I miss them for completely different reasons, haha. I felt like the swimming/biker shorts on both guys and girls became something of a trademark appearance for Inklings, but it'd be weird to have a game about fashion and not be able to change pants in some way. But the way everyone was wearing these shorts even when they wore like this big snowcoat made it look like wearing these things is mandatory for staying fresh in Inkling culture. Even in the sequel i still rather stick with THE inkling shorts instead of the two new options (per gender) for legwear, if only for loyalty alone.I miss that every inkling girl no longer has the original (best) hairstyle and is wearing the sexy, tight shorts. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Technically some of the specials are similar to S1's specials, Stingray is a weaker Killer Wail and Baller is a (much) weaker Kraken.What I don't understand, is why they couldn't try to bring at least some of the specials back, albeit heavily nerfed. I could totally see an Inkzooka with shots that travel at half their speed being fair; it would still keep enemies back, but would make it much less of the unforeseeable death laser than it was before.
I miss the sprinkler as well now that I think about it :'3...Inkbrush with a kit that actually works for it. According to the datamine we're not even getting so much as a sprinkler.
Funny, that's how I came out of this, too.Quick Respawn That aside, not really. With my choice of weapons and general playstyle, when the earthquake came and shattered the meta I was standing in the one patch of land that was completely unaffected. I may miss some minor things but nothing notable.
That picture is amazing!Well, I can think of one thing I miss. The old ranked system, which had problems of it's own but made more sense than what we've got.
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Man, do I feel you. :( I don't know why Nintendo just threw the two most liked characters from the first game under the rug like they did. Hell, Nintendo even had Squid Sisters Vocaloid-esque projection concerts in Japan and even one in France.Guileless87 said:I miss the splatfest theme... but most of all...I miss the Callie and Marie news flash!