[Overfishing] Basics of each Weapon Class

[Overfishing] Basics of each Weapon Class

(Originally written by マー (Marty) from the Overfishing Discord server, added here by me for easier access)
(Note: yes, I know Splatanas and Stringers aren't included in this guide. I don't know why they haven't made one for them yet, but I'm checking with the original authors, and will add their guides if they ever get created.)

Most main weapons have unique properties allowing them to perform specific tasks more effectively than other weapons. This section will provide a few example of such properties.

Shooters have great mobility, allowing them to escape and relocate relatively easily. There are few downsides to relocating often with them, as they can output damage near instantly and continuously.

Some shooters are more efficient than others at moving due to having a shorter interval between shooting and swimming. For example, this interval is 2 frames for the Sploosh-o-matic, and 4 frames for the .96 Gal.

Damage per shot and fire rate have an influence on effectiveness against certain bosses. Splattershot Nova, for instance, is unable to kill Fish Stick Smallfry in one hit.

Blaster shots have a great Area of Effect (AoE), allowing them to damage multiple enemies at once. These shots are especially effective against Lesser Salmonids.

On Rush waves, it is advised to aim Blaster shots in converging Chum and Goldie locations and to aim above the ground to maximise the AoE damage with each shot.

On Grillers, Blasters are able to kill Smallfry and Grillers at once when aiming at Grillers.

Most Chargers, except Bamboozler and Snipewriter, are able to pierce through most Salmonids. This property makes them excellent at dealing with Lesser Salmonids or other enemies that are lined up. Their good range allows them to focus on far targets effectively.
However, these weapons need to be charged and as such, they may not be able to move as effectively as Shooters. Regardless, Squiffer and Bamboozler are able to relocate and output damage quite quickly due to their quick charge times.

Rollers are able to damage multiple enemies at once thanks to their wide flicks and their rolls, although falloff damage must be expected when flicking, especially with vertical flicks.
Vertical flicks can be used like Slosher shots in many cases. Flicking tends to be more effective or faster than rolling in most cases with Splat Roller and Flingza Roller.

Dynamo Roller is able to crush or deplete enemy HP very quickly when rolling against a target. The weapon is:
-very effective at dealing with the Goldie on Goldie Seeking
-able to crush Grillers with rolls from a vantage point
-able to use roll damage after jumping against the Mothership on Spawning Grounds

Slosher shots can hit multiple enemies at once, making them effective at dealing with Lesser Salmonids. Falloff damage must be expected, except for Slosher and Explosher

Slosher can hit enemies horizontally by quickly flicking the camera in a direction as the shot comes out. This move is very effective against Fish Sticks from the top of the pillar.
Explosher can kill Flyfish and Mudmouths with normal shots.

Brellas are able to hit multiple enemies at once with their shots or shields, although the effectiveness of shields has been drastically reduced in Splatoon 3, supposedly because of bugs.

To maximise AoE damage against some targets, like Stingers, it is recommended to stay far from the target and attempt to land multiple pellets from the shot on each target.
Brella shields can protect the player, although in Splatoon 3, enemies can hit the player through their shield with ease and increased frequency.
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