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  • I'm out of ideas on what SFM I want to do next, maybe finally get to making bios for two more Octoling OCs who are yet to make an appearance in my SFMs, so far they have only have appeared in text form.
    Deleted member
    why not a frosty fest themed SFM?
    Yup, will do that one.
    Deleted member
    still need to choose a team. Possibly going for family or friends. will inform u once I choose
    I have been grinding the heck out of Salmon Run because I plan to achieve the 800 Silver Scales milestone before next year.

    I also achieved two milestones without specifically trying, first was the Golden Badge for 999 EVP in Gone Fission Hydroplant, and another is 100 Golden Scales.
    I really hope there isn't a Splatoon 4 in 2024, I hope Nintendo doesn't even tease it in the first year. I want the devs to actually take the time to propperly develop it and not cave into the demands from the impatient part of the fanbase. That way, the game has a strong first year.
    This should go without saying, but please be nice to the new players. All of us were new players at a Splatoon game at some point.
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    I will try not to super jump camp new players but if they do it to me first then I will do it to them afterwards.
    I got all three Deep Cut Amiibos for Christmas. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!🎄
    Deleted member
    aww. I feel bad buddy.
    Deleted member
    I will leave my address in a conservation w/ u @Madt123 and hopefully u can get me some splatoon related christmas presents.
    Deleted member
    ah yes ok lol
    Hey another Splatfest in which Coral and Kelp agree on again! They are off course going to pick family, as the two plan to start a family together once they are old enough.
    Are the devs really that scared to have Salmon Run rotations with E-Liters again? Because it sure seems like it. Even though there's nothing wrong with a weapon that can one shot Cohocks.
    They should do it more. That’s the reason why I started taking up chargers.
    Deleted member
    not a huge user of chargers, but will still pick one up and use it, because my main is the Aerospray RG
    All the Samonids with the pumped up fins better run better run… Outrun the E-Liter.
    This next SFM project will be a special one, not only it's Christmas-themed, but it's also something I wanted to do that was only depicted in text form with my OCs before.
    Since I wasn't able to find the Lovert Hi-Tops, I'm going to use the Cream Hi-Tops.
    Okay, finished setting Bennet up. I just now need to add three more characters into the background before considering the project as done.
    Deleted member
    Off course this Salmon Run rotation just has to have the Bamboozler, like really?
    Deleted member
    hey, look on the bright side it is the second to best spam weapon ever created.
    As a casual Bamboozler user I have to say
    yeah it’s not that good in salmon run imo lol!
    Deleted member
    bruh those are easy to get by, becuz they are short range
    Why would General Anemone do that? Because he sees Salmon Run as more than just an extra thing that Inklings and Octolings can do, he sees it as not having to send tentacle Octarians to fight the Salmonids. So if Grizzco workers don't want to do things for Grizzco, then the Salmonids, which are the enemies of the Octarians who live in Inkopolis, will attack the Octarian neighborhood.
    Now that Big Run is over, I can finally brag that I got one of the three super expensive Salmon Run exclusive banners: the one that costs 800 Bronze Scales.
    Deleted member
    the most expensive one is 100 gold scales
    Deleted member
    the reason why is they are completely rare to get
    Something about the Megalodontia: It can splat the other Salmonids if they happen to be in its circle when it strikes.
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    Deleted member
    nice, now I can finnaly not be broke in scales lp
    Deleted member
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