I strongly agree with your description of how it should work. That description makes the most sense and I tend to view it the same way. I think what frustrates me is that it generally does NOT work that way. If it did work as you describe I think I (and a lot of other people) wouldn't have such a problem with the system as it is. :) What we have now is closer to needing to win with teams scoring at least 30-40, but AGAINST teams that score 80-90. The real trouble comes in when you're the only player on your team that can consistently 1v1 an 80-90 player or see through their distraction, etc. It collapses into a 1v4 situation when your team can't stay alive long enough to even ride the tower, pick up the RM etc. While I have no qualms riding/carrying, that means the only people capable of fighting are the people that can't actually fight opponents of the skill they are facing. RM allows a little more leeway for stealth carrying than TW does so I do sometimes get that magic "I can't believe nobody noticed me!" carries in RM.
This is kind of an extension of our conversation in another thread about the matchmaking, but I'm now more convinced than ever that I am somehow slotted in such a way for solo ranked (and possibly squad, not sure how that works) where I am guaranteed to be assigned the underdog (weak) team more times than not. It's not luck or random chance, it's fairly consistent with very few exceptions. Even on the raw stats, I was playing solo last night, I'm trapped in A at present (highest S, pre-2.6 patch I was getting up almost to S again numerous times and then thrown back down again - post-patch I seem to be having trouble getting back to A+ let alone S.

) But in A, I'm noticing almost always the team lineup looks like: me, A-, A-, A vs. A+, A+, A+, A+. This is the majority of cases. Pre-2.6 patch I'd end up with me, A+, A+, A vs. A+, S, S, S+. So I guess it's "better"? But it's clear that the system expected me to play at at least S level just to get to A+ (and almost seemed vengeful when I managed to do it.) And I noticed (for some reason I never paid attention before) that I'm almost always at the top of my listing on the stat screen. Now, the stat screen in solo orders you based on how much you've won recently. I was in a losing streak - win 1 lose 2, win 2 lose 4. Overall over 10-15 or so matches I lost about 40pts. I was still at the *TOP* of my stat screen listing no matter what lobby I was in. That means no matter how much I was losing, everyone else on my team I was assigned was losing MORE - or winning LESS. That's not random chance. Out of 10-15 matches I was assigned not ONE teammate that won more than my paltry handful of games?

If I was in a relative losing streak and the "winningest" of my team, just how deep into a losing streak were my teammates?? And why am I ONLY assigned players that are very deep into losing streaks? That's not to say they were incompetent players. In fact they weren't. Maybe, like me they were caught being assigned against overpowering teams non-stop.
That's a little OT from "bad teammates" other than that, for some reason, I'm quite certain that certain players, I'm one of them, get assigned a certain role in the matchmaker where it is determined they are expected to carry weaker teams ("bad teammates") against stronger opponents. In my case, maybe it has something to do with my frequent proximity to S, or due to the fact that my TW "invisible" ranking seems to be S (most of my TW matches are against S/S+ opponents so whatever "ranking" it uses behind the scenes in TW clearly has me high up) or maybe it's because I frequently squad and play S/S+ opponents regularly that it muddled my "matchmaker value." For whatever reason, it seems to be a reality for myself and some other players.
Yeah, that's one way I kill my rank at times. I don't have alts, and I don't skip bad rotations. And because of the ridiculousness of the matchmaker I learned to not really care about rank. When I get close to S again I (accidentally) start caring. But the rest of the time I just play. And I try to experiment with how to deal with awful teams. Sure I'll drop 2 ranks in an hour trying...but I try to figure it out anyway :) I cringe when I see the A-, and cringe more when I drop back to dreaded B+ - but it's better than not playing :D
Though, when you're down to relying on your team dying as an actual strategy....there's something pretty wrong going on. :p
Those are very good points. I've said to a few people here that I'm not sure I like them displaying k/d on the stat screen because too many people focus on it. I've seen too many games where the team with great k/d loses and the team with ghastly k/d wins. There's other ways to win than just fighting, and too many people ignore the objective (and ignore map control!!!) It's the little details you mention that make such a difference.
Hehe, yes, those are definitely out there. Granted I've recently been playing inkbrush in RM. I walk away with terrible k/d's. 3/12 not unheard of. Though all 3 were stopping the enemy RM. I probably look like an awful player jumping and flinging out of range, though sometimes it's intentional as a distraction. And it often works :D It's amazing how enemies will ignore the RM traveling down the ramps in arowanna as they try to fend off a swishing-out-of-range inkbrush in the hallway :p I'm really playing it to establish map control...I've found solo queue RM players at least in the A's do NOT establish map control. Ever. As a result the enemy has free reign to the goal and our team has zero mobility to defend, so I've been experimenting with functional weapons that are all about map control, even if I end up as an awful fighter. So far, it's been very successful. I look pretty foolish on the stat screen, but win or lose, the map was mostly ours. ;) Doesn't work on all maps though (mackerel.) I think that's more in line with what you said above.
But the number of awful players, the players that don't know their weapons....or the squiffer. I kid you not, the SQUIFFER, that decided to take the rear perch in Ancho-V TC....while I had 3K Scope. Keep in mind from that perch even Scope has a hard time getting the range it needs - it's pretty far back. A squiffer couldn't even defend the base ramp from that vantage. To make it worse, he used my beacon to get there. Then kept getting in my way. Needless to say we lost. I've seen an increasing number of A's who seem to use squiffers in ranked from waaay back in eliter territory.
Despite being trapped in A at present (and I've been dangerously close to A- a few times this week) I totally know what you mean. Last night I was playing some squad TC in Kelp Dome. There was this derpy Krak-On roller that kept trying to flank to paint the goal area. Fair enough. He seemed to try steamrolling way too often. I was playing Custom Scope, and kept getting in close and 2-shot killing him. He was a fairly easy target, not great at evading. I figured he was probably a B or B+ or something. No...the guy's an S. HOW do you get to S playing a roller that badly?

There seem to be a lot of A players with the moves of an S+ - they're always on the other team. Then there's a lot of S's and S+'s that I seem to easily outperform. Combine that with the S eliter on my team in Depot RM Sunday that went something like 3/12 while I went 13/4 and had to cover her territory AND mine, AND help push the tower when our front lines players were swarmed, along with the S+ eliter on my team in Moray that only did marginally better than myself (0/12 vs 3/13) against an invincible "A+" eliter on the other team (yeah, an alt, but still) that went something like 17/2. But wasn't the other eliter on our team supposed to be an S+?

I felt pretty stupid doing as bad as I did on Moray as an eliter main until I saw our S+ didn't do much better. I've also seen lots of B+ players that I still believe are superior to most A's players (maybe they were alts?)
But I still believe "carrying" is a myth. I just see no evidence of it working. I play a lot of squads these days, granted, mostly twin not quad, and most of the time when squadding it's generally against at least two S/S+ players, often a full team, mostly clans, very organized, possibly with voice chat. On the handful of times I've played quad squads it's even more extreme, mostly full S+ opponents, often organized full clans. I'm actually more likely to go DOWN in rank than up when squadding a lot of these matches against very superior opponents. And when we do win it's definitely a full team effort. Everyone does their time on the tower, holding the RM, escorting, etc. Maybe if you're squadding with 3 S+'s you can get a serious 3v4 effect and make it work. But I can't imagine many people were carried that way. From what I see squads means S/S+ level play with a team that's actually reliable, and not much else. It's nice not having to be the best player on the team, in every single match though. ;) Scumming may be the bigger source of the over-ranked players than carrying.
Though some get carried by alts in solo too (somehow I never seem to benefit from that :p)