Bad Splatoon Suggestions


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
I got a few ideas.
1. A special which allows you to knock the enemy´s weapon out of their hands, making it reappear somewhere on the map. They will only be able to use their sub (or special if they manage to charge that up) weapon to defend themselves until they go to the spot their main weapon appeared in and pick it up again. And if it fell in the water, then too bad, you have no weapon for the rest of the battle!
2. A charger with the squiffer´s range, the e-liter´s charging time, mobility and ink consumption and the bamboozler´s damage (plz nerf).
3. A bomb that completely deactivates the enemy´s weapon. They now can´t use main, sub or special weapons. Like a disruptor, but much worse.
4. The ink cannon from the singleplayer (I don´t know if anyone remembers that) is located in the middle of the map, and the first team who reaches it has an incredibly overpowered weapon at their disposal for the rest of the battle (that thing shoots missiles that go very fast and explode in a wide area). I could see many people using opening gambit or the inkbrush just to reach the cannon first.
5. DJ Octavio joining the battle. The teams now have to cooperate to destroy him, right there on one of the multiplayer maps. (actually, that would be pretty nice now that I think about it).
6. One last thing. If you are a low-level and low-rank person, inklings in the plaza will shove you to the side when walking past you and flash you bad looks, like if you were a peasant not worthy of them. If you are a high-level, high-rank player however, Inklings in the plaza will give you admiring looks and ask for autographs. If you are a REALLY high-ranked (S+99) player and just won a lot of matches in a row, you will have a fan crowd standing outside the inkopolis tower, cheering as soon as you step out. Any inkling may also declare their love towards you while the crowd is standing outside (same gender love declarations are possible as well, of course). Plus, they would give you a tee with your username on it and any gear effect you want it to have.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 24, 2015
We added two new commands to make it easier to communicate with your team.

Press right to say "Get on the tower you idiot". Does not work in tower control.

Press left to say "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas sit amet nisl ut nunc volutpat tincidunt. Nam viverra libero ac lectus accumsan, nec imperdiet nisl eleifend. Etiam neque urna, faucibus vitae tellus quis, consequat sagittis enim. Nullam sodales sapien in turpis vestibulum, vitae posuere sem blandit. Nullam tristique, urna eu malesuada pulvinar, justo augue rhoncus lectus, sit amet luctus tellus sem sed tellus. Aliquam imperdiet sagittis nisl, ut consectetur massa iaculis sit amet. Vivamus ut est sed est aliquet egestas ac dictum leo. Duis tellus erat, efficitur eget erat quis, viverra suscipit lacus. Nullam eu tortor ut metus pharetra mattis.", flooding the entire screen with latin text.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
Press left to say "Lorem ipsum [...]"
Of course, it's fully-voiced, translated into Inkling in two or three variants (like the existing up and down commands are). So every time someone uses it, your GamePad makes annoying squeaky voices for about 30 seconds, drowning out most other sound effects. This can be stacked without limit.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
Of course, it's fully-voiced, translated into Inkling in two or three variants (like the existing up and down commands are). So every time someone uses it, your GamePad makes annoying squeaky voices for about 30 seconds, drowning out most other sound effects. This can be stacked without limit.
So basically turn it into "Alvin and the Chipmunks" or a certain ship in "Xenoblade Chronicles X"? :ability_defenseup:


Semi-Pro Squid
Dec 4, 2015
Kraken Rush: special that lets you rapidly send out mini-krakens that act like seekers except that they are invincible while your special is active, can climb walls, and can seek out people who are hiding in ink.

Jump Boost: ability that lets you jump higher in inkling form. When stacked, jump boosts allow you to moon jump around the map.
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Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
I read a suggestion once for a weapon that insta-kills at close range, but doesn't use ink or spread ink on the ground. But isn't enemy ink the actual thing that kills your opponent? lol


Semi-Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2016
a small house near Ancho-V Games
A few suggestions for Splatfest:
1. During the last hour of Splatfest, the music in the plaza changes to the credits music (maritime memory) and the inklings in the plaza start dancing with each other slowly. There´s a random chance that a inkling remains alone and you can ask them to dance. Then, a minigame starts in which you have to press the correct buttons in the right rhythm (similarly to squid beatz) in order to dance better and make the inkling like you more. If you are successful, the inkling may ask you to become friends. Then, you can hang out with them in the plaza whenever you want and develop your relationship in different activities together. Your inkling and the other one might even become lovers at some point! (Splatoon just evolved into a life simulator! Hooray!)
2. You aren´t awarded super sea snails at the end of splatfest, but you get tickets to visit the Squid Sisters in their studio. You can take selfies, dance with them and reminisce about the times you splatted octarians together back in Octo Valley in case you completed the story mode. (SPOILER: Agents 1 and 2 are the Squid Sisters. Shocking, I know.)
3. Members of the opposing teams in the plaza argue and throw stuff at each other, yelling stuff like "Your team sucks!", "Team *insert team here* go home!" and "Team *insert Team here* is the best and don´t you dare question it!"
4. After the Splatfest, the members of the winning team have smug smirks on their face and walk around proudly, and the members of the losing team look defeated and walk around sad.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 24, 2015
Turns out, even more new splatoon amibos are confirmed!

Judd Amiibo

Unlocks single player challenges where you have to turf at least 95% of the map to win. Beat them all to gain the ability to bribe Judd, the more you pay, the more he will rig it in your team's favor. Also unlocks the ability to get the Super Hot Fire streak by gaining a streak of 30. Do so, and Judd tells you to go outside.

Octoling Amiibo

Play through the Octoling single player stages with ten times more Octolings. Beat them to unlock playable octolings in Battle Dojo. Additionally, you can unlock the Stealth Octobrush, which is an octobrush that looks exactly like a Custom E-Liter.

Gold Octoling Amiibo

Super rare amiibo that unlocks playable octolings anywhere. Nintendo only made one of them and plans to sell it to the highest bidder. All sorts of chaos ensues with the ownership of this figurine, and it becomes a legendary treasure worth millions.

Moe Amiibo

Unlocks a challenge where you get to fight DJ Octavo poorly reskinned as Moe. Winning this earns the Moe Armor, which turns you into Moe. You have ten times every stackable stat every squid has, but you also have no arms and can not hold weapons. Additionally, every time you get splatted/lose a battle after using the amiibo, Moe shows up to taunt you.

(Various specials) Amiibos

Due to a new gameplay change, players can not use specials without unlocking them with it's respective amiibo. (For example, an Inkstrike amiibo unlocks the use of Inkstrikes). To use a special, players must now tap their respective amiibo to the gamepad.

Dynamo Roller Amiibo

Gives you challenges of climbing really tall walls with your dynamo. Beat it to unlock the Super Dynamo, a roller that takes a minute to prep it's fling, then swamps the entire map in your color ink and splats all foes.

Splatfest Logo Amiibo

When used, randomly starts a splatfest based on two randomly chosen words.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
A new control scheme that can be set in options: touch screen controls. Left stick controls motion as usual, but all camera controls and attacks are done with the stylus, and the visual action takes place on the GamePad (with a UI border including a map that can be tapped to zoom in on for Super Jumps, although the standard GamePad display is on the TV screen at all times).

Tap once to attack for buckets, L3/H3, rollers and brushes; Shooters and Blasters can be fired once with a tap or set to auto-fire with a double-tap and hold, and Chargers and Splatlings are charged and fired by holding and releasing after a double tap. L and left stick click become the new Sub and Special buttons.

Camera can be quickly changed by swiping around the border but small and precise adjustments can be made by swiping in the main screen, the reticle perfectly following the stylus; this allows for mouse-click-level accuracy, as you literally just need to hold your stylus on an opponent to shoot them as long as your squid rotates quickly enough.

Nintendo realises what a brilliant idea this is and promptly follows up by releasing Splatoon 3D exclusively for the New 3DS in time for the holiday season '16. Record sales figures for the New 3DS are witnessed, with an estimated 450 purchases in NA alone.


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
  1. Two new stages based on water. Water traps on one stage and the other that has a rain effect. Does anyone else get a wicked witch vibe when the inklings fall in water?

  2. A new mode where a team has to reach a goal while facing 4 opposing enemies. You know those three big squid balloons in the test room? Three of the enemies would have the same health like those balloons and It would be kind of like a boss battle. I guess one of the opposing teams could have the health.

  3. Cthulu climbs out of the bum of Tartarus or where ever and beats up both teams in a fourth rank mode.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
Now all weapon sets work like gear. You have to level up a weapon to unlock a random sub weapon and special weapon (separately), and you can pay Spike to reroll your weapon sets too (which also rolls the main weapon). Experience required for leveling up all weapons is the same as three-star gear :)

PS: rerolling weapon sets costs 2 Super Sea Snails. No refunds!


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
  1. Two new stages based on water. Water traps on one stage and the other that has a rain effect. Does anyone else get a wicked witch vibe when the inklings fall in water?
This... would actually be pretty awesome.

Rain could be used for a danger zone system (with a warning before it starts, of course), forcing the Inklings to seek shelter under several platforms. The interesting part would be two or more members of the opposite teams being under time pressure and having to occupy the same shelter, which would make for some very exciting and hasty fights, because it's either splatting the opponent and occupying the shelter in time or getting splatted by either the opponent or the rain.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
A new control scheme that can be set in options: touch screen controls. Left stick controls motion as usual, but all camera controls and attacks are done with the stylus, and the visual action takes place on the GamePad (with a UI border including a map that can be tapped to zoom in on for Super Jumps, although the standard GamePad display is on the TV screen at all times).

Tap once to attack for buckets, L3/H3, rollers and brushes; Shooters and Blasters can be fired once with a tap or set to auto-fire with a double-tap and hold, and Chargers and Splatlings are charged and fired by holding and releasing after a double tap. L and left stick click become the new Sub and Special buttons.

Camera can be quickly changed by swiping around the border but small and precise adjustments can be made by swiping in the main screen, the reticle perfectly following the stylus; this allows for mouse-click-level accuracy, as you literally just need to hold your stylus on an opponent to shoot them as long as your squid rotates quickly enough.

Nintendo realises what a brilliant idea this is and promptly follows up by releasing Splatoon 3D exclusively for the New 3DS in time for the holiday season '16. Record sales figures for the New 3DS are witnessed, with an estimated 450 purchases in NA alone.
Splatoon = 4th mobile app confirmed!!!!1!


Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
Hey, my thread's still alive! Thanks everyone. :D

Suggestion: Remove all weapons. Only fist-fights allowed.
I want weird matrix stuff in my third-person shooter. rofl

This... would actually be pretty awesome.

Rain could be used for a danger zone system (with a warning before it starts, of course), forcing the Inklings to seek shelter under several platforms. The interesting part would be two or more members of the opposite teams being under time pressure and having to occupy the same shelter, which would make for some very exciting and hasty fights, because it's either splatting the opponent and occupying the shelter in time or getting splatted by either the opponent or the rain.
It would be cool. There'd probably be some players complaining about it being "unfair". I wouldn't mind a challenge. :D


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
After the Cold-Blooded nerf, Echolocator is decided to be overpowered. Instead of directly reducing its power, it's simply replaced in every weapon that has it with Point Sensor Rush.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 23, 2014
A map that has no climbable walls, save for one gimmick wall that gets in the way more than it aids you (that is completely absent in ranked), has all the ground you can access with the gimmick wall covered with tarp, has two Splat Zones as far away from each other as humanly possible, is mainly made up of narrow hallways that greatly benefit the Killer Wail and the already overpowered Inkzooka, and to top it all off, has the same bland shipping crate aesthetic every shooter and their mom uses for their filler maps.
...Oh wait

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