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Can't wait for mine so my picture isn't just a default blue squid XD
Thanks for drawing these amazing pictures for everybody! I wish I could draw as good as you!
ya know, lets get me on the list now! i'm eager to see how my little inkling would be. I have two different screenshots, same clothing and boots but I wouldn't mind whichever headgear you'd want to draw. as for poses...hmmm...a big smile as he holds the krak-on would be awesome. an extra is that he loves oversized gear so if you give him long sleeves for his hoodie, he'd love you forever. your art is still awesome and cant wait to see the others that are coming along
hehe, didn't expect so many requests >w<
just a heads up, my semester break will be ending very soon. so my pictures might come out slower >w>
thanks everyone for entrusting your adorable inklings to me heehee
I hope to see my 2nd one done before Valentine's Day. I really want to give that to my friend as a gift. But hey, if you cant make it before then if youre busy, that's fine. Take your time. :)