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  • Finally found the feeling of nostalgia I was looking for such a long time without needing to go back to Splatoon 1.
    Another reason Flounder Heights is one of my favorite stages: great for Splatoon SFM outside the battle area.
    Sorry for a huge delay in posting my next OC to my SFM thread, I will get started on him today now that I got some necessary maps.
    Now that I know more about SFM, I'm going to create some Splatoon SFMs with the Agents to get me even more familiarized before I go on getting my OCs ready.
    Now with the internal hard drive on its way, I'm thinking of starting simple with some Splatoon SFM, maybe the first being the New Squidbeak Splatoon or perhaps just the Agents (minus 1 and 2). Basically, a simple thing that will get me familiarized with the program's base tools first before I try to do any custom models.
    Funny thing, I created a Splatoon superhero OC just by using the Squinja gear and the Splatana Wiper. But he's not necessarily a completely new OC, just one of my male Octoling OCs in disguise.
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    The main OC I use is a male Octoling who is named Coral. So, Coral has an Octotrooper brother whose name is Clam, an Octoling girlfriend named Kelp, and a female Octobomber friend named Ocean.
    i really like all their names :D and i think its cool that youre making octobomber ocs as well not just octolings
    Making splatoon ocs, and ocs in general, has always been quite the struggle because of backstories, unhappy with designs, ect. But it's nice to see someone still making them. Not only that, someone else with an oc named Coral. I don't get that everyday-
    So, I went to open up SFM (Source Filmaker) and guess what, my current hard drive has too little space. Looks like an internal hard drive is on my list of things to buy.
    My Octoling decided to dress up like an anime protagonist, well, with what he could work with given he was forced to wear the Splatfest Tee. The Pilot Goggles really gave it that anime protagonist look to him and he fought for Team Gear using his sick Dualie skills.
    Salmon Run pro tip: The Slammin' Lid can instantly take down a Steelhead if you let it try to crush you while the Steelhead is also under it. This can be said about the Scrapper and the Steel Eel driver as well.
    Okay, whoever thought it was a good idea to put the Hydra Splatling in Salmon Run wasn't thinking right, how is the player supposed to survive the Smallfry coming his way when there are a lot of other things going on? Especially with the Stinger and Flyfish that this becomes impossible.
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    Reactions: Onyx
    I don't see why we can't just choose our own weapons :(
    Yeah, to me, Salmon Run would've been so much more fun if they just let us choose our own weapons.
    Exactly- with the long charge wait, your almost constantly getting splatted because you couldn't charge in time. Not only is it unfair, but annoying. It'd be cool if they had a wider selection of weapons to use for that rotation so it's not the same four every time
    Started playing Splatoon 3 today. I have played Turf War matches until I won once, then did a load of Salmon Run matches until defeating a King Salmonid, then tried out Table Turf battle (surprisingly easy to understand). I haven't started on the story mode yet, but will do so tomorrow.
    is it worth getting my friend? i need to know if its worth my money
    Oh yes, Salmon Run is always available (with new Salmonid Bosses) and you can watch previous battles. Also, you can easily change your Nickname (as the game calls your in-game name).
    man, I need to not be broke anymore
    I will get my copy of Splatoon 3 tomorrow. And for now, I will alternate between Splatoon 2 and 3, with 3 being the main one I'll play.

    I still have some things to do in 2 before letting it rest.
    After my long absense from actually playing Splatoon 2, I'm back at it to finish what I started before Splatoon 3 releases!
    With so much happening at once, I haven't got the time to do any Splatoon-related SFM stuff yet. But I will start doing them one day. Maybe starting with some test ones before doing the main ones.
    So, I was thinking, what could encourage people to use this site more frequently? Any ideas?
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    Reactions: MrMoth
    maybe we could get someone to sponsor us. Like maybe Sam Rigel from Critical Role
    Yeah this place was created as forums had really been declining in use for years already. Had there not been a Discord created adjacent to this site, it would see a lot more traffic. It never had good time to get established like Smashboards did before the SB Discord came along. It is funny in a way, SB and SqB are opposites in that most people use SB forum and the server is dead vs SqB being the opposite.
    yeah, i think some incentives or an overhaul would be necessary
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