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Seems to have cleared up a bit for me not, save for lag splats and attacks and the ever occasionally post-match disconnect.
I wish that teammates in solo queue understood on Shifty Station you need to control the sides by 1:45 and center by 0:45, or else you can only win by controlling what's left of the map and keeping the other team near spawn. I only been on one team that has done that, and that was either out of desperation or salt. We lost out on the fights for the sides and got suckered in the center because someone hid in their ink on top of the barricades while we were concerned only with the floor. We booyah'ed as we left, then the cheeky enemy roller started cleaning up after we landed outside, then we proceeded to curb stomp the entire team in revenge.
But when you get a random team that understands how to control Shifty Station? *chef kiss* Especially the really rare ones that'll break off into duets to take the sides and then congregate towards the center. *infatuated sigh* It was dreamy~.
I'm sure it's great when your team 'gets' the stage, but I don't think I've ever seen my team get more than 2 out of 3 areas sadly. One time we had none of them and we still won, so that was pretty sweet.
Racial slurs are hateful and hurtful. Names referring to a certain body fluid that looks somewhat similar to the white-ish color ink team Chicken has either will fly over one's head, or will affect them in absolutely no negative way whatsoever. Really the only 'bad' thing that might come from it is that perhaps a parent happens to be watching, and perhaps, coincidentally, the kid happens to ask for the meaning of that one username. That might embarras the parent a little, but likely that specific scenario will not occur even once in the 24 hours of this splatfest.
If they don't get it they're going to look it up one way or another.
Why would they if they don't get it? I bet no one outside of the netherlands gets my in-game name, so they're just as likely to look that one up. Or any of the other hundreds of random usernames.
Most likely any kid who will see anything obscene will think it's funny.
My Splatfest experience was not the best. There were so many ways that Team Chicken laid the smackdown on us--at one point I was certain my Splatfest power dipped into the lower 1600s. While I did make up for that deficiency in the last few matches, it feels like in this case chickens != cowards.
Come on, surely you remember what it was like being a kid? Kids think that kinda stuff is funny, and are usually much more vulgar and rude than parents seem to think.
Well Shifty Station is getting more exciting now that more players on both sides are understanding control of the containment zones. And lockdown battles can be intense, especially 1v1 lockdowns.
"Oh! Oh, you think you've won because I've got a Goo Tuber and locked in here with you, squid? Fool, you're locked in here with me and jumping won't save you!!!"
And it turns out you can super jump inside after a lockdown if a teammate or beakon is in there. So this week's weapon can be useful? Especially if you want an alternative to button mashing with Octobrush Nouveau.
Also, is anyone else having problems posting images, at least from imgur? Even my previous imgur pics from other threads are crossed out. T_T And really, this console severely needs a better method to transfer media (and edit them)!
Usually Splatfests leave me feeling nothing but disdain and hatred for humanity, but I actually did pretty well this time around, winning 20/27 games; my final Splatfest Power was 2178.7, which may actually be the highest I've achieved. Here's two pretty good highlights from today:
I'll also admit that I'm very happy we're starting to see unique ink colours in this game. Your Inkling's hair was kind of grey, but the ink was white enough!
Also yes, I only joined Team Chicken because I wanted to use white ink. It was fun and I regret nothing. -And so I could make jokes about being The King of Co Chickens.
I had an alright Splatfest. It was better than the last two, but I think that's due to me being in a better overall mood. RNG decided to put me in low leveled lobbies this time, so I was mostly on cruise control. Admittedly the grind started to feel a bit irritating after a while. 3 hours to get to queen can get pretty tiring. At the very least, I won 21 and lost 16, so I atleast scored some wins for team chicken.
I also completed 3 pieces of headgear, so that's a plus.
I really liked the Shifty Station. I would honestly really like it if they did a system like this in a future map. You really had to make your moves count, or else you could cost alot of turf for your teammates. I ran SS Pro and used Inkstorm inside the dome.
I had a fun splatfest aswell. Got a really decent winning quota, but I doubt it will be enough for top 100 this time around, although I may come close.
Good fights, egg-squids. Most of the time I had ya all fried with some bacon by the sides. Hoho.
We're starting to reach the end here. And even now my matches against chickens are barely existing.. I really wanted to participate in that win% I'm expecting chickens to win even though my matches have been quite even, some of team egg mirror matches have been embarrassing landslides. Just a bit surprised to see a lot obvious throwers on the last couple hours of the Splatfest.. sadly on my own team - very low level players who dc immediately at the start of the match making it 3v4.
Even with most of my time spent on fighting my own team, the night stages were enjoyable once again. And some chickens were really tough and spicy, fun fighting!
Well, that was the splatfest. I didn't have that many mirror matches despite being on team Egg. My current Splatnet win rate is 26/24 though, which is terrible, and pretty much how I felt it went. So hopefully we still manage to get one point besides the popularity one.
That was one hella weird splatfest for me. Objectively speaking I should've just thrown my controller at my screen at some point, but funnily enough I enjoyed myself despite:
carpy team comps (2 E-Liters, 2 chargers in general, or bottom-tier vs. decent/meta comps)
single digits on my team (no smurfs) vs 50+ teams
Lots, and lots of DCs on my team
uneven powerlevel matchmaking on top of that for both sides
... and obviously losing by 0.1% against weaker teams so my score drops to the 1.7ks, hehe, lol, end my suffering plz.
So what's the big deal? The moment I had DCs and satan pitching the odds against me, placing me in 1.9k I just decided to roll with it. The game didn't disappoint. The lower I dropped, the more likely it became to have even more unfavorable match-ups and I had another "to the bottom and back up" experience. I didn't get my 2k+ score again, but settled on high 1.9k by the time I reached royalty and that's where I decided to stop playing and go fish with my friends instead.
Second day in I decided to check out team white ink chicken and see how things go. Unsurprisingly, I had much smoother sailing there, winning the vast majority of my matches, placing 2k+ and got to champion super fast. Alas, Splatfest was to end in T minus one hour so I left it at there but this makes me think that chicken had the better players this time around (or karma just wanted to punish me, who knows).
The shifty station layout was really something else this time. Having to actually gain and keep control of 3 areas in order to win this one (or gain a huge advantage at least) before the cages close was a really cool mechanic. It was hell when your teammates aren't aware of that but the enemies are, but when you do have the right teammates it was really fun to play on. It was 50/50 for me on day one, while almost everyone knew the mechanics by day two. All in all it was a good idea and I hope for more tricky mechanics that spice up turf war during fesu in the future (and more, moooore cross-regional yesplz)
And last but not least, my snapshots from strolling around the plaza. :D
(warning: image heavy!)
I had a great time during this splatfest. I was playing on a team with friends and calling with them, so it was super fun and not soul-crushing like splatoon normally is. Also, the octobrush nouveau was REALLY good for this shifty station. It’s so big that having a sub-power-up beakon near the center helps a ton. I’m glad my fave weapon gets to shine. After a couple of my friends got to Queen rank we played salmon run and I got suuuuper rich, so it was a fun night overall.
Also I had a really good game on Makomart where I got 11 kills and died only once (and still inked plenty). I played super well with my friends, and even got a couple of tenta missile kills that my friends assisted with. Btw, my 11 kills weren’t my team’s only kills, this match was a bloodbath. (I would post splatnet image but i’m getting an error when I try that.) That said, it was so fun! I wish splatoon could make me feel this all the time LOL
So before the results come out in 40mins, people have a bit of a joke/quick whinge about and then forget this Splatfest and move on, it's time to put down the one thing I noticed before the Splatfest had started here in Europe (just a bit of fun really):
Once the exact ink colours and shades had been revealed by the American players here, it reminded me of something rather interesting:
https:// imgur .com/ a/ cugfW (remove the gaps, Squidboards is broken with images currently)
This then led into an even more interesting discovery, and one that is obvious in hindsight, but rather easy to overlook. This connection than made me realise that this product is only sold around January-March, ready for the Easter season. And then it hit me: this Splatfest was based on Chicken vs Egg to celebrate Easter. Yes the question was an attempt to be philosophical, but it's all rooted on the origins and celebrations of Easter, the start of new life, usually among animals, and then I realised how clever the Splatfest choice was. Sure it's not as blatantly obvious a theme as they could have made (much like what they did with Christmas and Halloween in America), but ultimately the ties and links are there, and it was kind of a cool revelation to discover. Obviously they could have done a better job of making a theme that wasn't "here's an objective answer, pick right, or pick for fast matchmaking/different ink colours". It's amazingly bizarre how a confectionery product's icing and theme made me make those connections to why we had this theme, but I'm rather glad all the same. Now for the nitty gritty and less fun moment, the reality of the Splatfest, and my new decisions on how to play the following ones from here on out:
I played 61 matches, 42 wins, 18 losses, with 1 Mirror match loss against Team Chicken and a disconnect before a match started. That gave me a win rate just shy of 75%. What was my best Splatfest Power? 2288.1, and my final resting spot was 2192. Why should anyone have a massively high win rate in Splatfest and yet struggle to boost their power into the 2300s? I hit Chicken King in 2 hours of matches, and continued to both contribute more wins to my team, and to boost my power to try and get a spot in the Top 100. Things went fairly well to start, climbed to the high 2200s with 15-25 power gains with each win.
Then in the usual Splatoon 2 Splatfest way I lost 2 matches, and my power drops by 60 points, which I then spend the following 8 matches getting ridiculously small gains by comparison (+2, +4, occasionally +10s, and very rarely +20 and higher), only for one single loss to wipe out the entire 30mins' worth of progress. This made it very frustrating to play for that purpose, to play really well, cover turf, get a fair few kills and lose by marginal %s or let down by major skill differences in the teams and lose everything. And what makes this worse is the Top 100 is shared between solo and team, meaning anyone who can create a full 4 player squad with the perfect team comp and use voice communication will easily hit 2400-2500 and guarantee a spot in there every single time. Obviously you can ignore this, and it is just for fun/small bragging rights, but why have a feature and encourage people to aim for it if you're going to make a system this fundamentally flawed? I mean this sums up Splatoon 2 in a nutshell (bad Rank system, atrocious League management with Power not separating skill etc.), but I've come to understand that if I want to enjoy a Splatfest and happily walk away I'll play until King, then carry on for a while longer, (maybe if I have a high Power at its best) and then stop at the next loss that occurs, so I don't hook myself in to carrying on more than is wise too.
A final note, which is one I thought about when playing this Splatfest is I have a feeling that Shifty Station will loop back through all the maps from the 13th Splatfest, and there will be only 12 Shifty's. Now I'd be quite happy with this, as I'd love to go back and play some of the older ones a second time, and it would coincide with the 1 year of content updates and that's that. Obviously only time will tell, but if this is the way the devs go, then we'll be seeing this Shifty return, which is a prospect I'm all too excited for. Or there could be 13 maps, with the final being used as an all out super crazy map for the inevitable Pearl vs Marina final Splatfest to give this game and its players something to remember (or it could randomly cycle through all the existing maps and have a hefty download file for the 'Fest).