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I managed to get to 999 Eggsecutive VP this morning, but it took me the whole morning. It feels so good to get that golden badge after waiting forever to get it.
I got to 5% in Eggstra Work! That's one more challenging leaderboard badge out of the way. In my third attempt. I was doubting myself I would get it this time around considering I got my Golden Egg highscore to 210.
I really hope that when Nintendo does eventually decouple Plaza posts from social media altogether, that they make an update that would allow your own post to appear at a wall or whatever place posts appear at on your point of view to finally allow players to see their own posts without needing to make an alternate account to do so.
Man, I should make more SFMs centered around Kelp and Ocean. I just need to think of the girly things those two would do, given they are sisters after all.
So, I already got all 6 Deep Cut badges, that means I have all Splatfest badges again.
But for an even more amazing news regarding this Splatfest. So I just had a battle against a team of 4 Aerospray RGs (who are on Team Frye), and this was a 10x battle as well.
So we (my team) didn't just let them dominate the map, we actually fought so well that we ended up winning against their all Booyah Bomb spams.
I only lost one 10x battle this Splatfest, and won the other 4 so far for Team Big Man, additionally, seeing the notifications show me that Team Big Man not only won a 100x battle, but also a 333x battle brings a smile to my face.
Finally finished the SFM project I was talking about based on my experience in-game. This happened as I was trying to reach max freshness on that dreaded Snipewriter 5H.
Okay, so before I begin, I'm actually going to split this story into two parts, the first part will be in spoilers just so it won't add to the cluttering. But I do recommend reading the first part so the second part, which will not be under spoilers, will make better sense so without further...
Also, ignore that description under the link, it's from the first post of the second page.