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Okay, seriously who in their right mind thought it was a good idea to force emotes that a player has already gotten to be one of the possible rewards in the Shell-Out Machine?
I'm so close to finishing my current catalogue, which will mean I can finally focus on getting other parts of the game done, namely the Table Turf battles as well as Salmon Run items.
I'm thinking of creating an OC-themed Pool in Splatoon 3. I know it's impossible for custom hairstyles to appear in the official game, so Coral will just use his alternate "Punk" hairstyle (he once used it in an undercover mission, just a little fun fact).
Finally remade all of my SFM images, now I can start thinking of new stuff, like maybe Coral trying to forget about his past, or maybe another Agent image.
Welp, never mind, looks like I'm not going to be able to post anything to the Splatoon 3 lobby because Nintendo discontinued Facebook and Twitter support. So uh, how about bringing a version of Miiverse to the Switch? Looks like I changed my character's nickname for nothing.
Thinking of making a Twitter account just to post drawings in Splatoon 3 just because I want my OCs to be seen by more people. Not to worry, the account will exclusively be for posting on the hub, nothing else.