Recent content by afroskull

  1. afroskull

    We use google hangouts to text and discord and teamspeak to chat.

    We use google hangouts to text and discord and teamspeak to chat., send me a message on hangouts and I will add you to a small chat if you like it cool.
  2. afroskull

    Hello Ying Zhang, I am Jewell Lead of the CSS we have a tight knit family of squids here. What...

    Hello Ying Zhang, I am Jewell Lead of the CSS we have a tight knit family of squids here. What we can do is give you a trial run let you see what it would be like to hear dank memes and sarcasm about animes and mangas most of the general population now nothing about.
  3. afroskull

    Tournament [Mar 19, 2016] SCL 13- No Witty Title (Online)

    Oi. Afro here for {CSS}... Discord @afroskull
  4. afroskull


  5. afroskull

    Just click on BigE's avatar and select message... And the for wanting to join our little squares

    Just click on BigE's avatar and select message... And the for wanting to join our little squares
  6. afroskull

    Chillin' with the krewe

    Chillin' with the krewe
  7. afroskull

    Fairly new squid, hit a roadblock, looking for competitive push in right direction

    Hi there we have all been there no matter what anyone says... I am a level 37 S+ and I have been their between my S and S+ ranking. What I learned the hard way is that the only gear that matters in single player ranked is quick respond, swim speed up, and run speed up. In the last battles from...
  8. afroskull

    Local squid searching to join, assist, or backup squads

    Hello there the Chibi Squid Squad would welcome you to give us a shot. We use mixture of hangouts and teamspeak to comm we are pretty chill and ages range from mature 17 year olds to 34. We are not hard on each other we have side conversations about anime and coffee. If this makes no sense and...
  9. afroskull

    Team NorthStar looking for more Scrim partners!

    We challenge you northstar... We are the Chibi Squid Squad we are primarily S ranked players that are pretty chill and use hangouts/teamspeak to comm We are all in North America. Primarily on West coast time.
  10. afroskull

    Join FTI!

    Gg from the Chibi Squid Squad
  11. afroskull

    Rep for The Chibi Squid Squad

    So good luck to you all. I am glad that you all are starting your own team and I can't wait to face you all in ranked battles.
  12. afroskull

    Register a Team or Change a Roster

    Team Name: Chibi Squid Squad Team Leader- Afro && BigE Squidboards Username: afroskull IGN: CSS_Afrö NNID: 1afroskull Member 2- bigE IGN: CSS_bigE NNID: BbigE17634 Member 3- Koutetsu IGN: CSSKoutetsu NNID: Hijisan Member 4- kurapika IGN: CSS_kurtä NNID: SARAH101 Member 5- Sigrex IGN: CSS_Sigrex...
  13. afroskull

    Savescuming: Why it's the worst thing ever... other than you know, murder and well, lots of things.

    Schooled me. Didn't know it was possible. I choose the hard road
  14. afroskull

    Ayo Peps~

    It's kool, well we could always use more friends. Nnid 1afroskull
  15. afroskull

    My Squad got serious

    No its great, we are kind people we try to help. We can set up privates and give feedback on techniques and weaknesses. Nnid 1afroskull.
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