Inkling Cadet
No objections. My alerts stopped but I found it again before I missed too much. I choose S.
A qprime or pseudoprime (pretty sure they mean the same thing, but I know that the first term is correct) is just a product of two primes. And you don't know the Fibonacci sequence?? It feels like I've seen it a zillion times in school! Start with 0, 1 (or 1, 1) and every subsequent term is the sum of the previous two (so 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5... 89...).I don't know what those terms mean, what's a qprime and what's a fibonacci number? And how do you type numbers to the power of numbers like you would if you were writing them on paper?
Yeah, I had written a whole paragraph about how useless math was in School here but decided to delete it since Fibonacci numbers aren't really useful either.Fibonacci numbers aren't really used much except when you're showing off how much random facts you know...kinda like knowing how to graph a parabola or knowing the quadratic formula (and yet we never learned anything practical like how to file taxes...good job 'Murica. ¬.¬)