you wouldn't have to even use it, it would be an option, and don't tell me it wouldn't be an option, that's unrationial.
Because cursing, crude jokes, shouting, yelling, screaming, trash talking, talking down to players and all that other junk are pure and good for the rated E game made by nintendo.