Really? Closed minded as such? With such a thing? Really? Don’t you see where you’re.. oh wait.. here they come with the.. what in.. why? Why am I the bad guy here? Because I said your thoughts are stupid? Ha. Funny funny funny...
You started it. Yet you got alll the sympathy from others cause what? I was “attacking” you? Ha. Don’t even know the meaning of the word huh do ya? This is why people like you don’t last for long cause you can’t take the heat and back up your own beliefs with facts. While of course I on the other hand can. Even without others from a different space standing by my side to “support” my thinking.
I’m not going to “apologize” to you for not “respecting” your faulty closed thinking. Why should I when I wasn’t wrong in the first place? If I was wrong, if my others said I was wrong, I totally would sincerely apologize. But! this is not the case.
You’re whole everything is ridiculously absurd. I hate how you talk, play, look, stand, and think. It annoys me to no end. You stutter, you’re clumsy, and worst of all you can even put 2+2 together! You think it equals 22! So much ignorance stuffed into a single person should not be possible but for you it is! Why I wish I had the powers of the gods to make you dissolve into the darkness of which you think in. You’d be better off not in this existing space of time.
I find it so interesting how you cower and hide and cry as much as you can when others come to your “rescue”.
This is the reason, you are the reason, your kind of people are the reason why this existing space of the world is dying. Because you guys cry and play victim all the ****ing time. You can even use your brain for goodness sake!
I wish I could break away from you but your everywhere. Every time I come, your presence lingers. Your in a playground that I enjoy to play in. Playing with your annoying games that you enjoy to play. Usually I would just leave, but there are others who I enjoy playing with.. I’d rather not sacrifice my ties because of you.
I almo.. scratch that, wish! that I never tried to be friendly with you at all..
You are the first regret that I’ve made in this space. Congrats.