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  • Man, I can't find a way to put blush on models!
    I do pixel art and not 3D modeling, but couldn't you IN THEORY just increase the poly count and color it differently.
    I use the models in SFM, in which they are already premade. But I think I'm going to give up on the blush because I don't think it's a necessary way to show a character having a crush on another character.
    Finally got that stupid Snipewriter 5H to max freshness, now I can just pretend it doesn't exist because I now hate it that much.
    Is it really that bad of a weapon?
    So, when's the next Eggstra Work? I would so want to try to get to the 5% after failing to do so before. (And I was so close too!)
    I played around with the adjust feature on gear, and I'm glad to know that the normally oversized shirts can actually be changed to normal size. Also, the Backwards Cap can be flipped forward now, ironic, isn't it?
    Well, just found out the Tacticooler is going to get nerfed, that's definitely going to interfere with my Snipewriter 5H grind to the highest freshness.

    But nerf or not, I will not give up on getting that weapon's max freshness, because I'm persistent like that (and yes, my current in-game title is Persistent Octarian).
    I just had an idea for my next SFM based on playing a few matches recently. It might be funny given the context. But this SFM will have to wait until after the one that will involve a canon character.
    Managed to reach 999 Eggsecutive VP in this rotation. My current ign is Coral, thanks to everyone who helped me get to 999 with this one!
    Also, since we will be able to adjust certain gear, how about giving us weapon skins? Just use the same adjustment mechanic for weapon skins and boom, the only effort needed being modeling and texture!
    Still waiting for the return of the Octo Shot Replica.
    That ain't gonna happen any time soon
    Oh, it will come back in Splatoon 3, but probably as a reward from Side Order. But the Octo Shot Replica will certainly come back.
    Wait, we will be able to adjust the appearance of certain pieces of gear?! That's awesome! Hopefully, we will be able to adjust certain victory animations either in this update or in a future update (hopefully this one).
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    Reactions: TOD13
    OH MY GOD I JUST LOOKED THAT UP, THAT'S SUPER AWESOME (sorry for all-caps, very excited)
    Do you know what I find funny? The immature salt that I saw from some people who joined Team Love. Then other people from Team Love who were actually mature correcting them. I'm on the latter side because, unlike some people, I don't bet my values on a video-game event, material or not. Even when Team Love lost this time, nothing whatsoever for my OCs changed.
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    Reactions: Mx_Diva and Gab1bb0
    Those people that scream "phobic" whenever they don't get their way or whenever someone disagrees with them really should just grow up and learn that the world doesn't revolve around them, or really anyone in general. I was on Team Love, but I wholeheartedly accepted the loss and simply moved on.

    Congratulations on your win BTW. 🤝
    People care about that? Eesh. I was just annoyed that we had another lopsided splatfest where one team had less than 10% of the vote again.
    It wasn't very "love" of em I gotta say 💀💀💀 (although I'll admit I did find a few posts funny, I took some screenshots) (someone was like "Shiver needs to be LIQUIDATED" I CACKLED 💀)

    Also I'm pretty sure the homophobic thing was just a joke, because a lot of people chose team love because of "love always wins" as in the slogan for LGBT+. Tbh I found those posts funny af.
    So, I have shifted my focus on gettimg every weapon badge now with the limited time events also getting a side focus whenever I get the chance, and for the first time ever, I actually feel like I got decent with the Snipewriter.
    Thinking this SFM project related to Splatfest may be multi-image. Not only that, but image with text that gives the impression of an OC actually speaking in-image.
    I keep looking back at the RP I have created (The Escape from Octo Valley) and I remember how creative I was with storytelling, despite some things I wish I had done a little bit differently. But the fact that it actually has gotten close to finishing before being abandoned is something that even impresses me.
    Oh yes, Nintendo is finally going to implement a way to post on the plaza without social media! Now I can finally abandon and delete my FaceBook account and leave that toxic dump of a social media site forever!
    I hope that also means I will get to see my own post on a wall or somewhere else just so I can see the confirmation of it actually appearing.
    Facebook is toxic but in my opinion is still less toxic than Twitter (and not because of the CEO but because forcing posts to be that short removes all nuance and that combined with all the political discussions happening there made it too toxic for me). I hope that the Splatoon community leaves Twitter for places like this.
    I agree that it's very annoying whenever someone always brings up real-world politics in every single discussion regardless of the topic. This is why I'm glad there's now a huge possibility that Nintendo will just ditch social media altogether and bring back some sort of version of Miiverse.
    Well, that was one of the worst Challenges I have ever tackled. At least there's a Rainmaker-related one this saturday.
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