How did everyone enjoy the splat fest???


Pro Squid
Jun 18, 2017
Title. I loved it! Could only play for 2 of the hours, but still had a blast and made it to ice cream champion I believe. My only wish is that all the weapons would have been available considering how close launch is. I did NOT enjoy the roller like I thought I would, and I hate sniping of any sort, so I found myself using hte splatter gun and dualies the whole time. Wish I could have tried the Slosher and Splatling (thats the heavy machine gun type right?)

Other than the lack of weapons to try, I loved the stage lay outs. They all felt unique and in every one, I found kind of my area I could lock down effectively and defend with minimal failure. Having not participated in a splat fest before, the crazy party style square was really neat too XD I look forward to the full games release in a few days!

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
Giving as short a summary as I can give

I've done a near 180 in my opinion of Roller vertical flick
sure, it is still normalizing the roller class a little bit, but the added inking options for creating avenues of escape when you're setting up to shark a risky area is a blessing, letting you ink long paths and UP WALLS. It is definately a nerf to jump flicks, but worth it for this new mobility through inkage.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I went from neutral to love when it comes to the Inkjet. In turf and splat zones it has surprising painting capability. I'm definitely gonna have to toy with that!

I gotta squad for the next splatfest too, that was a blast and if we get more foes on our level next time we'll have some battles to remember :D
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Pro Squid
Jun 18, 2017
I went from neutral to love when it comes to the Inkjet. In turf and splat zones it has surprising painting capability. I'm definitely gonna have to toy with that!

I gotta squad for the next splatfest too, that was a blast and if we get more foes on our level next time we'll have some battles to remeber :D
Yeah the Inkjet is pretty legit. I liked the tenta missles myself, but they are FAR more worth it when you can target 3 or all 4 at once. You saturate their area with your paint, even if you don't kill any of em ^_^

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
OH! and I can't forget, I had a couple squid parties with some random opponents

just regular, by-the-book gameplay =]
sniping squids trying to flank via the snipe inkrail
another great splatoon feeling


Pro Squid
Jun 18, 2017
OH! and I can't forget, I had a couple squid parties with some random opponents

just regular, by-the-book gameplay =]
sniping squids trying to flank via the snipe inkrail
another great splatoon feeling
Yeah, I am kind of noob, but chargers are crap for turf coverage..they are much better used with an assassination style of play. A player killing weapon to keep their numbers thinned while your team turf covers away.

Cyrus Dark

Full Squid
Jun 23, 2015
I had a lot of fun. I used a roller the whole time. I am digging the added power of the vertical chop, but I still need to get the hang of it. I never used my sub weapon - I was just so caught up in the excitement I forgot about it. The special weapon, the Splatdown, is decent, and when you get in a flow state it seems natural to get to the highest point and smash down on everyone. I think it is supposed to do more damage the higher up you jump from, but I don't know how much more.

Man, those other special weapons I saw, like the Jet Pack..I was super jelly of that!

I found the Moray Tower stage to be the least fun. The first 2 stages were the most fun for me.

I was having so much fun, and even when I died I was just grooving to the music waiting for a respawn.

I thought anything different than the music from the Splatoon 1 Splatfest would not be satisfying, but I like the new song!

"I'm so pretty. Your mama told me."

Those are the only words I remember :)

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Had a blast with it! Similar enough to the first game where I feel at home within minutes, but it feels even more polished, and smoother. Some of the maneuvers I was able to do with the Pro Controller proved to me that the gyro in this game is a step up from the first game. The games looks great, plays well, everything I could want from a sequel to a multiplayer focused game.

It was very cool to see the game in a state where a lot of people are learning how to play again. I gave me some strong nostalgia to the launch of the first game. For so long now I've played the first game knowing that all my opponents are likely very good at the game, which provides a super fun challenge, but it also makes a very serious atmosphere, whereas I could just chill out and play around with new players. I made sure to hold myself back a lot as to not bully new players (though I would ALWAYS punish people jumping into the middle of battle because they need to learn you can't jump in all willy nilly.) though sometimes I could not help go in and wreak havoc on the enemy teams.

Since I played on my main account in the US and a fake EU one, I got to play probably a good 4 and a half to 5 hours of the game today. It certainly helped whet my appetite for the main game a little, even if I still am beyond hyped for it even more after playing today.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
What exactly do the two separated win scores mean?

Win is divided into two categories, Solo and Team. How are the two distinguished? Turf War isn't exactly a solo game.

Either way, in the solo category, Ice Cream won by a 2% margin, in the team category Cake won by a 6% margin.


Squid Sisters Fanboy
May 23, 2015
What exactly do the two separated win scores mean?

Win is divided into two categories, Solo and Team. How are the two distinguished? Turf War isn't exactly a solo game.

Either way, in the solo category, Ice Cream won by a 2% margin, in the team category Cake won by a 6% margin.
Believe it means solo queuing and team queuing.

As for the splatfest, I had fun, though I wasn't too excited with the weapons. I would have preferred the Jr. to the Dualies, at least. Doesn't matter too much though, only a few more days anyway.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 20, 2015
Believe it means solo queuing and team queuing.

As for the splatfest, I had fun, though I wasn't too excited with the weapons. I would have preferred the Jr. to the Dualies, at least. Doesn't matter too much though, only a few more days anyway.
Oh yah, forgot they had added separate queues to Splatfest. Don't have the game or Switch yet.


Inkling Cadet
Feb 5, 2016
Kinda upset I didn't break the 2K barrier but whatevs. Stopped at 1973 and lost when our 1950 average team faced a 2100 >______>. Had to take turns on the switch with my younger brother so I couldn't really focus my hardest anyway.

This was my first time playing Splatoon 2. Sensitivity was quite different than Splatoon 1 on default, had to raise it up a bit.

Still felt like Tentatek was the best weapon for these maps and modes.

Charger with no scope is too hard for me so I didn't really use it much.

Maps didn't seem very good for roller so I didn't use roller too much.

Dualies are OK. Roll is somewhat situational. You can roll mid air to move quickly downward which is kinda cool.
Seems to paint a little less than Tentatek and seems a little weaker too though.

Tenta Missles seem like the best special to me ATM (does Tentatek do everything the best???). InkJet is OK, however, I killed so so many people who were either in the middle of inkjet or were landing at their beacon (beacon camping).

Stingray is still meh imo, splatdown or splashdown or w/e is UNDERESTIMATED. It's not too powerful or kill focused but it gets you out of crunches well, is good for baiting, and paints nicely. Plus, I noticed there's some invincibility frames at the end of it (I threw a bomb and it exploded right when he landed with splatdown and it didn't do ANY DAMAGE).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Overall I had alot of fun this splatfest.

Personal thoughts:

  • New Moray Towers is great. I especially like how the ramps and slopes were widened up a bit. Ink Rails were also very interesting, although I only used them a few times.
  • New roller vertical flick is absolutely amazing. Got me alot of nice splats from a distance! I cant wait to see it on Gold Dynamo and Carbon!
  • Some of the new maps with their easy spawn camping/pin down points could be fixed a bit.
  • The Art academy was my favorite out of the maps aside from the revised moray towers.
  • Im suprised overall how 2 of the 3 new maps felt..small? Maybe due to their layouts. At the same time though, it felt refreshing!
  • I love the new animations for the inklings in the square durring the fest- I spotted one holding up his squidphone and tapping pictures while having the biggest smile on his face. Made me laugh.
Overall I feel more excited for future Splatfests than I did for the previous. I cant wait for the Splatoon 2 launch.


Inkling Cadet
Mar 8, 2017
I loved it much more then i expected!

The duallies became my new favourite weapon due rolling and tenta missiles special.
Seriously, the weapon has lots of potential especially if you get the rolls and special right.
I managed to to take on whole teams with it. (granted, that's mostly because of inexperienced players, but still).

Overall the stages were great, although the stage level felt small.
Skate park though is pretty big and overall a versatile stage.
Moray towers was actually fun, the ink rail gimmick gives it a neat edge and discourage`s camping while encouraging pushing on and take your chance.
The duallies became my new favourite weapon due rolling and tenta missiles special.
Seriously, the weapon has lots of potential especially if you get the rolls and special right.
I managed to to take on whole teams with it. (granted, that's mostly because of inexperienced players, but still).

Overall the stages were great, although the stage level felt small.
Skate park though is pretty big and overall a versatile stage.
Moray towers was actually fun, the ink rail gimmick gives it a neat edge and discourage`s camping while encouraging pushing on and take your chance.


Jul 16, 2017
Title. I loved it! Could only play for 2 of the hours, but still had a blast and made it to ice cream champion I believe. My only wish is that all the weapons would have been available considering how close launch is. I did NOT enjoy the roller like I thought I would, and I hate sniping of any sort, so I found myself using hte splatter gun and dualies the whole time. Wish I could have tried the Slosher and Splatling (thats the heavy machine gun type right?)

Other than the lack of weapons to try, I loved the stage lay outs. They all felt unique and in every one, I found kind of my area I could lock down effectively and defend with minimal failure. Having not participated in a splat fest before, the crazy party style square was really neat too XD I look forward to the full games release in a few days!
Did anyone else have an issue trying to play with friends? My friend and I both chose team Ice Cream and went to the multiplayer team battle. We were able to link up but unable to play together without a full team. It wouldn't allow us to go in as a pair. Either I did something wrong or I hope this gets corrected in the actual release of the game!


Jun 29, 2017
It was great this splatfest and I became a huge fan of the dualies (and I even found some cool tricks and techniques)
Well I ended up being an Ice Cream Queen and got an Ice Cream Power of 1832,9.

I've got to be saying that I liked the second half of the stages more, you're not constantly splatting each other. However, the podium stage (I forgot the name) was really a lot of fun. Overall I can´t wait for the game to be released.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I don't feel good, so I will make this short:

I had fun, but the first hour was nothing but a disconnection fest and I hardly was able to fluctuate over Defender, and stuck there after it was over. Otherwise, I found a new weapon to admire and that was the splat dualies.

One thing I will mention, apart from the new stages. Moray Towers felt more smaller, but wider and less drawn outward than it's older appearance. Makes turfing less of a hassle and quicker to gain access across from the map. Too bad there wasn't much chargers for me to get an idea how they will become an obstacle for me since I was practicing with the dualies in that time.

Sorry if I can't recall the newer stages, I am too tired and groggy to even bother but I do like the art academy. The only thing they do need to fix is the camping problems, which this will be later resolved. I also feel the specials are kinda more 'fixed' and more varied as terms with just covering the range of the area. Especially when I used mine, it was fun to get people to scatter and come in for a kill.

So that is my opinion of it, I can't really cover anymore because my mind is dwindling on me.


Jul 11, 2017
Loved it! Really can't wait untill the full game comes out.

I did have A LOT communication error the first hour and last, only got to play two matches then.
I used every weapon, cause I like to be the best with every weapon I can.
Hard to get use to the vertical flip on the roller, I found myself clicking on the X button (the map) instead xD (but that is probably only my problem)
The new specials though, really loved them. Especially the splashdown and jet pack.
The Inkblot Art Academy with the "non-inkingbell" places really made it more of a challenge. New favorite stage!

Overall pretty good. LIke, really good.
Have to check my internet next time though, just to make sure.

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