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Oh man, it feels so good to finally complete the entire catalog for the Chill Season. But now, I really want the banner depicting a female Inkling holding hands with a male Octoling.
Well, I just had the biggest brain fart ever, it lasted for maybe 3 or 4 days. Because I just realized that the shoe props in SFM can be set apart easily. Now I can finally finish a non-Inkling, non-Octoling OC I've been working on.
I seriosuly need to double down on my Splatoon 3 play time just so I can get the entire catalog done before March. I think I reached level 24 on the catalog at least.
You know, why is it bittersweet to have a story come to a close? I really hope "The Escape from Octo Valley" won't have that feeling when it comes to a close one day.
Okay, so Mako Mart and Eeltail Alley have each been voted for once, so all of the other maps are out. I'm going to randomly select between those two since they have the same number of votes.
Alright, friday has arrived, which means that after today, any Splatoon maps at night that haven't been mentioned to me before will have no chance of being picked for my SFM project.
I'm thinking of changing my profile image now that I know how to use SFM. But before that, time to create (or rather recreate) my next OC. I'm hoping I can get her done before February.