[Overfishing] How to Optimize Snatchers: Part 1

[Overfishing] How to Optimize Snatchers: Part 1

To Part 2
To Part 3

(Originally written by マー (Marty) from the Overfishing Discord server, added here by me for easier access)
{Will update with Jammin' Salmon Junction's maps once those are made} (Got 'em added :D )

In the previous game, Snatcher optimisation was possible in specific spots by letting Snatchers carry eggs for a certain amount of time before killing them, resulting in eggs being closer to the basket.

In Splatoon 3, due to changes to Snatcher mechanics, Snatcher optimisation has become central to Overfishing.

On each wave (unrelated to wave type or tide), a specific spawn direction will be chosen by the game for Snatchers. This direction will remain constant throughout the wave and be reset on the next wave (although the game might choose the same direction once again). Snatchers will spawn from that direction and carry the eggs back towards the direction. As such, players can take advantage of Snatchers by letting them pick up eggs in the opposite directions so that the eggs can be dropped closer to the basket. This requires good awareness of Snatchers so as to avoid forgetting to kill them.

The following maps roughly indicate the possible Snatcher spawn directions the game will pick. Eggs in the opposite directions can generally be optimised. Other eggs can sometimes be optimised as well. As a general idea, any egg that is eventually dropped closer to the basket counts as optimisation. Some directions have more potential for optimisation than others.
Snatcher directions are roughly the same on high tide and normal tide.

Sockeye Station

Low Tide (LT)

Normal Tide / Mid Tide (MT) & High Tide (HT)

Gone Fission Hydroplant


Due to the limit on the amount of files that one can attach to a post, this is a two-part list. The second set of maps can be found by clicking the link below.
To Part 2
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