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Okay, so Mako Mart and Eeltail Alley have each been voted for once, so all of the other maps are out. I'm going to randomly select between those two since they have the same number of votes.
Alright, friday has arrived, which means that after today, any Splatoon maps at night that haven't been mentioned to me before will have no chance of being picked for my SFM project.
I'm thinking of changing my profile image now that I know how to use SFM. But before that, time to create (or rather recreate) my next OC. I'm hoping I can get her done before February.
Now that I know more about SFM, I'm going to create some Splatoon SFMs with the Agents to get me even more familiarized before I go on getting my OCs ready.
Now with the internal hard drive on its way, I'm thinking of starting simple with some Splatoon SFM, maybe the first being the New Squidbeak Splatoon or perhaps just the Agents (minus 1 and 2). Basically, a simple thing that will get me familiarized with the program's base tools first before I try to do any custom models.
Funny thing, I created a Splatoon superhero OC just by using the Squinja gear and the Splatana Wiper. But he's not necessarily a completely new OC, just one of my male Octoling OCs in disguise.
So, I went to open up SFM (Source Filmaker) and guess what, my current hard drive has too little space. Looks like an internal hard drive is on my list of things to buy.