Splatoon 2 Competitive Inkbrush?


Inkster Jr.
Nov 28, 2015
I don't know why but I need to get this of my chest.
I believe the Inkbrush(es) is objectively the worst weapon in the game. It has no real mechanical skill and its speed means nothing in higher ranks since people will hear/see you coming and by just holding the left analog stick backwards you pretty much leave its attacking range...

I want to know if you guys think if the Inkbrush has any usability in S+ and higher and I mean all modes, so not just clam blitz spam.

I see this weapon not having any use what so ever...so why am I S+19 with it and climbing?! It quite literally needs brian dead opponents to work but I seem to still win matches in S+?

I don't know what the point of this thread even is...I guess I just wanted to vent. But feedback and ideas are always appreciated


Inkling Commander
Nov 29, 2016
I suppose in rainmaker it could be something like a trailblazer or distraction for the enemy, especially with its bombs and splashdown.

But yeah, overall it’s kinda bad objectively. But there’s such a thing as being good at using a mediocre weapon! I mean two of my most-used weapons were octobrush and inkbrush in splatoon 1, and there are some ridiculously good goo tubers, tenta brellas, etc. out there. I am glad, though, that you didn’t default to “I keep winning with this weapon, so it’s OP!” bc yeah, inkbrush is very hard to use.

I think you may not be giving it quite enough credit, because if a brush can play stealthy (as is pretty much necessary) they can kill someone from behind before they have a chance to turn around. But yeah, in head-to-head combat the brush has no options but to run or get splatted.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 31, 2016
Outside of maybe Rainmaker, not really. Inkbrush struggles in every other mode outside of Clam Blitz and Rainmaker because its range and damage is too poor for head-on combat, but its speed/decent painting are the only things that saves it from being garbo tier like Glooga and Undercover. I also think you're underestimating how hard it is to kill a good Inkbrush if they know how to roll properly.

Regarding Rainmaker, it provides a decent niche by playing support and leading the rainmaker by rolling to the enemy base. It also synergizes well with Ninja Squid if that's your type of playstyle.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 16, 2018
I don't know why but I need to get this of my chest.
I believe the Inkbrush(es) is objectively the worst weapon in the game. It has no real mechanical skill and its speed means nothing in higher ranks since people will hear/see you coming and by just holding the left analog stick backwards you pretty much leave its attacking range...

I want to know if you guys think if the Inkbrush has any usability in S+ and higher and I mean all modes, so not just clam blitz spam.

I see this weapon not having any use what so ever...so why am I S+19 with it and climbing?! It quite literally needs brian dead opponents to work but I seem to still win matches in S+?

I don't know what the point of this thread even is...I guess I just wanted to vent. But feedback and ideas are always appreciated
I can see it being useful at the beginning of matches because you can get to the objective quickly. It just can't be agressive, I could see the Inlbrusj Noveau being used in Splat Zones, I use the Noveau sometimes in Clam Blitz. But other than that you have to completely out maneuver,your oponent to get a kill. Something that is underated about the brush though, it has a wide spread, so you can hit multiple opponents at once, leading to multi kills

Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
@Pupsik I tend to agree that the Inkbrush is a bad weapon. I have a hard time getting anything going with it, but that doesn't mean that it is unusable. It definitely requires some finesse to pull off, but there are ways to do it. I was playing some matches with a guy who used the high-tier painting ability of the brush to roll Ballers rather quickly, and he was pretty quick on his feet with the main weapon as well! What I am getting from your post is that you are rather practiced with the weapon and are getting good results with it, so I say keep it up! There are people who are drawn to every weapon and learn how to make them great. Tenta Brellas, E-Liters, and Glooga Dualies are all weapons that are rather objectively bad in comparison with similar weaponry and yet you will find that there are people who can make those weapons look good! Perhaps the Inkbrush is your niche? Keep practicing with it!

I have heard this from many players of this game, and I tend to agree with it. The idea being that some weapons are easier to use than others for sure, but every weapon is viable in some way or another. You've just found a way to make the Inkbrush viable, that's all.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 28, 2015
Thanks for the kind words<3
I know im using a niche weapon, that's not the problem, my problem is that im scared of the inevitable wall that will halt me from improving because my weapon is holding me back. It just isn't happening, im S+22 now and im just wondering why im "allowed" to continue climbing.

Also when people talk about other niche weapons I don't really think they know just how weird the Inkbrush really is. Of course we have the E-Liter, Bamboozler and so on, it's just that these weapons have something to master: E-Liter has the longest range and can...you know splat in one hit, the Bamboozler pretty much has Jet Squelcher range and the Glooga Dualies can potentially 2-shot. And the Inkbrush...is "fast" I guess?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
It suffers from the "why not use" conundrum, namely why not use splat roller or octobrush? It's good that you can make it work, but it requires considerably more effort to achieve the same results other weapons can pull with much less effort. You'll likely hit a wall due to the weapon's attributes eventually, but if you can overcome that, more power to you.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 16, 2018
Ever heard the saying don't bring a knife to a gun fight?
Don't bring an Inkbrush into Competitive Splatoon.
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Full Squid
Aug 18, 2017
Ink brush itself isn't too great as a main weapon (except it's fairly good at evading and escap and making itself hard to hit) but the splat bomb and splashdown kit are good.... I could definitely see a role for it in solo queue of running around quickly and harassing/distracting the enemies, throwing lots of splat bombs (splat bombs are really good esp if you throw them while submerged in ink because then they tumble across the floor and explode little warning), inking and bullding lots of splashdowns and most importantly not dying that much. Ink brush is actually pretty good at keeping itself alive and it may sound obvious but not dying is one of the best things you can do in Splatoon 2.

The other ink brush, though, with mines and baller... Not so good.

I would totally play the brushes (well not the mines/baller ink brush) in S+ except that I can't play weapons that I have to repeatedly press ZR


Inkling Cadet
Mar 16, 2018
Ink brush itself isn't too great as a main weapon (except it's fairly good at evading and escap and making itself hard to hit) but the splat bomb and splashdown kit are good.... I could definitely see a role for it in solo queue of running around quickly and harassing/distracting the enemies, throwing lots of splat bombs (splat bombs are really good esp if you throw them while submerged in ink because then they tumble across the floor and explode little warning), inking and bullding lots of splashdowns and most importantly not dying that much. Ink brush is actually pretty good at keeping itself alive and it may sound obvious but not dying is one of the best things you can do in Splatoon 2.

The other ink brush, though, with mines and baller... Not so good.

I would totally play the brushes (well not the mines/baller ink brush) in S+ except that I can't play weapons that I have to repeatedly press ZR
Sadly, Splat Bomb spam can actually be a good tactic. I would recommend brining a lot of Ink Saver Main or Sub into a match, roll around and just spam Splat Bombs. Maybe Ink Recovery. Actually, one pure of Ink Saver Main, one pure of Ink Saver Sub, and one pure of Ink Recovery
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Dark Sage Walker

Inkling Commander
Oct 1, 2017
Over there
Switch Friend Code
@MotorGamer Ink Saver Sun?

Honestly, if you are being allowed to climb, so to speak, then you are probably doing something right. Some of us just have that niche weapon that we really like to play and do well with. In my case, it's the Hydra Splatling. A weapon that has no real right to be there with the Splattershots and the Sploosh-o-Matics, but I manage to do well with it. It's all about perspective, practice, and knowing your enemy. To quote someone who knows way more about this than I do:

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.


Pro Squid
Nov 25, 2016
Inkbrush main here, jimmies rustled and rearing to type.

The Inkbrush is the most hectic weapon in the game - both for the one playing it and for their enemies. It plays nothing like most other weapons, because objectively, each part of the kit is fairly underwhelming.

Its true power lies in its synergies.

Most weapons with Splat Bombs use them to flush out enemies for teammates, because they’re too avoidable to be a killing tool in their own right. The Inkbrush can do this but better - rolling with it allows you to get to areas where enemies wouldn’t expect a bomb, so they aren’t prepared to dodge it. Even should they dodge away, the Inkbrush uses so little ink and covers such a wide area that you only need to predict the general area of the opponent to splat them.

And that’s without the Splashdown, which is very easy to get by the way. Bomb behind the opponent and Splashdown, free kill with a full ink tank to spare. Didn’t kill? That’s fine, you have enough ink for another bomb. Still didn’t kill? Either rush in there and swipe them once to finish the job, or just run and regain ink and special; you delayed them harshly anyway, and your weapon probably costs less ink than theirs.

Bomb in the vague direction of conflict to ‘support’ your team. Draw the attention of their sniper by killing players near spawn, then duck and weave like a badass, giving your team the chance to capture the objective. Bomb at any patch of enemy ink that an enemy might be swimming towards. Roll in zigzags to get close to shooters (works surprisingly well). Climb over and around obstacles to gain the height advantage (your opponent has to aim; you don’t). Superjump in, Splashdown, bomb, roll away.

It’s not the size of the brush, it’s how you use it. And the kit.

By the way, Ink Saver Main and Special charge are must haves. One main of each is fine for staying in S+, but to start ranking up you really need two of each and possibly some swim speed. Maybe stealth jump too; if they see you they’re in range for orbital paint strike, and if not you get away scott-free. Don’t use ninja squid - if you’re doing it right they shouldn’t have time to register you before you kill them anyway, and the slowdown is horrible on a weapon reliant on speed and surprise.

Nouveau sucks though.


Inkster Jr.
Nov 28, 2015
@SilverBrick Thanks for the information. I already knew that the power of the weapon lies in it's kit...wich still makes me mad. Like you pretty much play splat bomb and splashdown...with an Inkbrush attached to it, at least I feel like that.

And your Nouveau analysis was 10/10
Like damn this thing is trash ( it only proves that people use the vanilla Inkbrush for the kit and not the brush).
I was hoping the devs would redeem themselves from splatoon 1 by making the second variant different...and they gave it ink mines. Wow.

I was so ready for a more supportive or ranged Inkbrush (stingray would have been amazing) but instead they gave it baller...a special that allows you to run on enemy ink...like what? Did they even remember that the Inkbrush is known to do that or did they actually forget, im serious.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
Ever heard the saying don't bring a knife to a gun fight?
Don't bring an Inkbrush into Competitive Splatoon.
Conversely, bring whatever weapon you feel comfortable with to 'competitive' Splatoon. Rather a decent/good Inkbrush player than someone using a muh meta weapon and being horrible with it because they don't enjoy playing the weapon enough to get good with it.


Pro Squid
Nov 25, 2016
@SilverBrick Thanks for the information. I already knew that the power of the weapon lies in it's kit...wich still makes me mad. Like you pretty much play splat bomb and splashdown...with an Inkbrush attached to it, at least I feel like that.
Not gonna lie, that’s basically what it is. The Inkbrush is essentially a pistol for when you don’t want to waste your shotguns’ ammo - the shotguns in this case being your sub and special - plus a great inking and mobility tool.

Here’s a more in-depth guide that I made a while ago, if you’re interested: https://squidboards.com/guides/splatoon-2’s-inkbrush.267/

IMO, the Inkbrush is incredibly underrated. It’s a huge adrenaline rush to work out about exactly what you need to use and how to use it on the fly, and getting splats despite being near-constantly overwhelmed is such a satisfying feeling. It’s both deadly and versatile in the right hands, and has one of the highest skill ceilings of any weapon since you have so many options at your disposal.

Think Tracer or Scout, and that’s basically the Inkbrush.


Pro Squid
Nov 25, 2016
By the way, proof that it’s entirely viable:


This might not look like much at first glance, but bear in mind that this is S+4 Splat Zones (one of the least Inkbrush-friendly gamemodes); I was in the centre of the stage for the vast majority of the game; and I was the one both inking the Splat Zone and acting as a beacon. Despite all that, I got joint third splats, joint second fewest deaths, and highest p.


Full Squid
Oct 18, 2017
Inkopolis Square
Switch Friend Code
I am distraught about what happened to Nouveau in Splatoon 2. It used to be my go-to when I wanted to play melee in 1 because Ink Mines and Bubbler saved me in more times than I can count. Gave a weapon that has no defense some way to protect itself and it was great for infiltration. But in 2? It's a mess.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 16, 2018
I am distraught about what happened to Nouveau in Splatoon 2. It used to be my go-to when I wanted to play melee in 1 because Ink Mines and Bubbler saved me in more times than I can count. Gave a weapon that has no defense some way to protect itself and it was great for infiltration. But in 2? It's a mess.
Actually the Noveau is considered viable in the weird Clam Blitz meta, becauseClam Blitz needs its own meta. Where Bubble Blower and Baller at just OP. And if you are questioning me like,
"Hey the Baller sucks because it makes you drop clams!"
Well my friend, let your enemy pop the Baller, you won't drop any!


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
By the way, proof that it’s entirely viable:

This might not look like much at first glance, but bear in mind that this is S+4 Splat Zones (one of the least Inkbrush-friendly gamemodes); I was in the centre of the stage for the vast majority of the game; and I was the one both inking the Splat Zone and acting as a beacon. Despite all that, I got joint third splats, joint second fewest deaths, and highest p.
Hmmm... sorry to burst your bubble, but that doesn't prove much. That's a 1900 power match which is on the low end for S+, you can get that same power level in B and A rank matches, so that's an indicator that the players involved aren't TOO skilled. Those comps are very strange as well, your opponents were lacking in painting/map control compared to yours, staying in center is highly likely considering your N-Zap and Sploosh helped you hold mid to the point where anyone could've stayed there. Show me a 2100 power match with the same results and I'll be impressed.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 16, 2018
Hmmm... sorry to burst your bubble, but that doesn't prove much. That's a 1900 power match which is on the low end for S+, you can get that same power level in B and A rank matches, so that's an indicator that the players involved aren't TOO skilled. Those comps are very strange as well, your opponents were lacking in painting/map control compared to yours, staying in center is highly likely considering your N-Zap and Sploosh helped you hold mid to the point where anyone could've stayed there. Show me a 2100 power match with the same results and I'll be impressed.
Well not to burst your bubble for bursting someone else's bubble, but 1900 is actually the middle ground. 1500 is actually the the low end of the stick, which is why people are complaining

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