Putting my 2 cents over here, I think sloshers are the class I enjoy the most overall surprisingly enough for me, even the ones I'm not a fan of could at least be fun to use sometimes.
If machine had the nerf reverted it would be my main I think but that's something I'm sure most people have heard about a lot already so I'll talk about how I really do like Vslosher, I think the main weapon is really great! it's strong and it's fun to manipulate the slosh, so I'm happy trying to get better with it. I think I prefer other specials over tri strike on slosher but is a strong special so it's fine.
For NMachine, I think it's really fun, but I don't like the kit as much as vmachine, so I tend to prefer playing it over neo. Dread is just really fun for me, I love how much paint it has, I really like suction bomb, and using a slider weapon is fun, I like slider enough to want to play a few weapons that has it.
Tri noveau is also good, tri as a main weapon is just good, and the support oriented kit makes it nice to play once in a while.
Slosher Deco would be really fun for me if it didn't have line marker, I just don't like the sub on this weapon. Cexplo is my explosher of choice, since I like triple splashdown and wall is useful, and explo is a weapon I don't use too often but I find it fun.
Bloblobber is also just fun for me, I really like the projectiles it has, even if they're slow and obnoxious, I wouldn't be mad if they reworked them to be different, but at least keep the bubbles!
These speak for themselves, not a fan of mist on tri, or the vexplo kit just being kind of boring for me, I don't actually have many problems with it if I'm being honest.
Also I put Blobber Deco in the middle but it should've been at the bottom, not a fan of Kraken on it and dart is just the nail in the coffin for me lol.
Anyways sorry to only be able to describe stuff as fun or not a fan, I think I only have real thoughts about the weapons on the first two tiers but I would have to try and write on them outside of a forum first I think. Bleh.
Edit: I think you forgot to add S blast so I forgot too but I would put S blast and range on really enjoy using them, they would be pretty high up on my weapons list in general, I like them a lot (both range blasters btw, only the blue S blast)