What's up everyone?? I finally have enough time to sit down and come back here to see all the excitement once again. Whew, Senior year is very stressful! So, as most of y'all have done also, I've just played the first Testfire session and oh did the it's ink sink in for me (it took me forever to think of a bad squid pun here, appreciate it!). I'm like having Splatoon withdraw right now and it just ended, haha. So, here are my thoughts on the game based on my experience during the testfire:
1. I have absolutely have no complaints with the controls, I honestly couldn't ask for any better! The game felt very fluid all the way through from match progression to finding lobbies. I love the squid mechanic and I think it gives this game a very diverse and unique gameplay experience rivaled by no other game on the market right now. It's such a breath of fresh air! Also after playing the game, my doubts on a lot of gameplay aspects have been crushed. I'm completely on board right now gameplay-wise. The only thing I could come up with to complain about is the gyroscope camera, but that can easily be turned off so...nothing from me.
2. The online had little to no lag for me and it felt very smooth all the way through which is quite new for me. Most of the online games I play have lag that is beyond noticeable. These servers are really strong from what I can tell which makes me love this online even more!
3. This game isn't hard to pick up and play, but it's also not a cake-walk either. Learning the controls is a breeze (at least for me it was), but you need to play your cards right and come up with the best strategy for the situation you are in. That's where the game gets very interesting and has loads of depth. You need to mold your gameplay style around what the people around you are doing at that exact moment, which has kept the experience vastly different and fresh everytime I encounter an enemy. That and also you can approach them in many different ways if you're more of an offensive person. Me personally, I prefer a good use of both offense and defense when needed.
4. Love the weapons overall! I think the Splattershot Jr. is my favorite weapon as of right now while the Splat Charger is my least favorite. I have nothing against the gun or anything, it just doesn't suit my gameplay style. The Paint Roller at first seemed a little ridiculous, but as I kept playing, I came up with strategies to fool the Rollers and found ways to overcome them. I think they are fine as is honestly. I cannot wait to see the rest of the weapons at launch though, it should be fun.
5. My only two complaints about this game are that there is no way to leave a match and of course that there's no off-TV play. The first issue makes sense really because if somebody leaves, the teams will be uneven and in the end will leave the smaller team at a disadvantage. I can understand why they did that, but I'm still not big on it. As for off-TV play, that's the only awesome thing that this game is lacking as of right now. I'd love to be able to navigate around my house and play this from the comfort of my room to the couch downstairs, but alas, it is not so. It is disappointing, but doesn't ruin the game by any means.
When Splatoon was announced, I was full of high hopes and nervous energy as I waited to hear more about information about the game. After playing the testfire, I am more stoked than I've ever been for Splatoon, and the only energy rushing through my body now; is the itch to sit down and splatter the enemy team once more. This game is going to be a mess of fun (I'm still very punny) and I cannot wait to get my hands on the full game. It's truly everything I'd hoped for and probably more. I'd rate my hour of gameplay with a 9.2/10, I had a blast! Great looking game, Nintendo.