Also, Big Data lobbied against municipal internet pipelines.
Yep, that's the United States for you. It's also the one country where big companies can successfully lobby for new legislation, so you get stuff like ridiculously long times for patents and copyrights to expire and high tariffs for particular goods from particular countries.
That's disgusting. 1) It's just a game and Splatfest embodies the casual aspect of the game. There is absolutely no reason to be nasty about it. Not even the competitive part of Splatoon has that sort of trash talking. 2) Bringing up 9/11 is completely inappropriate and insensitive....this is why we can't have nice things. Sorry you experienced these things.
The kids who make jokes about 9/11 do so
because it's inappropriate and insensitive. They think it's funny because other people will be offended by it. They want to shock and disgust. It's the same audience that that
Manhunt 2 commercial was aimed at. You know, the one where middle-aged and elderly people talk about how depraved and horrific the game's violence is and wonder what kind of sick being creates and plays these games.
Also, we're at the point where there are a lot of people playing this game who weren't even born when 9/11 happened. It's 14 years ago now. If they were born after it, they won't know what the big deal is, and as far as they're concerned, it's a moment in history everyone keeps talking about andgrown-ups seem to take extremely seriously. They'd see it the way we'd see the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand or Joseph McCarthy's witch hunt.
Yep, and I don't think they should count either. I was on Team Cars and I won every match where one of their guys DC'd. I also won a match where one of ours DC'd immediately as the game started. Even that one shouldn't count.
Especially since people use their alternates to sabotage the other team.
Ah, I get it. There are people sabotaging teams by creating another account, or using their other one, and disconnecting in every match, isn't it? It requires a lot less effort than messing around or getting in people's way. But wouldn't that make them vulnerable to some sort of force that blocks people temporarily if they keep getting disconnected? Or is there no such thing in this game?
Me, I've had a case where I got disconnected from three matches in a row (not during a Splatfest) and decided to stop playing that day.
Kelp Dome's maze-like design can force battles as all the exits and entrances to both bases are pretty much side-by-side, so you'll almost always end up finding an enemy Inkling unless they're being spawn-camped (which isn't really easy to do here anyways) or they're in the opposite side of the map.
From my end, there WAS a lot of spawn-camping in Kelp Dome. Sometimes my team inked so much of the stage that the spawn platform was all that's left. Sometimes, we were the victim of it.
Then again, if there are teammates terrified of leaving the spawn point, or so terrified of opponents that they only ink ground of their own color and let opponents ink over it (retreating inwards as the match goes on), it's going to happen.