Infestation in Inkopolis! IC


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
The boat departs back to Inkopolis.

"That was... oddly fun." Kelp admits, "There's still something about Salmonids that scare me."

"What is that?" Clam asks, only hearing just now about Kelp's fear of Salmonids.

"I just don't know, maybe it's because they are unpredictable." Kelp responds.


Aug 20, 2021
Hope and Mac get off the boat once it docks back at Inkopolis. They exit Grizzco and Super Jump back to the neighborhood. Hope enters her house, hoping to get some shut-eye.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral and Kelp grab Clam and superjump back to the neighborhood once they exit Grizzco.
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(I got an idea about Coral's dream, which will be done right now.)

Everyone goes to sleep once they get home, Coral starts having a dream but doesn't say anything in his sleep.

"Come on Clam, we can't let DJ Octavio take our neighborhood!" Coral says, seemingly getting outnumbered by enemy Octarians.

"But how are we supposed to beat his army when we are starting to get outnumbered?!" Clam asks in the heat of battle. "We even lost all of our friends!"

Just as the two brothers are the only ones left, two adult Octoling figures jump right into the fray and start wiping out DJ Octavio's Octarian troops. The two figures are one male and one female.

"Do not give up my sons." the male one says.

"" Coral asks.

"We are proud of both of you." the female one says.

"Mom?" Clam also asks.

"We thought we lost you forever!" Coral says, in happy tears.

"I still protected Coral with all I could!" Clam adds.

"We know." the female responds.

"Coral, I want you to make sure others don't suffer a big loss, we may never see each other again in the physical world, but remember that your mother and I will always be with you and Clam." the male one says as the dream ends.
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Aug 20, 2021
(I'll admit, you got me tearing up a bit with that, and you're right. No matter how many losses we experience, and even though our friends and family may not with us anymore, they'll always be with us in our hearts.)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
(Yeah, I just wanted to give Coral and Clam full closure.)

The two brothers sleep in separate beds, Coral wakes up.

"Hey Clam." Coral whispers.

"Uhh... yeah Coral? Did you have a nightmare of the Chainsaw Shark again?" Clam asks, a little groggy.

"No, it's just, I had a dream that we were doing our best to defend the neighborhood against DJ Octavio's minions and well..." Coral starts explaining.

"Were we winning?" Clam asks a follow-up question.

"No, but something unexpected happened again, our parents came to save us. I just want to say, thank you for all of the times you have protected me. I know I never said it before and I'm sorry for forgetting." Coral finishes explaining.

"It's nothing, I'm just doing my duties as the older brother after all." Clam responds. "To tell you the truth, I too have sometimes gotten to the point where I wanted to cry about our parents, but I decided to tough it out for your sake. I did cry when you weren't back here so you wouldn't see me like this."

"Oh Clam, you didn't have to hide your emotions because of me, I did a bit of toughening up when we were enlisted in General Anemone's army to fight DJ Octavio's." Coral replies. "Anyways, we need to make a pact."

"What pact is that?" Clam asks.

"That we have to protect the neighborhood and everyone in it at all costs, not for us, but for everyone who lives inside it. This means that we are there for our friends and our girlfriends." Coral says.

"Then count me in, Ocean has recently opened up to me and I don't want to lose her." Clam accepts. "What if you get homesick again?"

"Don't worry about that, Kelp will be there to comfort me when we come back for a short break." Coral says.

"And what about you being in danger? You're the only one left alive in our family who can have descendants, I would really hate for you to be permanently splatted." Clam starts thinking.

"Well, we remember how we fought against DJ Octavio's army? When the both of us fight as a team, we have proven to be unbeatable. There's a reason why General Anemone trusts us so much to accomplish his missions. We are both smart and quick, so in the event that DJ Octavio decides to attack our neighborhood, we will be there to stop him and his army." Coral explains again, then adds "We as a duo have proven that we can be unbeatable, it's like our dad's skills have been passed down to us. Both he and mom would definitely be proud of us for helping the defenseless."

"...I really can't argue with that, after all, our dad's skills are what inspired General Anemone to create the Octospartans unit." Clam accepts. "But remember that your survival is still one of my priorities."

"And I will make sure you also survive as well." Coral responds, "Anyways, good night Clam."

"Good night Coral." Clam replies.
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Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
A few years after the mass Octoling migration, a new set of people made their way to the City of Color- denizens from the other side of the bay who were dissatisfied with life in the scorching Splatlands. Or, well, fine with it, but some curious folk wanted to see "the other city" for themselves. This time there were Inklings, along with Octolings, many of which had never set foot in Octarian territory despite what their species might suggest.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Coral is seen playing a Turf War match with Kelp on his team, Clam watches both of them from the sidelines as he cheers their team on. The only time Coral really fights against Octolings of the army he is part of is through Turf Wars, though, that might become more of a rarity given the many Octolings who are completely unrelated to the Octarian civil war that General Anemone fought against DJ Octavio to escape Octo Valley.

"Haya!" Coral yells out just as he manages to splat an L3-Nozzlenose user after outsmarting her.

"Hello!" Kelp says as she swings her Carbon Roller at a Sorella Brella user after surprising him with the swing, splatting him before he could react.

Both of the members of the opposite team who have been splatted were Octolings that Coral and Kelp have seen before as they too are part of General Anemone's army. Unsurprisingly, Coral and Kelp's team won this Turf War match just as they have won many of the previous ones. After the match was over and no more ink was being flung or shot, Clam went to meet Coral and Kelp in the middle.

"You two did great out there!" Clam says as he raises his tentacle to give a high-five to Coral. Given Clam is an Octotrooper, it's a high-one that he gives instead.

"Thanks!" Coral says as he high-fives Clam.

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