Moray Towers: Everything I see. (Guide Version 2.0)

Moray Towers: Everything I see. (Guide Version 2.0)

this guide mostly focuses on chargers in detail but just throws in the rest if yhe weapons later.
I find that, of all the weapons, the chargers are the most technically difficult to play, in general. You are correct, I do feel like there could be a bit more said for the other sets, but Chargers I feel require those real tips. Rollers, however, benefit greatly from the pathways that I mentioned in the article, and shooters benefit well from the wall-climbing options that I mention.
This is a good guide. However, there is a huge mistake in the final image. The blue zone is not the Splat Zone. It's actually located further down, at the ramp under C.
Since you correctly pointed this out, I took the time to remedy that error in the most recent update. Sorry about the misinformation!
This guide provides very little that cannot be gained just by playing on the stage a couple times.

I want to see more insight into patterns and advice -- the sprinkler locations and sniping points are a good start, but I also want to see things like -- what's the safest approach to the sniping points? Or, stuff like Splat Zones knowledge: for example, control of the center area tends to be critical for Splat Zones because it facilitates travel to either zone. (Which is extra important, because this map is one where I think it's hardest to sneak into the enemy Splat Zone.)
I have completely rewritten this article now, thanks to your advice. I thank you for being honest with me about my work, and I hope that this now more accurately reflects what you wanted to see.
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