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  • I just won my Rank-Up Battle! First try, too.
    I was debating picking up Pencil again before the patch dropped, but even though it's been nerfed, I'm definitely doing it now.

    On that note, I've finished testing both Pencils and can confirm that they feel virtually unchanged. Which is good; they didn't need anything severe.
    I have decided to lay out a plan for field testing the new changes:

    One series with each Snipewriter to see how they handle with the nerfs.
    Two series with vMini to see if the main and Stamp buffs make it feel decent.
    One series with vHeavy to see if the main buffs make it more fun.
    One series with vWell because I feel like it.
    One series with Recycled 1 to see how the paint buffs impact its Bubble output.
    I'm beginning to think a direct approach might just be best at this point. Rather than writing out various changes to the game through many threads to lay out and fix the problems I have with it, I just write out an exhaustive list of those problems in one thread. Once I have it all out of my system I'll be able to start a much-needed positivity arc.
    I just don't understand it. How is everyone so content with everything? Why am I the only one complaining at all? What is it that makes the current state of the game so appealing? Or else how can everyone just tolerate it so easily? I don't understand.
    Back from my vacation to weapon crisis hell, I finally found something that checks all the boxes.
    Good range, decent paint, kill power able to compete with short range, good mobility, good kit, underrated, and decently viable.
    As an added bonus, it has a strong emphasis on not dying. Ironically it still runs QR due to its gear freedom. I will not be running QR on it.
    I just realized there’s an awards show happening. Seems neat.
    I will be running for Best Vocabulary. Not to boast, but I am verbose; my wordplay knows no bounds. On those grounds, I think I deserve it most. 🤓
    I might just be in a bad mood thanks to surprise homework, but I am so absolutely ****ing tired of constantly having splatfests where one unpopular team sweeps all of the battle categories and wins. Votes should count for way more points, and should count for extra when it's an overwhelming majority like with this fest. I'm talking 150 points standard and 200 if it's above a 50% majority.
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    Yes, one person doesn't make a difference, but everyone collectively does, which creates a sense of 1. teamwork/camaraderie with the rest of your team even though you haven't met 99.9% of them and 2. feeling like you're contributing, because even though by yourself you aren't, you're not by yourself. But if there's no way to win anyway than that all goes away.
    a tied splatfest would be very funny though
    thinking about it I guess I wouldn't mind too much if popularity weighed a little more, but I worry any mechanism that incentivizes picking the most popular option might have a side effect of encouraging people to pile onto the team they think will be the most popular no matter what, and that might result in a greater imbalance between teams and more mirror matches.
    In a shocking plot twist, I am currently maining a shooter. Though, to be fair, .96 is about as alienated from the rest of the class as a shooter can get. A combination of long range and rapid severe accuracy falloff fix the main aspects of the class that make it feel cheap and easy. And what better way to counter other, worse shooters? I may keep it.
    I have plenty of ideas for new special weapons but I'm struggling to refine any of them.
    You can look forward to Booyah Barrier and something that makes use of the Spawner Drones in the indeterminate future.
    I'm beginning to get utterly sick of this game.
    Every match; shooters, blasters, dualies. Would it kill Nintendo to make weapons that are actually fun to fight good, in place of this trash?
    Why can't we have Brellas be top tier? Why not Splatlings? It's starting to wear on me.
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    Reactions: solz
    I figure the same. I’m very much struggling to enjoy playing, even when I’m winning. I’ll probably give it a few days to a week before I try coming back.

    I envy people who have weapons they’re able to main. Nothing feels perfect for me, and it pretty badly impacts my ability to enjoy the game.
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    A great way to cool down to Beat inner agent three A few times 👍
    Out of boredom and burnout, I decided to pick up Big Swig Express again. It's very easy to forget how powerful the main weapon is. I think it's safe to say that the weapon is in the category of "could be good with a real kit", though a damage scaling buff to its horizontal flicks would go a long way.

    My dream kit for Big Swig would probably be Ink Mine + Crab Tank.
    On an unrelated note, I've finally found a weapon to main; Splatana Stamper Nouveau. It's a near-perfect blend of the criteria I look for in a weapon; good fighting range, strong in melee, has Crab Tank. It leaves a little to be desired in the paint and sub weapon departments, but I have Mint Decav and Heavy Edit Nouveau to fill in those gaps.

    Took long enough.
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