
Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
@Relados it looks like you probably had problem with allies DC'ing. I feel like DCs shouldn't count toward the win percentage. It definitely sucks when you consistently come out on top of the leader board but never win a game.

I was with one team were three of us stayed together for awhile. The only reason why I stayed though was because me and one other guy knew how to play and as long as the other two players inked some turf we would be fine. However, that third person that stayed with us often dragged us down. If we lost it was because that person went 0-8. Not even my 6 year old goes 0-8...


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Team Cars had disconnects on their end too.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
Team Cars had disconnects on their end too.
Yep, and I don't think they should count either. I was on Team Cars and I won every match where one of their guys DC'd. I also won a match where one of ours DC'd immediately as the game started. Even that one shouldn't count.

Especially since people use their alternates to sabotage the other team.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Yep, and I don't think they should count either. I was on Team Cars and I won every match where one of their guys DC'd. I also won a match where one of ours DC'd immediately as the game started. Even that one shouldn't count.

Especially since people use their alternates to sabotage the other team.
We actually lost to a Team Planes with 3 players. I have not checked if one of my guys had a 0 splat/0 splatted score for suspicious DCing to see if were even.

Also I was on Team Cats back in the day and it was complete misery when we started off with 3 players though I managed to win twice like that.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
In a lot of discussions I've lurked, there is one thing that I've noticed appears to be a common thing in Team Plane members. A lot of Team Plane members keep saying that Team Cars was "too aggressive". o_O I don't know. Perhaps I have a different definition of "aggressive" when it comes to shooter games but I don't see why Team Planes apparently wasn't playing aggressively and is complaining about Team Cars being "too aggressive" during matches.

It may be a Nintendo game but you're still playing a shooter game. Said shooter game was having a rather large event. Why weren't you being aggressive and playing to win? Perhaps if you were playing to win, we might have been able to beat Team Plane.... And of course if all those Plane VS. Plane matches had stopped happening so often. :c

There was one point during the Splatfest where I encountered a friend who was Team Cars. He later messaged me and told me that my team was being really aggressive and he didn't see that often during his matches. It's a bit frustrating haha. Next time... Play a bit more aggressively, I guess? Splat the opponents you see and keep covering turf. Stop being scared to splat them. Come on now.

On that note.... I'm a bit disappointed by how some Team Cars people are taking their win. You won. Congratulations. However, winning does not make it okay for you to insult people. Please, try to practice some good sportsmanship and stop insulting the opposing team just to rub it in their faces. It's honestly very tacky and makes you look horrible. I'm not even going to touch the atrocious amount of 9/11 jokes I've seen since the results. *sigh*

I'm thankful to the Team Cars people who have had good sportsmanship and acted with dignity about the win. :)
I'd say part of the reason players were more agressive was the map pool:

Port Mackerel benefits the team that takes the middle area a lot, to the point where it's almost impossible to make a comeback unless you just happen to have a Brush or Carbon Roller on your team that can sneak by and take the enemy's base (and that's if they get far before they're noticed).

Blackbelly Skatepark is so small I'm pretty sure a Scoped E-Liter can shoot someone in the middle tower by taking a couple of steps from the spawn, so fights are very common.

Kelp Dome's maze-like design can force battles as all the exits and entrances to both bases are pretty much side-by-side, so you'll almost always end up finding an enemy Inkling unless they're being spawn-camped (which isn't really easy to do here anyways) or they're in the opposite side of the map.

The maps were also the main reason I didn't enjoy this Splatfest as much, as I don't like being thrown into a firefight every time I turn a corner :(

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Also, Big Data lobbied against municipal internet pipelines.
Yep, that's the United States for you. It's also the one country where big companies can successfully lobby for new legislation, so you get stuff like ridiculously long times for patents and copyrights to expire and high tariffs for particular goods from particular countries.

That's disgusting. 1) It's just a game and Splatfest embodies the casual aspect of the game. There is absolutely no reason to be nasty about it. Not even the competitive part of Splatoon has that sort of trash talking. 2) Bringing up 9/11 is completely inappropriate and insensitive....this is why we can't have nice things. Sorry you experienced these things.
The kids who make jokes about 9/11 do so because it's inappropriate and insensitive. They think it's funny because other people will be offended by it. They want to shock and disgust. It's the same audience that that Manhunt 2 commercial was aimed at. You know, the one where middle-aged and elderly people talk about how depraved and horrific the game's violence is and wonder what kind of sick being creates and plays these games.

Also, we're at the point where there are a lot of people playing this game who weren't even born when 9/11 happened. It's 14 years ago now. If they were born after it, they won't know what the big deal is, and as far as they're concerned, it's a moment in history everyone keeps talking about andgrown-ups seem to take extremely seriously. They'd see it the way we'd see the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand or Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt.

Yep, and I don't think they should count either. I was on Team Cars and I won every match where one of their guys DC'd. I also won a match where one of ours DC'd immediately as the game started. Even that one shouldn't count.

Especially since people use their alternates to sabotage the other team.
Ah, I get it. There are people sabotaging teams by creating another account, or using their other one, and disconnecting in every match, isn't it? It requires a lot less effort than messing around or getting in people's way. But wouldn't that make them vulnerable to some sort of force that blocks people temporarily if they keep getting disconnected? Or is there no such thing in this game?

Me, I've had a case where I got disconnected from three matches in a row (not during a Splatfest) and decided to stop playing that day.

Kelp Dome's maze-like design can force battles as all the exits and entrances to both bases are pretty much side-by-side, so you'll almost always end up finding an enemy Inkling unless they're being spawn-camped (which isn't really easy to do here anyways) or they're in the opposite side of the map.
From my end, there WAS a lot of spawn-camping in Kelp Dome. Sometimes my team inked so much of the stage that the spawn platform was all that's left. Sometimes, we were the victim of it.

Then again, if there are teammates terrified of leaving the spawn point, or so terrified of opponents that they only ink ground of their own color and let opponents ink over it (retreating inwards as the match goes on), it's going to happen.


Inkling Cadet
May 21, 2015
I'd say part of the reason players were more agressive was the map pool:

Kelp Dome's maze-like design can force battles as all the exits and entrances to both bases are pretty much side-by-side, so you'll almost always end up finding an enemy Inkling unless they're being spawn-camped (which isn't really easy to do here anyways)
Yeah, the maps weren't great this fest, but I can definitely say spawn camping is possible on kelp dome, in fact, there's a few areas to do so. I am so guilty of doing it when there's nothing but nzaps on my team, and they're being pushed back. Gotta help my team, especially during fests.

Lester Roquefort

Pro Squid
Sep 20, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Kelp Dome actually HELPS Turf War in most cases i find. It might be just me, but i think that map actually forces you to play hard because of how easily you can be cornered. People playing defense (Like myself) are usually on their toes the whole time.

But wouldn't that make them vulnerable to some sort of force that blocks people temporarily if they keep getting disconnected? Or is there no such thing in this game?
I really hope they don't do this, or i won't be able to play. I get error'd out and connection kicked very frequently. I don't think they've made anything that can tell the difference between a connection error and a power down. I only power down when life demands it, otherwise i just stand on spawn and watch the match end... or jump off the back of spawn to show my displeasure.
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Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
Huh...I actually really enjoyed the maps this time around. I don't really like vertical maps and all of these were pretty flat and linear. It made strategizing pretty simple.


Oct 1, 2015
team planes was full of a bunch of children and incompetent players for sure. i knew i made the mistake when i picked it - especially after i played against more of my own team than cars at some points.


Banned (6 points)
Jun 27, 2015
Yeah, even though i ended up on the bottom of the leaderboards in my later matches, i have to agree on my fellow planes people being incompetent or just not switching to more aggressive weapons.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
As a Team Cars member with a Slosher I enjoyed all those Aerospray users many Team Planes users were using, and they mostly filled many parties. I can take them out easily. Not to say all Aerospray users are hopelessly bad just that may weapons can outrange them. I was the only Slosher user in a team with two RGs and one MG but those with RGs knew when to time those Inkstikes towards the end of the match along with my own Inkstrike. I am sure MG did as well as I remember one match the Inkzooka really helped out. We won many matches together.
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Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
team planes was full of a bunch of children and incompetent players for sure. i knew i made the mistake when i picked it - especially after i played against more of my own team than cars at some points.
You bring up a good point: Airplanes appeal very much to children, more so than cars. According to this link, a pilot is the 13th-most common dream job for children when they grow older. A driver is, of course, not among them (not even race car drivers, which is definitely something I know a lot of kids would love to do).

The list, according to that link, if you're curious, is as follows. It may be useful to know in future Splatfests if one of the teams corresponds to the following:
1. Astronaut
2. Musician
3. Actor
4. Dancer
5. Teacher
6. Firefighter
7. Cop
8. Writer
9. Detective
10. Athlete
11. Veterinarian
12. Scientist
13. Pilot
14. Lawyer
15. Doctor

It may also explain why Team Science had a disadvantage for a good part of the previous American Splatfest until near the end: The kids were going to bed.

On the other hand, there is also the idea that some little kids are really, really good at video games. They have the single-minded focus, the brains wired to learn and understand, and the free time needed to become highly skilled. The only difference is which kids have chosen to learn the game inside and out and which ones haven't. Some of those people you saw on Team Planes who carry the whole team may be more of these little kids.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 16, 2015
As a Team Cars member with a Slosher I enjoyed all those Aerospray users many Team Planes users were using, and they mostly filled many parties. I can take them out easily. Not to say all Aerospray users are hopelessly bad just that may weapons can outrange them. I was the only Slosher user in a team with two RGs and one MG but those with RGs knew when to time those Inkstikes towards the end of the match along with my own Inkstrike. I am sure MG did as well as I remember one match the Inkzooka really helped out. We won many matches together.
All the newbie rollers were easy prey for a veteran Brush user like myself. Props to Clary, a L3x Aerospray user who was actually competent and on my side for a significant winstreak run.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 25, 2015
A driver is, of course, not among them (not even race car drivers, which is definitely something I know a lot of kids would love to do).
Racing a car is extremely dangerous regardless of what kind of car racing you do, it also requires a very strong and fit body to take the ongoing punishment of racing for that long. Races can take from five to twenty four hours. And some kids are likely intimidated by how many racing related deaths happen over the course of them growing up. It's a job that pays a lot, if you're skilled. You won't be making any money if you suck. That's how sponsors work.

Being a Pilot, from a kid's point of view sounds so much nicer. You get a job that has you soaring the skies on an almost daily basis. And Airplanes are a lot more safer than cars, honest truth. Some are also swayed by how nice the staff are at the Airports and the actual flight and they decided that they want to do the same when they're older. I don't blame them, planes are much cooler than cars in a technical sense.

But, I'm a car enthusiast by nature of growing up with cars from Ferrari, Lamborghini, and Porsche in movies and in video games so naturally, I am in support of Team Cars. But I definitely see why the little ones would prefer Team Planes.

Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
I think if anything, kids would be turned off from driving cars due to their parents' driving. They'd be sitting bored in the car going to and from school or something, and when they're on a trip (which I know this Splatfest concerns), you have the whole "Are we there yet?" thing. Whereas kids find flying on a plane more exciting (despite it being not quite as interesting looking out the window, and that's assuming they get a window seat) because they're flying in the air and these people come down and give everyone snacks and meals! (Even if the meals taste terrible more often than not.)

I don't know if my living in Los Angeles shapes my thinking about it, but there is a lot, and I mean a LOT, of midnight racing that goes on here, where people mod their cars (and spend upwards of US$1 million on these mods) and race each other on public roads. The danger is part of the appeal. Hence, I don't think kids are really deterred by the high fatality rates of, say, stock car racing, just as how firefighting, which is on the list, puts them in danger pretty much every day too.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Switch Friend Code
So it looks like the Splatfest meta at this point is to predict the team that the least kids will be on such as what Roller Coasters (height restrictions), Decepticons (kids are more idealistic so will go for the heroes while adults want to sometimes watch the world burn) and now Cars (kids want to avoid "Are we there yet" as Zombie Aladdin theorized). This will most likely lead to less popular teams but with a higher ratio of better players. I love how this is far from the days people just wanted to pick the most popular team because of popularity mattering a lot back in the beginning.

This won't work as well for things where both kids and adults may enjoy the same thing on a similar ratio such as the marshmallows/hotdogs Splatfest so the win rate will be similar enough that popularity will be the deciding factor.
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Zombie Aladdin

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 19, 2015
Well, it won't concern someone like me, as I don't really care whether I win or lose a Splatfest (what's a bigger deal to me is if I reach Monarch rank), but winning would be a nice bonus.

There are also some games where you have frighteningly skilled children playing, like the Mario Kart series or the Yu-Gi-Oh! CCG, so you can't stereotype the very young players as just flailing baout and not knowing what thery're doing. (On the other hand, once you get below a certain age, they may lack the motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and ability to understand what's going on for them to be any good. I had a cousin over at my house once when he was 6 years old. He took an instant likening to Super Smash Bros. Brawl, picked up a Wii Remote, and was "playing" the demo, not realizing he wasn't doing anything.)

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