Inkling Commander
To be honest.... I was getting bored reading the thread so I only read halfway down the first page before deciding to comment. I saw his comment about that earlier this morning when I actually had the gumption to go back and read the entire thing haha. x) Ah~ It was worth a try at least. :PAiri, while I agree whole heartedly with your post, you need to realize he's an Aerospray user that complains about people inking turf near the base, which means the primary role of an Aerospray user (inking) isn't what he's doing with it. Therefore he isn't playing his proper role in the team and thus bringing them down. I'd honestly be surprised if he read your entire post and took any of it seriously.
Piranha Pit is a far cry from being a small map - even when it comes to Ranked. Splat Zones is an absolute nightmare on Piranha because people in higher ranks enjoy taking over the entire sides to give themselves more room to sneak.Echolocator is not useful in small maps like Piranha Pit since you can see all the enemies. For me it was only useful in Saltspray and maybe Urchin because they can hide and splat you out of nowhere.
That's where Echo comes in handy, you know? There are many small corners on every map including Piranha. Players who use things like the Carbon Roller like to hide in these corners and cause ambushes. Things like Echo and Point Sensor help call out these players and make it easier for the team to overcome them since they can't hide..... And it's just fun to watch everyone scatter when you tag them. :P
Not everyone belongs on the tower though. I can fully understand the frustration with Tower Control. During squads, I love using the Hydra Splatling. It is an excellent weapon for Tower Control but I cannot get on the tower. I don't belong there as a Hydra. The unfortunate part of solo Ranked is that many don't want to get on the tower, so it's a gamble to use the Hydra and I'll often choose the Heavy for that reason. People just don't like getting on the tower overall. Anyone can understand that frustration. ^.^"As for tower control, it is important to have area control but doing only that isn't helpful at all. Sometimes it is good to get up on the tower, you know... People are afraid to do that
However, map control is still essential. Some weapons, it is their role to control the map.... You ARE using one of those weapons and you need to understand that. If you can't, you do need to change weapons because you cannot accurately fulfill your job if you don't think map control is important. When I'm using an Inkbrush Nouveau on Tower Control, I'm often switching between keeping map control and being on the tower. As a fast weapon, map control is my job. Even if Tower Control. But my Bubbler and Ink Mines help with the tower so it's a good thing for me to jump on once map control has been establish. Same for you. You're a fast weapon and map control is your strong suit. Once control is established, you can jump on the tower.
Failing to control the map is devestating in Tower Control because it means more opportunities for the other team to sneak up on you with. It makes it easier for them to regain the tower and harder for your team to know where they're coming from.