Mafia 1 | D2


Inkster Jr.
Jun 2, 2015
I'm a hypocrite. This is a wall of text.

OK. I've spent the past 40 or so minutes re-reading (mostly skimming tbh) and this is what is going through my head atm.

Town: Bruce Squillis
Null: Bossanova, African American, xCoCo
Null-Scum: JeXs, h.JC, Drez
Possible Scum: Squid Master

OK. Here is my thought process:
Bruce Squillis isn't suspicious at all, and I get the feeling that he is a townie based around his activity in the thread, and it feels like he has a genuine concern about finding who is mafia.
I am leaning more towards town with Bossanova atm. He generally has a lot of substance to his posts, and from what I can see a lot of why people are considering him as possible scum is the result of what I think are mostly coincidences. I can't really find any solid evidence towards scum, but I don't feel that I have enough data to put him in town.

I barely have any data to make any conclusions around African American, so he is null. From the way he has been posting though he is a town lean as, from what he's posted so far, there has been nothing to arouse suspicion.
xCoCo is a fuzzy area for me. Your jokes in the early stages of the thread could suggest suspicion, but idk what I could take from it due to the possibility that they could be genuine jokes or jokes designed to mess with our heads. I can't say that I am leaning in either direction for you.

I don't really have much data to go off of for JeXs. He/she (sorry idk ur gender ;;;) seems to be showing the same passive nature as he explained early-on, but your lack of aggression so far despite saying that you push your suspicions aggressively is enough for me to be slightly suspicious. You have a foot in null, but you feel slightly more null-scum atm based around my gut.

h.JC is partly based around the way that Squid jumped onto you saying your "official announcement" to specify that he was town, which could imply that you are both scummy and he, knowing this, was trying to mess with our heads to throw us off of the scent at a very early stage of day 1 in order to minimise the chance of you being seen as suspicious. However, you aren't a particularly strong read for me, and you do have a foot in null (just like JeXs).

With Drez, I am not completely convinced about your position yet. A lot of this is due to me still being very slightly suspicious from a few pages back with your ultimatum against h.JC. However, I am not sure whether you are scum or not due to the possibility of it just being your personality shining through, and as a result you are like the rest of null-scum in that you have a foot in null and are only a slight lean.

Something about Squid Master makes me uncomfortable. While he hasn't been very active, I feel like when I look at the way that he has been going about his patterns of activity are dubious. I mean, lemme just go over all of Squid's posts and show you what I mean:
Role confirmed!
What was the point of this post? He is the only person who did this, and the fact that he is stating this implies a role in which he has some power. Slightly suspicious.
VOTE: Bruce Spills
Voting first eh Very suspicious
Joke vote. Maybe messing with our heads, but unlikely.
The benefits of Rvs is that it can expose Mafia due to scumslip and it opens the game especially in long day phases.
He is promoting the use of RVS. This is somewhat tentative, but there is a small possibility that it may be to direct attention away from himself or to promote the idea of not analysing posts on day 1, minimising his chance of becoming suspicious. Small increase in suspicion.
so am I. ;)
Once again, what was the point of this post? Seriously, him insisting on stating anything about his position is raising my suspicion, and tbh the fact that he is insisting that he is town is not exactly helping his cause as it just looks like scum trying to fit in with the townies. Raising my suspicion.
Nope, it was a joke vote.
Answering a question. Not suspicious.
I am a Brit and was fast asleep and my vote on Bruce was a Joke vote (Which is common in the forum I usually play it on) So if you lynch me it will be your (and mine) loss and the Mafia's gain.
Unvote:Bruce Spilis (Joke vote is Joke Vote)
Why didn't he unvote Bruce in his previous post? What was the point answering it only to state his viewpoint on Bruce again three minutes later and unvote in a different post? It is dubious, but the suspicion it raises is small.
I was sleeping and my battery on my phone died :( I think I have most of the posts?
Neutral statement in response to why he jumped offline again. Not suspicious.
IDK who do vote for, there are some scummy looking ones here?
Is this meant to be a question? The question mark implies it, and somehow I don't think that was a typo because you need to press shift in order to write one while the button is not next to any notable punctuation that needs to have shift pressed in order to work. If its on a phone, question mark is not next to a full stop (or period for you 'murricans) on any major brands, which means that it is unlikely that it was meant to be a full stop. This implies that he is trying to go with the opinions of someone else, which implies that he is scummy due to a lack of willingness to make his own reads.
I think she may be town but I am not entirely sure.
This post is very vague, but that is understandable at an early point in the game. However, if compared with the previous post quoted, it is once again implicative that he doesn't want to make reads for fear of being caught. Slightly suspicious.
I have gut feeling that coco is Town.
"Gut feeling" is once again implying that he doesn't want to make reads. It certainly isn't helping his cause and it makes him look like he just wants to go with the crowd if the suspicious attention isn't directed at him. Kind of suspicious.
I think we should start to vote.
Why is he trying to force a vote with over 36 hours left? Considering his previous passiveness, this is VERY abrupt and feels a lot like he wants to find a bandwagon to ride. This is implying that he REALLY doesn't want to make any suspicious posts.
^Don't vote??
Confusion after he ninja'd JeXs. No suspicion.
IDK who to vote for yet but I don't want it to be left too late to vote and let an Innocent get lynched.

Inactivity and I don't like Mod kills
TBH I wasn't exactly sure how to get the game flowing and there wasn't any serious votes in the game. So I thought starting a wagon was a good idea to get the game started.
Linking these two posts because they tie into one another. The fact that he is pushing for a vote now and voting Bossanova for activity/to prevent a modkill is almost as if he is trying to pin mafia onto an inactive user. In addition to this, the fact that he even states that he just wanted to start a wagon implies that he REALLY doesn't want attention. Its suspicious in my eyes.
Not yet but it all can change in the moment.
No substance, no suspicion.
Also, according to his profile, he was on around midday yesterday. He even posted in another thread (link to post is here). If that's the case, why didn't he reply to the thread? Was there not a big enough of a bandwagon for him to ride? I'm not that convinced that his inactivity was just due to him being busy. (Sorry; I know people keep saying that inactivity isn't that good of an indicator, but I couldn't leave out a detail like that.)

Overall, I am more convinced about Squid Master atm than I am about anyone else due to what I can make out from his posting patterns.

##vote: Squid Master


Inkster Jr.
Jun 2, 2015
ebwop: Squid's post was from an earlier point in time. My bad. However, the point about him being online still stands.


Pro Squid
Jun 3, 2015
Eh. Better late than never. Anyway, I've moved away from suspecting him... for now at least. He is null for me atm.
I see that your read on me is the same as before, but it doesn't factor this into account. Were you saying this just to say this? How did the read change here?
Jun 7, 2015
sooooooo this is REALLY inopportune, but when i made that statement yesterday i didnt think about having to wake up early as **** today for work, so i opted for early sleep instead of a reread. i DID skim and i AM relatively caught up now (although i WILL sink my teeth in after work), but my one question to pose right now is... wheres squid master? i see a lot of talk about bossa and drez (if i had to pick one to lynch id pick drez because his overall bull headedness is causing a **** ton of contradictory play, but i can believe that to be coming from a stubborn townie too and reading back on em with flips will probz give the full story) but squids either gone completely awol or made NO impression on my catchup. cocos on a smaller but simila vibe but i still believe in those earlier town tells. ill assess the situation when i come back from work but atm, i think a squid master lynch should DEF be on the table.

##vote squid master


Pro Squid
Jun 3, 2015
I see you mention Boss, but you don't actually comment on him. Can you say what you think about him at least? Is Squid really the best lynch at scum toDay? The wagon on Squid is pretty crap.

Mod: Request Votecount and prod on Squid

Currently I see Squid at 3 votes and Boss at 2.


Pro Squid
Jun 3, 2015
I have to write this up quick since I won't be around much today, got a haircut to get, then got to go buy shoes and food, and finally have melee to play tonight at 5pm. I'm going to be out now.


Why Boss should go
: His pushes have been lack luster. He tries to stretch reasons to paint Squid as scummy, by stating that his inactivity shows he is smarter than he really is and is trying to get away with it. In reality, his inactivity is vague, and we can't find anything from it. Boss's push on Jex is also bad, because he pushes him on something that is a joke. Finally his reads don't line up with his reasoning, which shows he is faking his reads instead of being genuine. He also has lack luster activity, but he has more posts and content to read by, than Squid.

Why Squid is a stupid lynch: He isn't here right now. There is nothing solid to pin him on. His lynch, is a policy lynch, at it's core. Disappointed in African going this way without even talking about Boss. It is better to get a replacement from him, as he wasn't here for over a day. If Squid flips town, I would still go towards Boss, who is leading the charge with a crap case. How is this a good lynch at all?

@JeXs: I need you to follow onto Boss with me. I think you agree with me, so come on.
@h.JC: I know you have a thing for squid, but you are the important piece of the puzzle here. Please look at my reasoning for Boss going over Squid. I need you on this with me, and I hope you can see why I find it important Boss goes over Squid.
@xCoCo: That analysis would be good by now. I want you to choose for yourself what the best lynch is, but please tell me your thoughts on these two choices.
@Bruce Squillis: I need your support on this one. I know you'll be there from your reads.
@Squid: Please replace out if you aren't going to post in over a day.

##Vote: Bossanova


Inkster Jr.
Jun 2, 2015
I see that your read on me is the same as before, but it doesn't factor this into account. Were you saying this just to say this? How did the read change here?
I literally managed to skim over this lol. If I had remembered that I'd said this u'd be in null. It wasn't factored in by mistake (my bad :/)

Squid Master

May 16, 2015
Don't lynch boss as I am the Scum you are looking for!
##VOTE:Squid Master *Cries*


Inkster Jr.
May 27, 2015
i think squid probably ran away as scum because he was found out. it's not that he's inactive, it's that he was caught and doesn't know how to respond

Squid Master

May 16, 2015
i think squid probably ran away as scum because he was found out. it's not that he's inactive, it's that he was caught and doesn't know how to respond
I was inactive and I didn't have time to post and I couldn't catch up. Sorry AA


Jun 3, 2013
Yeah... You shouldn't give up though, it was very possible for you to get out of the lynch, since there are lots of supporters on the Boss wagon, myself included. You could have made a few posts and you wouldn't be inactive anymore :p


Inkster Jr.
May 27, 2015
squid i won't vote for you today if you tell us who your partner is


Jun 3, 2013
I believe that's L-1, I'll hammer when I wake up, before deadline.


Pro Squid
Jun 3, 2015
What the hell... Not what I was expecting. Feels a bit too easy. I'm thinking that the scumteam is probably inexperienced because I wouldn't think his partner would let him do that if he knew what to do. Go ahead and lynch the guy. Otherwise, of the people voting him, I'd say African American may be linked to him, but I'm not that confident in it.

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