@Airmure @Ayykari @BlueDogXL @Chaos_Knight @Lydia @MacSmitty @silly979
Jordan grinned smugly. "
Told you I was good at this game, but... I suppose it's only fair I go next."
He thought for a moment, getting his facts straightened out, but before he could list them off, the group reached the edge of the marsh. A path of planks began, built over a leafy, foggy wetland. All sorts of reeds and low broad leafed plants were growing, with different trees visible at the to other edges.
"We walk across these, then find our way to the the board walk nexus. It should be this kind of island," Jordan explained, "a patch of dry elevated land with more boarding around it. We'll set up camp once we get there."
As they were about to approach the boardwalk, Jordan gave a wide grin. "So about those 3 facts."
"One," Jordan began, "I went to the midnight premiere of
Reef Stalkers II in full costume. Y'know that one horror sequel that came out? That one."
He moved right along,
"two, I have four legs, and t
hree, I met
all of my best friends through trying to get free food. That includes Zarqa here."
Looking pretty proud of himself, Jordan found himself walking backwards on the boardwalk. "Aaany guesses?" he asked.
[Edit: tagging these a bit late, sorry]