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tbh the main reason i'm glad everyone is moving to bluesky is bc i don't have a bunch of stupid visibility restrictions when i'm viewing posts without an account. i can actually navigate the entire site. this is revolutionary
random neon fun fact: i used to do figure skating when i was like 8. i stopped for a really long time. but recently it has started permeating my brain again and i Do Not Know Why. now i kinda want to get back into ice skating again. wth brain
chat i need opinions. i have made a vow to myself to never make a twitter account. this happened long before elon musk ever poisoned the app. should this vow extend to bluesky or not
just went down a rabbit hole of drama videos on youtube, turns out clicking on videos about negative things makes you feel bad!!!!!!!! who knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
community based rhythm games are fun bc the songs will either be the coolest experimental electronic music track you've ever heard or anime intro #5368 and there is no in-between
this sunken scroll is cool bc if you read the notation here it actually makes the calamari inkantation. you probably knew that.
but the problem i'm seeing with this is. where is the time signature. like if you actually read the music it's obviously in 4/4 but you still need to put the time signature at the start of the song...
tbh i'm kinda sad that the whole thing about deep cut not liking inkopolis seems to be getting mostly resolved in this game, i want to know more about that. such as why do they not like them
(at first this post was about like. tensions between splatsville and inkopolis in general but then the more i thought about it the more i was not entirely sure i didn't just make that part up)
doing a chemistry unit at school and every time they say "neon", a real-life element on the periodic table, my brain immediately goes "is that for me????"