How much I enjoy every Slosher(feat. CRB & S-Blast '91)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Just decided to see how I felt about every Slosher in terms of how fun they are to play, for me of course.
The list is ordered too so yeah, Dread D is at the bottom for me which I was surprised about since I thought bottom place would go to cExplo.

my-image (10).jpg


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
it took a week to figure out you like playing machine?? lol anyway this is pretty much the same as me except swap machines with the splat buckets or whatever they call it
sloshers are one of the cooler classes and all the kits are mostly coherent... except they gave the only slosher that doesnt splat in 2 sloshes a beakon (WHERE IS MY TORP) and a wavebreaker that doesnt even combo with 1 slosh, and that special basically already doesnt do anything AAAA


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
sloshers are one of the cooler classes and all the kits are mostly coherent... except they gave the only slosher that doesnt splat in 2 sloshes a beakon (WHERE IS MY TORP) and a wavebreaker that doesnt even combo with 1 slosh, and that special basically already doesnt do anything AAAA
Yeahh, the kit itself could potentially work but not on Dread. I know they just wanted to give it a support kit but the sub and special do not help the main weapon as much as devs probably think.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Every other sloshers kit EVEN cexplo makes some sort of sense
I have no idea what they were thinking when they made dreadD nothing works on it
I can see what they were trying to do with cExplo. The weapon has a history of getting kits with a special to protect itself and they needed more TSD weapons so they just gave it to Explo. Even Splash Wall could be great if the main weapon wasn't already so ink hungry.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
I like sloshers but I don't know how to use them, I just barely splat anyone with them because once they see me they just run and then hide them splat me from behind


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
my-image (47).png

After spending multiple matches trying out all the buckets for the sub/special tier lists and CRB being added to the game, I wanted to come back and update my list.
I included both CRB and S-Blast because they don't really change the point of thread anyway.
They're the only two non-buckets I play so why not?

I could see cExplo going higher but at the moment, I don't find the kit that fun to use. Most of my enjoyment comes from using the main weapon rather than what the sub and special provide. Definitely didn't deserve to be down there with Dread D though.
Slosher Deco has also gone higher since I've started having more fun with Zip on Bucket. Angle Shooter would normally put it lower than nTri but that kit is stuck with a 210p Cooler


Full Squid
Jun 27, 2024
I really like cExplo (I like being able to use splashdown to play a bit more aggressively), but I wish it didn't have splash wall.
I don't think there are many weapons splash wall is good for, because it makes you stay in one place in a game about movement. (also brella shields are just better splash wall)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I really like cExplo (I like being able to use splashdown to play a bit more aggressively), but I wish it didn't have splash wall.
I don't think there are many weapons splash wall is good for, because it makes you stay in one place in a game about movement. (also brella shields are just better splash wall)
I agree, Splash Wall is great but the way the sub works makes it so that a lot of weapons don't work well with it.
I don't think it's horrible on Explo but if they really wanted a slosher with Splash Wall then Blob was right there.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code

Here's my list. It mostly speaks for itself.

The only Slosher that perfectly balances a fun playstyle with a decent power level, for me, is Slosher Deco. The four sloshers below it come pretty close, but fall a bit short for various reasons; mostly my not liking their specials.
Tri Nouveau and cExplo are both fine weapons, as the tier says. They can be very annoying to fight, but they're genuinely fun to play.

I don't actually hate Dread D, it's just that they could have given it any other kit and it would have been better off. I do hate vBlob, though; the reason I don't like vSlosher as much as Slosher Deco because I feel like it plays too passively. Imagine how I feel about Blob. I slightly prefer its Kraken kit for similar reason.
Lastly, vTri is awkward and vExplo is also very passive.

I generally prefer midline sloshers, especially those with good tools to deal with long range threats. I really hope Bloblobber eventually gets a rework to make it play more aggressively; if not for its issues, it would probably be my favorite slosher.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
View attachment 12840

Here's my list. It mostly speaks for itself.

The only Slosher that perfectly balances a fun playstyle with a decent power level, for me, is Slosher Deco. The four sloshers below it come pretty close, but fall a bit short for various reasons; mostly my not liking their specials.
Tri Nouveau and cExplo are both fine weapons, as the tier says. They can be very annoying to fight, but they're genuinely fun to play.

I don't actually hate Dread D, it's just that they could have given it any other kit and it would have been better off. I do hate vBlob, though; the reason I don't like vSlosher as much as Slosher Deco because I feel like it plays too passively. Imagine how I feel about Blob. I slightly prefer its Kraken kit for similar reason.
Lastly, vTri is awkward and vExplo is also very passive.

I generally prefer midline sloshers, especially those with good tools to deal with long range threats. I really hope Bloblobber eventually gets a rework to make it play more aggressively; if not for its issues, it would probably be my favorite slosher.
What special besides Zipcaster would you enjoy using the most on Bucket?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
What special besides Zipcaster would you enjoy using the most on Bucket?
Is that really a question? Crab Tank, without competition. I say slosher players were robbed of it; it would fit well on so many of them.

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