Cephalobro's SFM Creations


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
After finally figuring out how to properly use Source Filmmaker, I managed to get most of the basics down. It will take a while to get my OCs set up, so in the meantime, here's Agent 3 and his new girlfriend hugging.

Agent 3 finds love.png
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Alright, I'm going to start posting character bios for the first time each of my OCs gets posted for the first time. Given the limitations of SFM, I can't quite give the exact look that I wanted to give, so the true appearance will be stated in parentheses if needed.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam Bio.jpg

Name: Clam

Gender: Male

Species: Octotrooper

Age: 16

Eye color: Brown/chestnut (the green part of the eyes is actually white, while the rings around them are black rather than purple/violet)

Appearance: A yellow Octotrooper (has rings at the tip of the tentacle, much like the playable Octolings, his lips are dark brown)

Backstory: Clam lost his parents when he was younger, he was really sad, but his brother Coral in particular was devastated. Being the older brother of the two, Clam had to protect and take care of Coral, so in terms of behavior, he became the tougher of the two. Due to him being a male Octotrooper, he is a tentacle that was cut off from his Octoling father two years before Coral was born.

Personality: While Clam is usually happy with his current life in the Octarian neighborhood that General Anemone's army (one in which he is still a part of) founded, Clam won't back away from a fight against those with malicious intent. He's dedicated to protect Coral from anything that would splat him permanently, as such, he worries about Coral every time he goes on Salmon Runs.

Skills: Despite being an Octotrooper, Clam is no pushover. He can easily dodge attacks and will pummel down malicious people with quick and strong strikes. He has no need for those ink-shooting vehicles, despite a dire situation, Clam is a fighter and survivor. As for his non-combat skills, he has great skills with video-games despite only having one limb, and he can iron out weapon flaws when he helps Sheldon out at Ammo Knights.

Relationships: Clam has a younger Octoling brother named Coral, an Octoling friend named Kelp, and an Octobomber girlfriend named Ocean. Clam also follows orders from his Octohurler commander and general named General Anemone. He also has an Elite Octoling ally named Shark.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral Bio.jpg

Name: Coral

Gender: Male

Species: Octoling

Age: 14

Eye color: Green

Appearance: Coral has two tentacles tied in a bun while the other two are free-flowing. He wears a White Anchor Tee given by his father as a birthday gift when he turned 3, a pair of Zombie Hi-Horses given at the same age, and long black leggings with a yellow stripe on each side, given by his mother when he turned 4. His go-to weapon is the Octo Shot family heirloom which was given to him by his father when he was just 4 years old. (More info on the gifts in the backstory section.)

Backstory: Coral lost his parents when he was younger. As a result, he was emotionally devastated, sobbing every time his parents were mentioned. He's the younger brother of Clam, after all, only being hatched from an Octoling egg laid by his mother two years after Clam was cut from his father. The four gifts were given to Coral because his parents anticipated and even wanted Coral (and Clam) to live on the surface and participate in ink battles (no ink battles for Clam though) one day.

Personality: Except for the topic of his parents, Coral is usually in a positive mood. He's also very dedicated to ensuring the Octarians in his neighborhood are safe from Octo haters, double agents, etc. He doesn't back down from a fight against criminals of any kind and will fight until said criminals are defeated and/or imprisoned. He also helps any Octarian who recently escaped from an underground complex find a new home, no matter whether the Octarian themselves is an Octoling or a tentacle Octarian. With the thought of his parents though, he tends to shed tears and even sob, as he has never gotten over their deaths. However, his girlfriend Kelp quickly comforts him by hugging him and talking in a sweet, soft voice.

Skills: Coral is very skillful in battle, he knows most strategies when it comes to Turf Wars, but doesn't tell his teammates about them to both teach them visually and to keep the opponents in the dark about the strategies. He's so good in a battle that he's usually sent on missions by General Anemone. Just like his brother Clam, Coral is a fighter and a survivor. In fact, when Coral and Clam fight as a team against malicious individuals, the two brothers triumph over them a hundred more times than anyone can count on their hands and feet.

Relationships: Coral has an older Octotrooper brother named Clam, an Octoling girlfriend named Kelp, and an Octobomber friend named Ocean. Coral also follows orders from his Octohurler commander and general named General Anemone. He also has an Elite Octoling ally named Shark.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Kelp Bio.jpeg

Name: Kelp

Gender: Female

Species: Octoling

Age: 15

Eye color: Purple

Appearance: Kelp has four free-flowing tentacles (which actually have ringed patterns at the tip) that reach past her shoulders, she wears a Black Anchor Tee given by her father, short shorts, and Golden Hi-Horses, both given by her mother. Her weapon of choice is her Carbon Roller which she received as a gift from her Octobomber sister Ocean.

Backstory: Kelp had a great life before the war with DJ Octavio's Octarians, except for the occasional cloudy day and sibling rivalry with Ocean. Her parents took her to places where she and Ocean had so much fun, and also enjoyed hearing stories from General Anemone, the sisters' uncle. However, that changed one day when her parents decided to leave both her and Ocean in the care of General Anemone, both sisters were shocked and sad about the news, but eventually understood it was to keep them safe from being forced to join DJ Octavio's army. Kelp hatched from her mother's Octoling egg two years after Ocean was cut from the same Octoling who laid the egg.

Personality: Kelp is the nicest and kindest Octoling many will ever meet, she is so sweet that she bakes muffins for new Octarians that she gives a home to. She also has the personality of a nurturing mother when she helps her boyfriend Coral with his injuries and when he needs support. However, that doesn't mean she isn't prone to getting angry, especially with malicious people. When the people she cares about are being attacked, she goes into the fray with her Carbon Roller to help and even protect them. She prefers not to splat Octarians who can't respawn and will try to do everything in her power to defeat them without splatting them, even trying to convince them to stop attacking, the only times she didn't try that was when her, alongside the other Octarians in General Anemone's army, fought DJ Octavio's Octarians in order to escape Octo Valley before it crumbled. Kelp is also very scared of Salmonids, which is why she dreads going on a Salmon Run. She wishes to have Octoling children one day.

Skills: Kelp is skilled in battle as well, she is known to swing her Carbon Roller with great precision, almost so that she is sometimes sent into missions with Coral, Clam, or both. She also sometimes guard the front door of her neighborhood alongside Coral. Outside of battle, her sweet-talking skills would make anyone who had a bad day feel better afterward, which explains why she's able to keep Coral from being depressed.

Relationships: Kelp has an older Octobomber sister named Ocean, an Octoling boyfriend named Coral, and an Octotrooper friend named Clam. Kelp also follows orders from her Octohurler commander, general, and uncle named General Anemone. She also has an Elite Octoling ally named Shark.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Before I show you the result of my project, let me put a story to make sense of it all. Storytime below:

It's Valentine's Day in the Octarian neighborhood. Coral and Kelp had plans for their date tonight, but an important mission came up as well, throwing a wrench into their plans. General Anemone called the two to meet him in the afternoon.

"I need to talk to you two about a very important mission tonight." General Anemone says to Coral and Kelp.

"Why does it have to be tonight, General Anemone?" Coral asks.

"Because I heard of a rogue Inkling militia from Inkopolis who were planning to raid Mako Mart for supplies to attack our neighborhood. Not to worry, because I already told the law enforcement from Inkopolis about the one who organized this militia and they had thrown her in prison, now we just need to stop her militia from causing damage." General Anemone explains.

"But why would anyone attack our neighborhood like this?" Kelp asks a follow-up question.

"That, I don't know, but regardless, it's better to stop this group before they even reach the door. This will reduce their morale into nothing, knowing their leader is already in prison." General Anemone answers Kelp's question.

"But today is Valentine's Day! How are Kelp and I supposed to have a romantic night with this mission now getting in the way?" Coral protests.

"Please uncle, can you send some other Octarians to take care of this?" Kelp tries to get her uncle to understand.

"Unfortunately, not tonight. And I'm sorry Coral, but I can't postpone this mission." General Anemone is not convinced.

With nothing else to tell General Anemone, the Octoling couple accepts the mission.

Later at night, Coral and Kelp arrive at Mako Mart, waiting to fight the supposed militia coming to raid the supermarket. Coral holds his Octo Shot while Kelp holds her Carbon Roller. In the meantime, Coral and Kelp discuss how to make this night romantic.

"Since we had no other choice, what can we do to make the best of this?" Coral asks, hoping to salvage the night.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we will figure it out afterward." Kelp replies.

Just as they were having the discussion, the raiders arrived, already shooting ink at the Octoling couple.

"Whoa!" Coral reacts as he barely dodges the ink shot at him.

"This must be the group my uncle told us about!" Kelp says in the heat of battle.

Without saying further words to each other, the Octoling couple started to use their weapons against the group of rogue Inklings coming their way.

Despite the Inkling numbers, Coral and Kelp managed to splat some of the Inklings and kept the rest away from the doors. This is when law enforcement consisting of Inklings dressed in police attire arrived to arrest the militia.

Before long the rest of the rogue Inklings were arrested for attempted robbery.

"Can you tell us why you were here, sir?" a male cop asks Coral.

"We were sent here by my commander to stop a raid. I'm glad you guys came to help us out." Coral explains then thanks the cop.

"I remember talking to an Octohurler commander with an eyepatch about this, was that your commander?" the Inkling cop asks a follow-up question.

"Yes, that's definitely him." Coral answers.

"Okay then, you're both free to go." the cop says to Coral and Kelp.

"Hey, can we go inside Mako Mart for a moment?" Kelp asks the cop.

"We will leave very soon, so make sure to lock the doors when you leave. I trust that you two will keep this place safe. Now remember, don't take anything from there, we will know if you did." the cop warns.

"I octuple promise that we will leave everything in there as is." Coral replies.

After the talk, the police leave, taking the rogue militia with them. Finally alone, Coral and Kelp take this opportunity to have a romantic night. They go inside Mako Mart to look for the most romantic spot in the supermarket.

"Is this a good spot?" Coral asks.

"Oh, this is perfect!" Kelp answers very excitedly.

The two kiss as the first thing they do for the night.

The End, and happy (early) Valentine's Day everyone!

Valentine's Day.jpg
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Ocean Bio.jpeg

Name: Ocean

Gender: Female

Species: Octobomber

Age: 17

Eye color: Cyan (the green part of the eyes is actually white, while the rings around them are black rather than purple/violet)

Appearance: A pink Octobomber (has rings at the tip of the tentacles, much like the playable Octolings, her lips are dark brown)

Backstory: Ocean was a tentacle that was cut off from her mother two years before Kelp hatched from the egg laid by the same mother. Ocean had a great life before the beginning of Octo Valley's deterioration which ultimately lead to its eventual collapse. Although at times she was jealous of her sister Kelp for being an Octoling, she loved her sister very much nonetheless, even giving her a Carbon Roller as a birthday gift. When DJ Octavio started to octonapp Octoling children from their parents, Ocean's parents decided it was best to leave her and her sister in the care of their uncle, General Anemone. During the downtime of many battles against DJ Octavio's army, she caught Kelp staring at a particular Octoling Boy, she noticed her sister had a crush on him. Although suspicious of him at first, she noticed his Octotrooper brother with him and just like Kelp had a crush on the male Octoling, Ocean had a crush on the Octotrooper. Her parents promised both sisters that they will be reunited at the surface someday, which is what both Ocean and Kelp fought for on their journey to the surface world.

Personality: Ocean doesn't really talk much like her boyfriend, friend, and sister do, but they are able to understand her just fine. She has jealousy towards Octolings, she wishes that she could have their abilities. But at the same time, she understands her position biologically, so she doesn't have hatred towards any Octoling (except for Octolings and individuals in general who hurt the people she cares about on purpose). She has high hopes for her boyfriend Clam to protect her sister while she isn't able to join her in operations, and she really appreciates him for doing so since Clam protected Kelp successfully many times.

Skills: She has great accuracy with Splat Bombs, as seen in a battle where she launched a single Splat Bomb in the middle of an invader squadron to help Coral and Clam push back against a rogue Inkling criminal group that threatened the Octarian neighborhood that she lives in. Outside of battle, she is a great cook, she comes up with original recipes never thought of before, like Tangled Salmon which is salmon wrapped in dried and salted seaweed.

Relationships: Ocean has a younger Octoling sister named Kelp, an Octotrooper boyfriend named Clam, and an Octoling friend named Coral. Ocean also follows orders from her Octohurler commander, general, and uncle named General Anemone. She also has an Elite Octoling ally named Shark.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Another Valentine's Day surprise! Coral and Kelp decided to go to The Reef together when it wasn't in rotation for a Turf War. This time, they decided to spend their romantic day together in their octopus forms mainly due to wanting a break from guard duties. But another reason is that Kelp thought the idea would be really cute. So now they hold tentacles in peace, ignoring loud sky trains that occasionally pass above them.

Coral and Kelp as octopi.jpeg
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam was feeling a bit down today, so Coral decided to invite him to go to the arcade with him. There, Coral pointed out some opportunities for quadruple scores. It wasn't long until Clam learned the ways of the game, actually beating the high score on the arcade machine. This definitely made Clam feel so much better. Coral was of course playing as well to teach Clam the ways of the game.

Two Bros at the Arcade.jpg
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Kelp and Ocean are back at home and the two start talking about various topics, from the new things of their lives, to reuniting with their mom and dad. Their conversations eventually turn to praise about their boyfriends and how the respective boyfriend is also a mate for life. Something that the two sisters willingly keep as a secret to each other and to no one else. Ocean asks Kelp if she would theoretically end her relationship with Coral, Kelp of course replied "never". Kelp then asked Ocean the same question regarding Clam, Ocean gives the same exact reply.

Sisters Praising their Boyfriends.jpg
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral has been looking for his Octo Shot everywhere he might have gone. What started as a minor annoyance slowly evolved into sadness, which eventually led to him sobbing. This Octo Shot is a family heirloom, being passed down to him by his now-deceased father. With his mother also deceased as well as Clam, Kelp, and Ocean being busy at the moment, Coral had no one else to help him find it. The haunting memory that he wanted to forget resurfaced, the memory where he saw his former home crushed while his parents were still inside.

Haunting Memories.jpg


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
i really wanna do this stuff! except.. i have no idea how.. this is really cool too! : )
So, there are a few programs that can be used to achieve this like Blender or Garry's Mod, the one I use is Source Filmmaker (hence SFM as the abbreviation). It may be hard at first, but the more you use it, the more you'll be able to do, looking up tutorials while doing these immensely helps.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2023
Kensa Studios
xD bro what. These are really cool but. You made an octarain named clam and gave him a detailed backstory, I just casually slaughter those things.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
xD bro what. These are really cool but. You made an octarain named clam and gave him a detailed backstory, I just casually slaughter those things.
I just see Octarians as people rather than something to splat, plus Octarians (the tentacle kind) are the result of Octolings cutting their tentacles.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 29, 2023
Kensa Studios
Well normally I splat the ones that are attacking me, but if it’s vibing then I vibe with it then I go on my way. Plus I don’t splat all octarians I mean, I’m an octarain why would I?


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral has not come home last night, Clam figured that his brother might have been working some extra shifts at Grizzco. However, when Coral hasn't returned next morning, Clam went to Kelp and Ocean to ask them if Coral was there, Ocean said that she hasn't seen him, her sister Kelp followed up saying that she hasn't seen him either. This alone worries them, which prompted them to look for Coral. They eventually reached Inkopolis Square as per Kelp's tracker on her octophone that she uses to search for Coral's own octophone, the tracker showed too many results. Meanwhile, Clam held up a picture of Coral while asking other people if they have seen him while Ocean calls out to Coral, hoping that he can hear her.

Coral is Missing.jpg

(This image's file name may or may not be a reference to a Mario game.)
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(Okay so I'm still trying to come up with a conclusion to the search for Coral, so here are his and Clam's parents interacting with the brothers' younger selves. Oh yeah, the mother has green eyes.)

Happy Family.jpg


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Clam, Kelp, and Ocean continue to look for Coral. With no concrete results yet, Clam became even more worried.

"I feel like we have looked everywhere and there are no traces of him! Was he octonapped?!" Clam says, starting to become desperate to find his brother.

"I'm worried about him too." Kelp replies, "I hope he wasn't octonapped..."

"Can both of you calm down? We won't be able to focus if we start to do things aimlessly!" Ocean tells the two, showing a bit of annoyance in her voice.

However, things would soon start looking up when a male Inkling approached the trio after looking at Coral's picture that Clam was holding.

"Hey, I have seen that guy 20 minutes ago." the Inkling notifies Clam.

"Where did you see him go?" Clam asks, hoping to find some answers.

"I saw him go to an abandoned warehouse." the Inkling answers.

"Was it Walleye Warehouse?" Kelp asks a follow-up question.

"No, it's a different warehouse." the Inkling replies.

"Thank you for telling everything to us, we really appreciate it." Ocean tells the Inkling.

Now that Clam, Kelp, and Ocean have that information, they look toward a warehouse that they noticed not too much later, Kelp turns on her tracker on her octophone.

"My phone doesn't have much battery left, so we have to make this one count!" Kelp says to Clam and Ocean.

Once the trio reaches the warehouse, Clam opens the door for him and the others to go inside.

Kelp's octophone start warning of low battery life, but she keeps using the tracker anyways.

"Coral, where are you?!" Ocean yells out.

After what seemed like hours of searching, Kelp's phone finally ran out of battery. But any worry that might have come up is cut short when the trio finally sees Coral, who is quietly sobbing in the corner.

"Coral!" Kelp exclaims as she runs up to him and hugs him.

"Huh?" Coral reacts to the hug, making him feel a little better. "I'm s-sorry f-for worrying you guys there." he tries to explain.

"We spent 3 entire days looking for you!" Clam says, "Why were you in this warehouse? You have to tell us the truth."

"I think I was starting to lose my voice from yelling so much." Ocean added.

"Come on Clam, be a little easier on Coral, can't you see that he has been through a lot these past few days?" Kelp tells Clam to take it down a notch.

"W-well..." Coral begins, "I have lost my Octo Shot, the family heirloom that my dad passed down to me. I was trying to find it all this time."

"Oh, so that's why you haven't come back home?" Clam responds with a question.

"Yes" Coral answers. He's actually scared to be yelled by everyone, until...

"I noticed you have been sobbing a lot." Kelp notices the marks on Coral's cheek.

"That's true, as I was looking for my Octo Shot, memories about my parents kept coming up." Coral confesses.

Instead of yelling at him, Kelp brought Coral closer in for a hug.

"It's okay, we will help you find your Octo Shot." Kelp says, talking in a sweet whisper. This made Coral feel a lot better.

Coral decided to enjoy the hug a bit longer.

"Just tell us where you are next time you go somewhere you don't typically go to from now on." Clam requests to Coral.

"We were really worried about you." Ocean adds.

"Don't worry, I will." Coral agrees.

With that, the quartet starts making their way back to their homes after an exhausting 3 days. Coral feels happy that his brother, girlfriend, and friend will help him find his Octo Shot.

Coral is Found.jpg
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